Played this game when it first came out but never finished it (loved Acts 1 and 2 but lost motivation to finish in 3).
Anyway, getting ready to make another run at it from the beginning with the following self imposed rules:
1. No multiclassing
2. No tadpole abilities
Anyone have any good 4 person group suggestions?
Was thinking Sorc (tav), Fighter (Laz), Monk (Ast), and Cleric (Shadow). Not sure about subclasses, so open to suggestions.
Core party depends a lot on what you are intending to do at certain plot points, but assuming you are going semi good, here is a setup thats fairly solid and won't get boring.
1. Tav character Sword school bard (race is largely irrelevant, but human or half elf for free martial and shield profficiency helps) - You could go Evo Wiz here, but the bard brings so much to the table and emphasizes charisma so you can be the face man, lockpick, magical support, and offtank all in one. This really shines when you get the legendary trident in act 3, but you can stick to finesse until that point.
2. Asterion- Open Hand or Elemental Monk. The game showers you in Monk loot and Asterion's unique abilities make him even more potent with them later on. Stack damage as much as you can and consider minoring in bow use to supplement the beat down. He can cover skills you are not as Tav, like survival and possibly the theiving angle, if you need it. His eventual ability to fly also makes him an amazing wizard ganker.
3. Lazael- Warrior Mage Knight. Focusing on two handers and STR, there are many options here. The Mage Knight sub I like the best because it gives you so much in the way of utility, especially with regards to movement. And Lazael is probably one of the best written story characters too. Alternatively, you can do something similar with Karlach in a similar capacity by making a Warrior out of her and may want to for the temple portion of the story at least temporarily.
4. Minthara- Paladin or Battle Cleric, Rock solid second hitter with some added utility, Minthara also has some great dialog and story to her. Alternatively, if you like utility over raw power and are playing a good run, consider running Jahera as a Moon Druid in this space, with an emphasis on lightning and caster gear. When you need a nuker, have her hang back and deliver nukes. When you need another front line beatdown character, go Owlbear or Raptor and tear the place up (Run Shadowheart or Karlach until you get either one of these).
Not the strongest possible party, but lots of utility and will make the most out of the best weapons in the game. Bard especially gets overlooked, but can make most of the games skill checks outright trivial if set up correctly.
Why Bard Tav:
Bards have TONS of options and a big bag of tricks to draw on, including being a secont tier at almost any role in the game (front line combat, archery, buffing, nuking, sneaking, talking, lore). They also get the widest array of proficiency options, which when combined with their CHA focus (and unique BARD dialog options) make it one of the best possible face options to take while still covering key needs. The biggest issue you are going to have is not having Counterspell for certain fights, but the rest of the class (and the nice loot options, particularly the underdark bard sword) more than make up for it. They are also reasonably durable (if you took a race that allows for a shield) and mature into Dex/Cha focused characters fairly early in the game. Bonus points if you are a Loth worshiper in certain situations. It is just an all around fun and solid choice for the story and combat.
Characters I would avoid-
Gale- Gayness aside, just kind of pretentious and annoying and his story makes no sense. Feels like an author self insert. Does make an interesting Main replacing Tav, though.
Wyll- Just..... boring. His Devil keeper is the only remotely interesting part of him.
Halsim- Sub par druid (his shape shifting options are limited even if you respec) pervert with negligible story. Taking him also locks out the far superior Minthara.
Shadowheart- Not as bad as the others on this list, but super cliche. Use her only to keep her quest line (and its associated loot) available.
Minsc- Love the character, but he arrives so late that unless you want his unique dialog there is no point in taking him by the time you get him. A less capable Lazael or Minthara.
Karlach- Actually a decent character, but not much to her story (unless you make her the main). Plus again Lazael and Minthara have more to them and are better in combat. Making her the Bard replacement for Tav might be interesting, but I have not tried that.
Classes to Avoid-
Warlock- This class exists purely to exploit the multiclassing and is very blah on its own. I mean eldritch pew pew can be effective, but it gets very boring quickly.
Cleric- While the storm cleric combo is excellent, it is not as fun or good as when paired with the Storm Sorcerer. Battle Cleric is workable as an offtanker, but very rest dependent.
Sorcerer- Dependence on resting to be fully effective combined with narrow casting focuses that either make you a buffbot or a nuker make Sorcery a bad option for a no multiclass run.
Wizard- Same issues as Sorcerer (as well as low hp), but an Evocation Wizard is still a top tier ass kicker, especially with the available gear in the game.
Ranger- Has one good setup in multiclass, but otherwise completely inferior and boring to other options.
Barbarian- If you want a glass cannon mele type, there are many better options. Not a lot of good gear in the game for them compared to other classes.