Misc Refugee Thread


Molten Core Raider
Mirin hard.

Whose wedding?

Yes, pulled the plug on the misc.

There is a where most of the boyos have landed.

They are just getting their feet under them but it is more classic misc than here. Hopefully they are able to make it but for myself I'm going stick around here.

If they're seriously tolerating the wincel bs and other similar shit on the other forum, then only retards would elect to go there over here. Srs
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Lord Nagafen Raider
If they're seriously tolerating the wincel bs and other similar shit on the other forum, then only retards would elect to go there over here. Srs
For the past year more than half the time I logged into misc I'd scroll the first page, see the same 3 or 4 topics and a bunch of fighting, then log off.

I don't see a point. It's gone. I will miss some of the guys over there now.

Reading the butthole alt thread titles made me feel like I was going fucken crazy myself. That was the most mentally ill thing I've encountered on the internet.
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Molten Core Raider
I just tried going over there. Why does it take so long for the pages to load? Slow servers or what?

I haven't tried yet, I don't even know the link to the site tbh. Just heard about it here.

My guess would be that whatever tech is being used is some dirt cheap free service bullshit. The kind of thing that's been available to let people easily create forums for a long time now. Free, or as close as you can get to to it, but absolute dogshit product as a result. I'd have a hard time believing they're using anything actually decent. But yeah, that'll make it run like shit.

I don't get why anyone even wasted the time to create a new misc just to call wincel a good guy and let him slither right in, though. Because we all know exactly how that bullshit is gonna go. Anyone interested in re-living wincel's antics from the real misc has to have type of mental issue causing them that problem, srs
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Molten Core Raider
This might make me sound like an old ass man, but why the fuck does EVERYTHING need to have a god damn ap nowadays? Trying to do something through ticket master, and it wants me to sign up for their mother fucking ap. 10 years ago, it wasn't like this. I'll make it work, but fuck how EVERYTHING needs to rely hardcore on your fucking phone just to make shit function that never needed that shit in the past.
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Kamala was pretty hot back in the day.
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Lord Nagafen Raider
This might make me sound like an old ass man, but why the fuck does EVERYTHING need to have a god damn ap nowadays? Trying to do something through ticket master, and it wants me to sign up for their mother fucking ap. 10 years ago, it wasn't like this. I'll make it work, but fuck how EVERYTHING needs to rely hardcore on your fucking phone just to make shit function that never needed that shit in the past.
Make sure to follow me on instagram for more exclusive offers,brah.


Molten Core Raider
For the past year more than half the time I logged into misc I'd scroll the first page, see the same 3 or 4 topics and a bunch of fighting, then log off.

I don't see a point. It's gone. I will miss some of the guys over there now.

Reading the butthole alt thread titles made me feel like I was going fucken crazy myself. That was the most mentally ill thing I've encountered on the internet.

Agreed. For people who don't remember the specifics, the main misc section specifically was made private in March 2021, to lock non-established users out from even lurking it. That was done to stop wincel's antics, as he was constantly using endless alts to plaster porn all over the forum, much of it very vile porn at that. He'd been going totally off the rails with that behavior exceptionally badly ever since the end of the 2020 elections, and they needed to shut his mentally ill ass down somehow during a sale of the company. The only real recourse normal users had to avoid it was to disable auto-embedding of pics so you had to manually open every tab so wincel's shit with his 5k alts stayed hidden from you.

Then the new owners allowed it to be re-opened despite a good number of longtime users like myself heavily advising against the re-opening. They did this by having punicepts create a thread asking if we wanted it closed back down to the public or to stay open to all, a thread she made shortly after the re-opening in July 2022. We tried warning them about wincel and how it would just be more of the same garbage as before they closed it. We talked about how peaceful of a year 2021 was without the bs, even if it wasn't an ideal solution - it worked.

But noooooo, they just charged ahead like total morons and kept it open anyway. Wincel used about 100 of his alts to tip the scales into favoring staying open in that punicepts poll thread, which I also pointed out to her, but she was too fucking dense to hear any of it. Then, exactly as predicted, they ended up losing their precious forum just 2 years after the re-opening. Serves 'em right, tbh. Not my problem anymore now that they broke my misc addiction by deleting it.
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Molten Core Raider
Yeah idk how to embed Imgur on this site but it’s a screenshot from their instagram on 9/12 responding to a comment about the forums. said “our engineering team is looking into it.” They also emailed chalup on 9/19 something along the lines of “we will let you know as soon as the forums are back up.” Of course the next day it was R.I.P.

To be fair, didn't we all know that the "team" telling us things like how they were "looking into it" were total bullshit answers? That's some pretty vague used car salesman lingo to use about a 25 year service you've suddenly let take a shit for 3 weeks straight.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Agreed. For people who don't remember the specifics, the main misc section specifically was made private in March 2021, to lock non-established users out from even lurking it. That was done to stop wincel's antics, as he was constantly using endless alts to plaster porn all over the forum, much of it very vile porn at that. He'd been going totally off the rails with that behavior exceptionally badly ever since the end of the 2020 elections, and they needed to shut his mentally ill ass down somehow during a sale of the company. The only real recourse normal users had to avoid it was to disable auto-embedding of pics so you had to manually open every tab so wincel's shit with his 5k alts stayed hidden from you.

Then the new owners allowed it to be re-opened despite a good number of longtime users like myself heavily advising against the re-opening. They did this by having punicepts create a thread asking if we wanted it closed back down to the public or to stay open to all, a thread she made shortly after the re-opening in July 2022. We tried warning them about wincel and how it would just be more of the same garbage as before they closed it. We talked about how peaceful of a year 2021 was without the bs, even if it wasn't an ideal solution - it worked.

But noooooo, they just charged ahead like total morons and kept it open anyway. Wincel used about 100 of his alts to tip the scales into favoring staying open in that punicepts poll thread, which I also pointed out to her, but she was too fucking dense to hear any of it. Then, exactly as predicted, they ended up losing their precious forum just 2 years after the re-opening. Serves 'em right, tbh. Not my problem anymore now that they broke my misc addiction by deleting it.
When I joined in 2016 (passed its hayday) it still had an afterglow. The entire forum had the vibe of a Testifier thread. There was ballbreaking and ribbing but it really did feel like it was done more out of engendering comaradery than out of real spite.

Now that it is all said and done I can see that around the time Testifier got run off of the forum was around the time the mood began to shift in the wrong direction.

Was he frauding? Maybe. Did Bigmane really have a stable of twinks? I dunno, probably not. That wasn't the point. They were funny characters.

Over the years the place became occupied by more and more members that were there to have fun at the expense of other members. The quips and trolling became more vindictive.

Free speech became a cudgel against any criticism. "It's my free speech! Misc is one of the last places where you can say what you want!"

Yes, and no one is saying you shouldn't be allowed to exercise it. Our question is "do you have anything else to say? No? Great, the shit is boring."

Contained within its own thread its not an issue. The problem is someone could make a thread about their grocery haul and someone would come in there with that tired ass shit.
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Bronze Knight of the Realm
Agreed. For people who don't remember the specifics, the main misc section specifically was made private in March 2021, to lock non-established users out from even lurking it. That was done to stop wincel's antics, as he was constantly using endless alts to plaster porn all over the forum, much of it very vile porn at that. He'd been going totally off the rails with that behavior exceptionally badly ever since the end of the 2020 elections, and they needed to shut his mentally ill ass down somehow during a sale of the company. The only real recourse normal users had to avoid it was to disable auto-embedding of pics so you had to manually open every tab so wincel's shit with his 5k alts stayed hidden from you.

Then the new owners allowed it to be re-opened despite a good number of longtime users like myself heavily advising against the re-opening. They did this by having punicepts create a thread asking if we wanted it closed back down to the public or to stay open to all, a thread she made shortly after the re-opening in July 2022. We tried warning them about wincel and how it would just be more of the same garbage as before they closed it. We talked about how peaceful of a year 2021 was without the bs, even if it wasn't an ideal solution - it worked.

But noooooo, they just charged ahead like total morons and kept it open anyway. Wincel used about 100 of his alts to tip the scales into favoring staying open in that punicepts poll thread, which I also pointed out to her, but she was too fucking dense to hear any of it. Then, exactly as predicted, they ended up losing their precious forum just 2 years after the re-opening. Serves 'em right, tbh. Not my problem anymore now that they broke my misc addiction by deleting it.
I guarantee wincel doesn't consider himself to be any way responsible for the whole place getting shut down
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Molten Core Raider
When I joined in 2016 (passed its hayday) it still had an afterglow. The entire forum had the vibe of a Testifier thread. There was ballbreaking and ribbing but it really did feel like it was done more out of engendering comaradery than out of real spite.

Now that it is all said and done I can see that around the time Testifier got run off of the forum was around the time the mood began to shift in the wrong direction.

Was he frauding? Maybe. Did Bigmane really have a stable of twinks? I dunno, probably not. That wasn't the point. They were funny characters.

Over the years the place became occupied by more and more members that were there to have fun at the expense of other members. The quips and trolling became more vindictive.

Free speech became a cudgel against any criticism. "It's my free speech! Misc is one of the last places where you can say what you want!"

Yes, and no one is saying you shouldn't be allowed to exercise it. Our question is "do you have anything else to say? No? Great, the shit is boring."

Contained within its own thread its not an issue. The problem is someone could make a thread about their grocery haul and someone would come in there with that tired ass shit.

Agreed on all points. Speaking to newer users who were there for nothing but to fuck with people and try to make their time there worse, I never understood why a character like the dingleberry assclown got any support there. He was literally wincel (hundreds to thousands of alt accounts, constantly logging in just to fuck with people, constantly telling people to go kill themselves, etc.), but without the commie propoganda. Honestly that fuck face was almost certainly just a different character that wincel himself made up, because everything they did was the same aside from the commie talk specifically.
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Misc Refugee
When I joined in 2016 (passed its hayday) it still had an afterglow. The entire forum had the vibe of a Testifier thread. There was ballbreaking and ribbing but it really did feel like it was done more out of engendering comaradery than out of real spite.

Now that it is all said and done I can see that around the time Testifier got run off of the forum was around the time the mood began to shift in the wrong direction.

Was he frauding? Maybe. Did Bigmane really have a stable of twinks? I dunno, probably not. That wasn't the point. They were funny characters.

Over the years the place became occupied by more and more members that were there to have fun at the expense of other members. The quips and trolling became more vindictive.

Free speech became a cudgel against any criticism. "It's my free speech! Misc is one of the last places where you can say what you want!"

Yes, and no one is saying you shouldn't be allowed to exercise it. Our question is "do you have anything else to say? No? Great, the shit is boring."

Contained within its own thread its not an issue. The problem is someone could make a thread about their grocery haul and someone would come in there with that tired ass shit.
I forgot about testi. Thanks for the memories man!
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Molten Core Raider
I guarantee wincel doesn't consider himself to be any way responsible for the whole place getting shut down

I agree that wincel wouldn't consider himself responsible for anything bad that happened with the forum in general, but it wouldn't shock me if he's currently patting himself on the back and telling himself that he played a pivotal role in getting a forum he described as a nazi board taken offline. That man has a literal NFL team facility worth of bs in his head to do the mental gymmastics with to make something like that happen. Now imagine if he had taken even just 10% of the autistic energy he aimed at the misc from 2016 - 2024 and took up some sort of positive personal hobby with it.
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