Battlefield 4 (Frostbite 3)


After the initial "netcode" patch, shotties on PC were drastically more reliable, not perfect by any stretch but you can make the argument on some maps vs random high rof weapon.


Lord Nagafen Raider
There are a surprisingly large amount of 64 player full servers on the PS4 at all times of the day or night, on the EU servers HC typically slows right down late night but normal always has a large selection to play on.

I kinda love the glitch where you can equip stingers and aa mines at the same time then just get to a high spot and fuck heli pilots off to your hearts content.

AWS, I haven't really played with it until tonight, had heard all the raving about it but with ironsights I found it absolutely garbage, tonight I persevered some and as soon as I unlocked a scope it drastically changed my opinion, finally a non shit LMG to play with. If only they would fix the netcode so shotguns weren't absolutely useless I'd get some more variety.
I thought the AWS was meh, only 100 rounds? And the iron sight I felt was way to clutter as you can hardly see. I went back to the M249 as it appears to be the same weapon and you get 100 extra rounds; bonus!


<Gold Donor>
The AWS used to be the clear winner by a mile when first introduced, shit was like a laser beam of death. But now its like the M249 or the MG4, maybe slightly better.


Golden Squire
I thought the AWS was meh, only 100 rounds? And the iron sight I felt was way to clutter as you can hardly see. I went back to the M249 as it appears to be the same weapon and you get 100 extra rounds; bonus!
Yeah the ironsight on it is absolutely dogshit but a 1x scope is the first unlock so it doesn't last forever, I find it a lot more accurate than the MG4, the real reason I retried it was because I heard someone say it was like the ACE23 with a 100 round mag.

Sounds good to me.


Golden Knight of the Realm
I heard someone say it was like the ACE23 with a 100 round mag.
It essentially is; the ACE has 20% more vertical recoil and a 2x FSM versus the AWS' 1x, whereas the only tradeoff is slightly increased base ADS spread / horizontal recoil, the AWS also inherited AR rounds, so it doesn't suppress in the same manner that every other LMG does.


FPS noob
the phantom trainee gold assignment has been unlocked. you need access to PC battlelog and have premium BF4. Go to leaderboards, scroll down to bottom, click on the little skull.

after you get all the BIOS/bootscreen stuff, the two passwords are

epic dream worlds

you may have already typed the first password in, since it was figured out a while ago. after you type in the second type X and your phantom trainee assignment will be revealed -- 200 kills with pistols, 20 jet kills, 2 shotgun ribbons. reward is a snakeskin camo (wow)


Finally played the new expansion, when it's not rubber banding its pretty awesome. Reminds me a lot of Titan mode, just kinda wish the matches didnt end so quickly.


I just wish it didn't seem so lazily constructed. The carriers are boring to fight in and just badly designed. It's a fun game mode, and it could have filled the void of how bad rush is in BF4 but it seems like they didn't put much into it.

It's just enough to get me to maybe entertain the notion of buying their next game, whether that's Battlefront or whatever but I still feel like BF4 is a major disappointment. They keep posting these blogs about what they'll fix but they haven't really fixed jack shit with BF4

Also the maps remind me of the pacific islands and that makes me angry that there is no WW2 game on Frostbite 3


Lord Nagafen Raider
Does anyone have issues with assignments/unlocks syncing up with your Battlelog account as being completed? For example, I finished the M60 assignment last week however last night after a conquest map it still showed uncompleted and progression being made. I logged off and went to my PC Battlelog account and again it shows completed. So far its been the M60 and the MTAR.


Golden Squire
Does anyone have issues with assignments/unlocks syncing up with your Battlelog account as being completed? For example, I finished the M60 assignment last week however last night after a conquest map it still showed uncompleted and progression being made. I logged off and went to my PC Battlelog account and again it shows completed. So far its been the M60 and the MTAR.
If you mean in the progress menu it always says that, it's really annoying but as I've unlocked all the weapons anyway I don't really mind anymore.


Trump's Staff
The amount of ping exploiters are about to make me shelve this shit. It's gotten to the point where every match/server I join, all the high scorers of both teams are in the 150-200+ ping range. Hell, I play US servers from Germany and I still only have 100 ping. This netcode is balls terrible.


FPS noob
so rumor is at E3 EA is going to announce Battlefield Police, made by Visceral (makers of Dead Space 3). welp.

the jokes really write themselves


Pathetic Reaction Bot
That makes a LOT of sense for the ridiculous grenade deaths I've experienced. The more you know!


Not sure if it deserves it's own thread, but for those of you that enjoy the squad play and tactical element of the game, TC:phantoms was released and is free to play. Plays like a mixture of Rush mode mixed with a little CounterStrike and CoD and a bit of TC:Future Warrior.

Tom Clancys Ghost Recon Phantoms | Next Gen Free-To-Play Multiplayer Shooter

It's smaller scale, less action(splosions!) oriented, and way more team dependent (which is what BF4 is missing imo); but it can scratch that infantry tactics itch if you get bored with ROFL-COPTERs and stalling jet strafes.

It's extremely satisfying playing the recon class the way I want to in BF4 (forward support/observer) with my mp5 and cloak/scan device without fear of a vehicle camping me out after I clear a cap point.
highest ive ever had my skill. been really cleaning up on my favorite server lately



Vyemm Raider
I enjoy the skill roller coaster when new assignments come out and I'm doing some gay fucking to get them done. Plus my playtime is way down so I'm not near as good as I think I am, so I get a hard dose of reality until I realize I need to alter my play to not be a feeder.

I really miss the CQC maps from BF3. They were by far the best way to just jump in for a quick game without much care for finding a balanced match. (which usually turned into hours of quick games, but yeah...)


Golden Squire
Well Dragons Teeth the next DLC is supposed to be CQC so happy days on that count.

As far as the skill stat goes I very rarely play in an optimal way, I swap weapons frequently as well as gadgets because I want to experiment with something, I know what weapons and gadgets work optimally for each map but I just play for fun rather than my k/d ratio.

On Seige of Shanghai my new favourite thing is to fly the transport heli to the far side of the tower at C, park up and switch to a gunner spot and obliterate every enemy heli that comes your way, the cannons are so op now they just chew everything to pieces.