Australian in U.S. on baseball scholarship murdered by teens because they were bored

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
people like tanoomba and ancient and numbers love the black people. whats the odds of them living in a neighborhood where the only black people they interact with are their garderners or the postal service?
you mean blacks that HAVE TO be nice and deferential to them because they rely on them for their paycheck?


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
I must have some extraneous relationship with black people to form an opinion on white people.
Well, its funny that you mention this, because if you reverse it (a white person must be black to have a legitimate opinion on black culture otherwise they're RACIST) what you have is exactly what you're doing to everyone in this thread who dares to point out the race angle in this case, and the hypocrisy of the media's handling of this case in the context of the Zimmerman/Martin case.

The Ancient_sl

you mean blacks that HAVE TO be nice and deferential to them because they rely on them for their paycheck?
See is that not racist to suggest that the only reason I'd have a positive relationship with black people specifically is because they rely on me for money? Let me guess, it's not racist because it'sTRUE.

(a white person must be black to have a legitimate opinion on black culture otherwise they're RACIST)
Nope I haven't done that once, and I haven't offered my opinion on "black culture" as you are using it. You shouldn't be surprised to find I have the same opinion on the teens mentioned in this incident as you do, it's not strictly the opinion on the incident I have problem with.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
Are you saying that your only interaction with black people is when they are in positions to serve you?


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
This all comes down to the fact that Tanoomba gets his jimmies ultra rustled when someone says the N-word.

He's very delicate.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Nope I haven't done that once,
Yeah, its pretty much your entire argument

Here you explain to me how you're NOT saying that with this post

Black people shoot someone so it makes REROLLED NEWS so everyone can come around talking about 'Look at what theses American Inventors done again!' and feel okay about it.

Where was this news story? It was more interesting and just as deplorable.

The Ancient_sl

Yeah, its pretty much your entire argument

Here you explain to me how you're NOT saying that with this post
I can see how you are getting tripped up, but there is a difference between someone having an opinion about the black youth in the news story and others like them and taking an opportunity to start a thread and circle jerk about how you are right about them.

The difference is present in my posting in this thread vs most others, because as I said I have no love for "black culture" these youths represent. Having said that, I do also appreciate a difference between a misled youth and a symptomatic problem perpetrated solely on the basis of skin color. Most people aren't overt enough to say something absurd like "black people are inherently flawed", but "see here's another example that shows I'm right" serves the same purpose.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
was the trayvon news thread a "circle jerk"

you can't have it both ways.


This all comes down to the fact that Tanoomba gets his jimmies ultra rustled when someone says the N-word.

He's very delicate.
Not at all, Adebisibro. What rustles my jimmies is racism apologists. I take a very simple stance (that racism has a negative effect on society as a whole and is not a trait to be defended or championed), and people repeatedly misinterpret that as me pushing "white guilt" or some such nonsense. It would be one thing if I could pass it off as harmless trolling, but this is actually what a lot of people believe. It boggles my mind how consistently and repeatedly people are able to twist and misinterpret the things I say into something that couldn't be less related.

I could write an essay on how harmful thug culture is to society. I could have an hours-long discussion about what circumstances led these kids to commit such a horrific and inexcusable action. I could talk about everyone being responsible for their own personal choices and actions until I'm blue in the face, but it wouldn't matter. Saying "racism is part of the problem" erases all of that and somehow implies that I'm portraying black people as victims and white people as demons and oppressors (which is complete bullshit). A bunch of you guys don't read what I write, you read whatyou thinkI'm writing, which is almost always wrong regardless of how clear I'm being. Best possible example is Hodj. He's had me on ignore for over a month, and yet he still thinks he has some kind of authority to make claims about what I stand for. I would be offended if it weren't so overwhelmingly pathetic. It's not me who's the "delicate" one here.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
Saying "racism is part of the problem" erases all of that and somehow implies that I'm portraying black people as victims and white people as demons and oppressors
no that is what you are doing. in these specific cases.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
I can see how you are getting tripped up, but there is a difference between someone having an opinion about the black youth in the news story and others like them and taking an opportunity to start a thread and circle jerk about how you are right about them.
Here's my problem with this comment. The guy who made this thread Qhue doesn't seem to have created it for any of those reasons.

I dunno he can come in here and defend himself its not my job to do it for him, but reading his post, I really don't get how you think he was creating this thread so he and others could

circle jerk about how you are right about them
Now, I am making an assumption or two about what you are saying. Are you saying that this thread was made by Qhue solely so that he, and other "racists" could sit around saying "N gonna N" and "Oh man, we're so right about blacks being sub human savages!"?

Because it seems like that's basically what you're saying, but yet I don't see anything in Qhue's post which would lead me to think that was his intention on making this thread.

Rather what I see is him saying

It is interesting to see the media reaction to this story. Naturally it has huge coverage in AUS/NZ ,but in the U.S. coverage has been fairly muted so far.
Which was accurate at the time of posting, and then he pointed out that, while US media was ignoring the story, it was getting lots of headlines in other nations and on the internet, also true at the time of posting. That seems to be his sole intent. To start a thread on a controversial event that was apparently making a firestorm internationally but being ignored by our national media.

So, my point: Can you please explain to me where you are getting your conclusion that this thread exists solely as a circle jerk of anti black racism from Qhue's post?

In point of fact, Qhue's original post starting this thread is his only post in the thread as far as I can tell from the past 3 pages and the first 4, so unless he slipped one in on the one page I didn't check so far, I'd say its a far stretch to say this thread was created and exists solely for whites to circle jerk themselves into a frenzy over how much better they are than blacks.

The Ancient_sl

was the trayvon news thread a "circle jerk"

you can't have it both ways.
Yes, it was. I don't know if it started on this forum or one of it's previous incarnations, but there was a bandwagon of misled support for him without any knowledge of the facts surrounding the case at the beginning that I found distasteful. If the copy of the original thread was still alive, I believe we'd have evidence of me saying as such.

Hodj I'm not going to play the game where we cotton pick quotes and say "see nothing here" without context or recognition of inferences made.