Misc Refugee Thread


Trakanon Raider
sup boyos?

you mirin' my avi?

can we use animated GIFs as avis?
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what Suineg set it to
Hey do any of you guys do metal working or fabrication stuff? I've always had an interest but just always outside the scope of my hobbies.
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Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
How many more times does your trashcan site have to shit the bed before you American Inventors give up on it?
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Silver Squire
How many more times does your trashcan site have to shit the bed before you American Inventors give up on it?
even if the site comes back up, it's still going to be riddled with child predators, stalkers, mentally ill people obsessed with looks stricken with body dysmorphia disorder problems

i actually kinda' want it to go away so we can all just move on
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Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
even if the site comes back up, it's still going to be riddled with child predators, stalkers, mentally ill people obsessed with looks stricken with body dysmorphia disorder problems

i actually kinda' want it to go away so we can all just move on

So it’s a Jewish site?

Shabbat Shalom Snl GIF
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The Mongler

Blackwing Lair Raider
Wow that's nothing like the movies, have I been lied to?
lol I always think back to about 10 years ago when some antifa chick that had seen too many movies tried to take on a 'nazi'. She got him square in the jaw and barely made him flinch, then he just casually obliterated her face
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Trakanon Raider
lol I always think back to about 10 years ago when some antifa chick that had seen too many movies tried to take on a 'nazi'. She got him square in the jaw and barely made him flinch, then he just casually obliterated her face
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Golden Squire
How many more times does your trashcan site have to shit the bed before you American Inventors give up on it?

It's like a junky friend you grew up with that you got to rehab several times, you finally give up on him but you always keep tabs cause you want to know when he finally goes
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<Prior Amod>
It's like a junky friend you grew up with that you got to rehab several times, you finally give up on him but you always keep tabs cause you want to know when he finally goes
yea and after a few too many times you take him out on a camping trip and then report to the popo that your friend is lost and when they ask you how did he get lost, you say "idk he's a drug addict, he probably took drugs, took off his shirt and ran down a hill"
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Molten Core Raider
holy fuk it is him. i was on their longer than misc.i cant believe he stalked me like that. wtf else could he know? fuk this isnt cool

Does wincel know it's you from the misc? Is he harassing you and trying to dox you? Can you explain what is going on? Is he the forum retard like he is on the misc?
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Golden Squire
holy fuk it is him. i was on their longer than misc.i cant believe he stalked me like that. wtf else could he know? fuk this isnt cool

that's one thing about the Misc I didn't like. There's a lot of government workers there, like cops, etc and more. And they have used their powers to dox people.

Hope you're alright brah
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Silver Knight of the Realm
Go shoot yourself in the leg again...

But seriously, it's either the end or they are in the process of fixing and testing the fix before bringing it back to life!

View attachment 545765
I just have to say, yup, that's the pre I was wtf'ing about earlier, and obligatory:

Never saw their pricing but I suspect that they didn't have the scale to meet the price points offered by Amazon / resellers with no B&M footprint...
Their bodyspace subscription alone... wow.

"$120.00 $49.99 yearly" or $9.99 a month, and I don't know for what.

As for the rest of their stuff, the pricing generally looks on par with what I think that it goes for, i.e. overpriced for basic-bitch supplements, which is the problem because you could spend around the same and at least get better stuff.

Apparently they sell gym "equipment" now, and they're on drugs that have been laced with more drugs.

$39.99 for a pair of 5 pound dumbbells, $344.99 for the 90 pound pair.

You're right, there is absolutely no way that they can be making any money now in 2024 when there countless other alternative places to buy from for less and with far more choices.
Once a miscer, always a miscer, I won't deny that. That being said, I find myself missing it less and liking it here more and more pretty much daily now. Mostly because the most annoying cunts on the misc aren't here. It's a legit breath of fresh air not seeing the biggest fucktards of the misc constantly blathering. And it keeps getting better the more solid miscers show up. This place seems a lot better at keeping the trash out where it belongs. was asleep at the wheel for how long with the Ron spammer, but as soon as there's basically one active thread going on: real talk.

If they really were/are going to close the forums, then the least they could have done was kept the misc closed off if they weren't going to bother either way.
nkiritsis13, I knew it was you dude.

Yeah, it was amazing how fucked up ABC was. Trump really got hit from all angles:

1) Moderators allowed Kamala to lie like a brazen sociopath
2) Moderators only asked him pointed questions
3) Moderators only fact-checked him
4) Moderators cut him off numerous times when he was in the middle of dropping bombs

Comparatively, the CNN debate with Biden was so much better. And that's fucking CNN.
The CNN debate was their wake-up call that they couldn't afford an actual debate, which makes the whole proceedings all the more suspect to a degree where I don't think you even need the case for an affidavit when it was so obviously scripted to be "rules for thee, not for me" on stage.
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