Misc Refugee Thread


This is the end...
<Gold Donor>
Tbh he was all over the place. One second talking God, the next second, a complete 360 and walked away

Yup; top your point, maybe he is confused about things and is truly searching for the answers...

I wish him every success in his endeavors but don't think that he is a good fit for this place! Super DFS
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Where's YeahOkayBrah & DaBrian, those 2 always made the most hilarious gifs. Hope Peng makes it too and posts some arrest links lol
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Big goobaaa

Golden Squire
Well if you got something meaningful out of your interactions with him, then I am happy for you...

He sure posted about homosexual shit frequently; like way more than "it's just a prank bro" so that is telling in an of itself!
He def was gay and used Jesus as a cover story
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Bronze Knight of the Realm
Well for one thing, as people like me and @Cleveland have mentioned here a few times now, the idea that the misc was under FBI watches and shit was always nonsensical. Epecially as late as the 2020's. Otherwise someone like wincel would have eventually caught real problems for a lot of the illegal shit he posted over the years.

besides saying he wanted insurgency on american soil what was he posting that was illegal? id love to kill him with my bare hands but i dont recall him doing anything illegal

Tasty The Treat

Golden Squire
As someone who joined the misc as a refugee from another site that closed down back in 2013, I remember 4 distinct eras: The 2010's Bozz/Kenclown/Bobbydoucheitaloa era, the covid/wincel going into overdrive era, the misc being made private for a year in 2021 - 2022 to lock wincel and the gang out during a change of ownership, and the post covid/mis re-opening 2022 - 2024 wincel going completely insane eras. They wanted the forum gone for a long time, and they finally did it by letting it break down beyond simple repair. The 2010's were easily 10x better than anything from the 2020's misc, especially before wincel first went insane around 2018.

I can do without the 2020's style misc, tbh. I was only there by then out of habit and remembering some old misc buddies.
The 2020's in general has just been a dark time for the internet. Bots have been taking over, big interests pushing all the narratives, everything continuing to get consolidated into just a few big-tech mega-corporate platforms, it's just sad to see. I think the worst thing about the misc shutting down was how it was one of the last holdouts of the old web 1.0 feel and culture for me. Now that it's gone, it's like that whole era of the internet and the way it felt is largely gone as well.
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Molten Core Raider
He def was gay and used Jesus as a cover story

Isn't Wise old ape the guy who said him and his buddy sucked each other off just to be bros one time or something along those lines, then insisted it was all jokes? Then he continued posting homo erotic stories a couple times a month and would tell his Jesus/mentally ill stories about demons and shit? I always viewed him as pretty low-IQ and in denial about his gayness, but he was harmless enough to deserve to be happy lol


Molten Core Raider
You'd be surprised at what kinds of fucked up shit wincel was posting on the misc in 2020/2021. It got so bad I had to turn off auto embeded pics in my misc settings for the remainder of its existence, because he was posting such vile shit largely unchecked that turning all links to need manual opening was the only way to avoid his shit. Tons upon tons of twisted fucked up porn, among other things. I'd hate to see a comprehensive list of wincel's most aggregious internet searches, srs.

Tasty The Treat

Golden Squire
You'd be surprised at what kinds of fucked up shit wincel was posting on the misc in 2020/2021. It got so bad I had to turn off auto embeded pics in my misc settings for the remainder of its existence, because he was posting such vile shit largely unchecked that turning all links to need manual opening was the only way to avoid his shit. Tons upon tons of twisted fucked up porn, among other things. I'd hate to see a comprehensive list of wincel's most aggregious internet searches, srs.
That and the dude was well known for shit like wishing death upon other users he didn't like. He's legitimately mentally ill.
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Molten Core Raider
That and the dude was well known for shit like wishing death upon other users he didn't like. He's legitimately mentally ill.

Trust me, I know. Wincel told me to go kill myself at least a few hundred times over the last 4 years. In my control panel, on the forum itself, and PM's. The cunt PM'd me to harass me about my dying dog I talked to the misc about some years back. I wouldn't piss on him if he were on fire, he's such a mentally ill asshole, and am content that his shit isn't tolerated here.
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The 2020's in general has just been a dark time for the internet. Bots have been taking over, big interests pushing all the narratives, everything continuing to get consolidated into just a few big-tech mega-corporate platforms, it's just sad to see. I think the worst thing about the misc shutting down was how it was one of the last holdouts of the old web 1.0 feel and culture for me. Now that it's gone, it's like that whole era of the internet and the way it felt is largely gone as well.
Feels. Even though misc kinda turned to chit with a lot of bad posters it sucks seeing it gone. I started miscing in 08 so all of my adult life misc was a part of it. It was the only forum, or social media for that matter, that I posted on.

FWIW after reading that message about the forums I think there still might be a chance they bring it back. Potentially after some rework (I hope). Social media is too big a part of businesses now that it would be a dumb move to remove any that you had.
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Shit Lord Supreme
I think he came back to RR to make a couple of posts then vanished again. He and Lori also pretended to be a thing after Alex kicked her away, IIRC.

Can't forget GaliemValent and his midget GF. All of the Louisiana drama. His "energy vampire" posts and then she outed his weirdness. The two of them slapfighting back and forth in the forums about who was the worse person. Galiem turning out to have bragged about slurping her period blood was also cringe-inducing. I think @Izo may have been involved with helping farm the lulz from them at the time? Oh, and the pictures that were posted of her, nude. Nightmare fuel. But hey, she could do "Advanced Algebra in her head" amirite?

Just ugh [/spoiler

Why do you make me remember these things?
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Bronze Knight of the Realm
Nope; they are amusing in a "bro forgot to take his meds today" kind of way...LOL
hes a schizo phaggot looney toon who talks to genies and demons. hes a POS. thinking his crazy ass is better than anyone and when i called his ass out he wants to call me phsyco for defending myself. id beat the breaks off him

Tasty The Treat

Golden Squire

Feels. Even though misc kinda turned to chit with a lot of bad posters it sucks seeing it gone. I started miscing in 08 so all of my adult life misc was a part of it. It was the only forum, or social media for that matter, that I posted on.

FWIW after reading that message about the forums I think there still might be a chance they bring it back. Potentially after some rework (I hope). Social media is too big a part of businesses now that it would be a dumb move to remove any that you had.
Yeah it would be nice if they bring it back but I feel like a large portion of the community will be lost forever, and I have strong doubts if that will ever happen. just feels like a really half-assed organization that can't get their shit together. Wouldn't be surprised if they wind up going out of business before long. The community was probably the only thing really bringing people there and making them value the site.