Misc Refugee Thread


Golden Knight of the Realm
my supplier from Columbia came in today - two good looking ladies - one milfy and the other young and really pretty - both in tight jeans and tight oxfords - my second favorite look after tight oxfords and tight pencil skirts...was a good meeting
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This is the end...
<Gold Donor>
my supplier from Columbia came in today - two good looking ladies - one milfy and the other young and really pretty - both in tight jeans and tight oxfords - my second favorite look after tight oxfords and tight pencil skirts...was a good meeting

No creepshots huh...

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Molten Core Raider
Fair enough; so what is the point...

No hate, just curious since you posted all that stuff above...
The point of contact is a few things

First and foremost - their is a group of people (including some fomer mods, competitors, and some who have been there 20+ years ) that would like access to the data - even is forum is froze- for the opportunity to save their various former journals (some very long)/ as well try to send contact info for 20+ year e friends. As well as some longer detailed info (or other) threads.

All the people didn't misc'r rush to alt forums and discords...

don't forget - the forum was more than just misc.

2. Get some answers of if future plans would eventually allow access to that anyway, and info on what may be coming up.

3. A few other general business questions involving possible purchases

Answer to why post that stuff?

I mean heck, this entire thread is about forum

- and now with the possible end of (or evolving of) something many people have been involved with - some may be curious as to wants going on, and any news related.

The company has been, frankly, rude about their silence in messaging / especially people who have helped like former mods and sponsors etc.

There are some who have just moved on, and that's fine- there are plenty curious who want to know.

There are a few who are so cool their chit don't stink, and are the new cool anti misc culture kids with this weird stay away from anything associated vibe lol

If anyone doesn't care, I would advise just skim past the post.

Myself? I'm curious
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This is the end...
<Gold Donor>
The point of contact is a few things

First and foremost - their is a group of people (including some fomer mods, competitors, and some who have been there 20+ years ) that would like access to the data - even is forum is froze- for the opportunity to save their various former journals (some very long)/ as well try to send contact info for 20+ year e friends. As well as some longer detailed info (or other) threads.

All the people didn't misc'r rush to alt forums and discords...

don't forget - the forum was more than just misc.

2. Get some answers of if future plans would eventually allow access to that anyway, and info on what may be coming up.

3. A few other general business questions involving possible purchases

Answer to why post that stuff?

I mean heck, this entire thread is about forum

- and now with the possible end of (or evolving of) something many people have been involved with - some may be curious as to wants going on, and any news related.

The company has been, frankly, rude about their silence in messaging / especially people who have helped like former mods and sponsors etc.

There are some who have just moved on, and that's fine- there are plenty curious who want to know.

There are a few who are so cool their chit don't stink, and are the new cool anti misc culture kids with this weird stay away from anything associated vibe lol

If anyone doesn't care, I would advise just skim past the post.

Myself? I'm curious

Gotcha; all seems reasonable...

Best of luck and hope you achieve your goals!
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Molten Core Raider
Yup; no idea so hence the question...

Others has suggested trying to get the data / logs etc to help migrate it to a new VB forum...
Yea, puniceps (discussed here earlier) is also trying to make contact to get logs and stuff / a few others as well.
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Trakanon Raider
Yup; no idea so hence the question...

Others has suggested trying to get the data / logs etc to help migrate it to a new VB forum...

tbh, I think anyone desperate enough to want to go to such lengths to bring in backup data from the old misc has to be severely mentally ill. Trying to do a legit resurrection of it like that is like trying to convince the annoying aspie guy who finally quit at your job after years of dealing with his shit to come back to the office. You got used to him while he was working there, even decided to strike up a work semi-buddyship with him when you saw no end in sight to his time around you at the company. Then he finally leaves you no choice but to accept that he is quitting and leaving, and the response is to beg the annoying cunt to reconsider and return rather than simply accepting that it's part of life and moving on? I don't get it.

Besides all that, we can already see miscreformed quickly going down the shitter thanks to wincel, the pajeet trolls, and a few other retards. How would putting up old posts on a new forum help other than to possibly annoy people by forcing them to appear like users on a forum they never signed up for by reposting everyone's old shit from the old misc? Sometimes it really is best to simply let go and move on.
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<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
The point of contact is a few things

First and foremost - their is a group of people (including some fomer mods, competitors, and some who have been there 20+ years ) that would like access to the data - even is forum is froze- for the opportunity to save their various former journals (some very long)/ as well try to send contact info for 20+ year e friends. As well as some longer detailed info (or other) threads.

All the people didn't misc'r rush to alt forums and discords...

don't forget - the forum was more than just misc.

2. Get some answers of if future plans would eventually allow access to that anyway, and info on what may be coming up.

3. A few other general business questions involving possible purchases

Answer to why post that stuff?

I mean heck, this entire thread is about forum

- and now with the possible end of (or evolving of) something many people have been involved with - some may be curious as to wants going on, and any news related.

The company has been, frankly, rude about their silence in messaging / especially people who have helped like former mods and sponsors etc.

There are some who have just moved on, and that's fine- there are plenty curious who want to know.

There are a few who are so cool their chit don't stink, and are the new cool anti misc culture kids with this weird stay away from anything associated vibe lol

If anyone doesn't care, I would advise just skim past the post.

Myself? I'm curious

Your forum probably just existed as the illegitimate mutated bastard son that they kept locked in the basement and hid from public view. Unfortunately, someone new bought the house and they want the basement mutants evicted.

If someone had contact with whoever was ACTUALLY responsible for the forum data, you MIGHT be able to save it, but not only is it probably too fucking late now, but may not even want it out there in any form (wipe everything clean and start over) and the whole 'contact the new boss lady' doesn't make a lot of sense.

We've gone through similar bullshit in the past. Usually someone HAS all of the data for the forum, but everyone is bailing BECAUSE of their bullshit, so to add insult to injury they want to SELL you that data. And not only that, they want to charge you a fucking PREMIUM for data that is of no use to ANYONE else.

I think that's happened to us twice now (?) and both times we ended up accepting that it was better to tell them to fuck off, and just accepted that the data was gone.

But do whatever you want. Maybe you'll hit the jackpot and they'll just give you everything? I dunno, but I wish you luck

Losing contact with people is a concern, but that's also the downside to going somewhere else and fucking around on alts or changing names. If I came back to a forum to find it gone, I'd probably hope that any new forum would at least be partially indexed, and I'd start googling usernames to see where they went.
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This is the end...
<Gold Donor>
tbh, I think anyone desperate enough to want to go to such lengths to bring in backup data from the old misc has to be severely mentally ill. Trying to do a legit resurrection of it like that is like trying to convince the annoying aspie guy who finally quit at your job after years of dealing with his shit to come back to the office. You got used to him while he was working there, even decided to strike up a work semi-buddyship with him when you saw no end in sight to his time around you at the company. Then he finally leaves you no choice but to accept that he is quitting and leaving, and the response is to beg the annoying cunt to reconsider and return rather than simply accepting that it's part of life and moving on? I don't get it.

Besides all that, we can already see miscreformed quickly going down the shitter thanks to wincel, the pajeet trolls, and a few other retards. How would putting up old posts on a new forum help other than to possibly annoy people by forcing them to appear like users on a forum they never signed up for by reposting everyone's old shit from the old misc? Sometimes it really is best to simply let go and move on.

Bruh, stop being one of the cool kids...

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Golden Knight of the Realm
tbh, I think anyone desperate enough to want to go to such lengths to bring in backup data from the old misc has to be severely mentally ill. Trying to do a legit resurrection of it like that is like trying to convince the annoying aspie guy who finally quit at your job after years of dealing with his shit to come back to the office. You got used to him while he was working there, even decided to strike up a work semi-buddyship with him when you saw no end in sight to his time around you at the company. Then he finally leaves you no choice but to accept that he is quitting and leaving, and the response is to beg the annoying cunt to reconsider and return rather than simply accepting that it's part of life and moving on? I don't get it.

Besides all that, we can already see miscreformed quickly going down the shitter thanks to wincel, the pajeet trolls, and a few other retards. How would putting up old posts on a new forum help other than to possibly annoy people by forcing them to appear like users on a forum they never signed up for by reposting everyone's old shit from the old misc? Sometimes it really is best to simply let go and move on.
maybe we can layoff miscreformed - people are already trying to start trouble like it's a competition between here and there
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Molten Core Raider
There is definitely different that a groups looking at this from different vintage points.

I was a r/p regular - but hardly ever post in misc.

I think I made prob 4 post and 2 threads there my entire time - and don't even relate to some of what is being in here, or even who some of the misc are.

before that (and lurker during) I always read nutrition, supplements, and workout plans

But the forum itself / has been a reference point for me for years - as well as entertainment.

I think of all the alan aragon threads/post is the nutrition section I used to quote, read or send people.

And damn the multiple types of workout logs/ plans I used to pick up from.

tons of injury recovery stuff that helped me.

Some of the old Patrick Arnold (the "clear" and other stuff, Ron Kramer, neuron, nohype, matt Cahill (and the craze thing), great debates.

There was a ton of good stuff there, years ago, not just the misc

and web archive use can be a pain in the ass
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Trakanon Raider
Your forum probably just existed as the illegitimate mutated bastard son that they kept locked in the basement and hid from public view. Unfortunately, someone new bought the house and they want the basement mutants evicted.

If someone had contact with whoever was ACTUALLY responsible for the forum data, you MIGHT be able to save it, but not only is it probably too fucking late now, but may not even want it out there in any form (wipe everything clean and start over) and the whole 'contact the new boss lady' doesn't make a lot of sense.

We've gone through similar bullshit in the past. Usually someone HAS all of the data for the forum, but everyone is bailing BECAUSE of their bullshit, so to add insult to injury they want to SELL you that data. And not only that, they want to charge you a fucking PREMIUM for data that is of no use to ANYONE else.

I think that's happened to us twice now (?) and both times we ended up accepting that it was better to tell them to fuck off, and just accepted that the data was gone.

But do whatever you want. Maybe you'll hit the jackpot and they'll just give you everything? I dunno, but I wish you luck

Losing contact with people is a concern, but that's also the downside to going somewhere else and fucking around on alts or changing names. If I came back to a forum to find it gone, I'd probably hope that any new forum would at least be partially indexed, and I'd start googling usernames to see where they went.

I don't get why some miscers can't let go and accept that the past is the past and move on. It's like this is the first time they've ever experienced a forum they liked shutting down. Shit, I was a refugee to the misc back in 2013 when a different forum I had used for a decade went down. Shit happens, there's really no need to desperately cling to old data no one outside of miscers give a shit about (i.e., nobody fucking cares but a dozen miscers still big mad about the shutdown).

The people bitchin about losing contact with old pals also amuse me. The misc remained up for 3 weeks with people posting in the Kiop glitch thread where it was obvious a full shutdown was looming due to lack of interest by site owners in repairing it. Then they removed the tabs to the forums from the main site a few days before the plug was pulled. It really doesn't get much more obvious than that than a big clear announcement, but do you think the people wanted to put up with what would have happened if they gave people warning? People had time to exchange info/new forum names/etc., as they could have done in the past 5+ years of heavy speculation that this would happen. They chose to sit on their hands and whine about it all afterwards. Makes zero sense to me at all
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Trakanon Raider
There is definitely different that a groups looking at this from different vintage points.

I was a r/p regular - but hardly ever post in misc.

I think I made prob 4 post and 2 threads there my entire time - and don't even relate to some of what is being in here, or even who some of the misc are.

before that (and lurker during) I always read nutrition, supplements, and workout plans

But the forum itself / has been a reference point for me for years - as well as entertainment.

I think of all the alan aragon threads/post is the nutrition section I used to quote, read or send people.

And damn the multiple types of workout logs/ plans I used to pick up from.

tons of injury recovery stuff that helped me.

Some of the old Patrick Arnold (the "clear" and other stuff, Ron Kramer, neuron, nohype, matt Cahill (and the craze thing), great debates.

There was a ton of good stuff there, years ago, not just the misc

and web archive use can be a pain in the ass

Not to sound like an elitist douche, but if you posted almost excluisvely in the subs and hardly ever the main misc, you didn't get the full miscer expierence... like, at all lol. Not saying that as an insult, but it's just true
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Trakanon Raider
maybe we can layoff miscreformed - people are already trying to start trouble like it's a competition between here and there

Maybe you're right. miscreformed clearly has a mountain of wincel and other bullshit going on right now, so I guess they really don't need any more shit lol
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Molten Core Raider
Your forum probably just existed as the illegitimate mutated bastard son that they kept locked in the ......
I get what you mean here for sure- there is a little more moving parts to this situation though.

here you got sponsored logs companies paid for, sponsored paid review, professional competitors logs and promotions, etc.

Some of it has run out on statute, some is debatable.

And in some cases this is owners the site has done business with before, and is likely going to be doing business with again.

especially with the expanded quality control effort , some portions are kind of relevant

Many of those get little to know activity anymore, but is still referenced- and in some cases money was involved.

And then some athletes that used their threads as ability to set up promotions later / etc

There is a lot of stuff here.
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Molten Core Raider
Not to sound like an elitist douche, but if you posted almost excluisvely in the subs and hardly ever the main misc, you didn't get the full miscer expierence... like, at all lol. Not saying that as an insult, but it's just true
Your not wrong

I read it a few days a week from 2010-2014is, and really haven't almost at all since then.

I don't really have any idea what the last 10 years was like there, nor care much about that sections data.

I do get what it was like in the early 2010's

but this forum was many other things for a few decades

as far as where I actually made post (not just sections I read or referenced) I was almost exclusively r/p for posting
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Golden Knight of the Realm
I get what you mean here for sure- there is a little more moving parts to this situation though.

here you got sponsored logs companies paid for, sponsored paid review, professional competitors logs and promotions, etc.

Some of it has run out on statute, some is debatable.

And in some cases this is owners the site has done business with before, and is likely going to be doing business with again.

especially with the expanded quality control effort , some portions are kind of relevant

Many of those get little to know activity anymore, but is still referenced- and in some cases money was involved.

And then some athletes that used their threads as ability to set up promotions later / etc

There is a lot of stuff here.
Yeah but I bet the terms of agreement we all checked when creating an account say they can shut it down at will
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Trakanon Raider
maybe we can layoff miscreformed - people are already trying to start trouble like it's a competition between here and there
Seconded. We were on to other things yesterday but then uodates about plans for a final form got posted and some opinions were shared.

I think we've covered it, though. Lol
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Trakanon Raider
I get what you mean here for sure- there is a little more moving parts to this situation though.

here you got sponsored logs companies paid for, sponsored paid review, professional competitors logs and promotions, etc.

Some of it has run out on statute, some is debatable.

And in some cases this is owners the site has done business with before, and is likely going to be doing business with again.

especially with the expanded quality control effort , some portions are kind of relevant

Many of those get little to know activity anymore, but is still referenced- and in some cases money was involved.

And then some athletes that used their threads as ability to set up promotions later / etc

There is a lot of stuff here.

Maybe we should try celebrating what we once had by posting some of the type of material that would get some laugh back home on the misc?
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