Misc Refugee Thread


Golden Squire
There is only one political poll that has any validity, in my opinion. And it's the internal polls done by both campaigns. They're the only ones who have a vested interest in seeing how they are really doing.

All of the rest? The media companies, they're all motivated to word the questions in a certain way, to shape a narrative that favors their desired outcome. Since 90+% of media supports democrats... then...


<Prior Amod>
Does Chinese style mean "bite sized" sausages?

Can I fit like 3 of em at once?

The Office Smile GIF
think shriveled hot dog
  • 1Worf
  • 1Barf
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<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
If you're just going to Biden the explanation anyway in a few months, why should I even bother?


That's a bunch of malarkey! I'm as sharp as a tack. I can still remember my one birthday where someone made me some toast, and I fucking love toast. Hell, I smell toast all the time, and I can smell it even now. Oh, it was my daughter that made me the toast. No, my wife makes me toast too, doesn't yours? But that's not the point. We're getting away from the real point, and that's that people that complain about that Galaxy Brain reactions are just gonna GET that Galaxy Brain reaction given to them. Right? So you just got to go with it, trust me. It'll all work out, but we need to stand united against Russian aggression.

You know, I can still remember when Millie was posing as a chick on FOH, and shadow-banning them. That was just wrong. Can you believe that people let that happen? Sad. And now Hillary wants to ban anyone that pretends to be a Millie, and I think she makes a good point. We really need to be on the watch for that. It's important.

Oh, what were we talking about again? We really need to invest into the forum's granularity. That's the ticket. We need to cover our bridges before we burn them all. It's just good policy.
  • 1Truth!
  • 1Worf
  • 1Galaxy Brain
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Trakanon Raider
There is only one political poll that has any validity, in my opinion. And it's the internal polls done by both campaigns. They're the only ones who have a vested interest in seeing how they are really doing.

All of the rest? The media companies, they're all motivated to word the questions in a certain way, to shape a narrative that favors their desired outcome. Since 90+% of media supports democrats... then...
What are the latest internal polling numbers saying?

If Harris support is anywhere in the ballpark of what the media says then we have a cultural rot that can't be fixed by a second Trump presidency. We need a second Trump presidency. He can use policy to obstruct them but they'll be back at the polls in 2028.

I'm in Cali so my vote is purely symbolic. Maybe after this election the Cali electorate will start questioning how the Dems win everything here while the quality of life continues to decline and people are clearly unhappy.....
Suspicious Futurama GIF
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The night terrors I have zero recollection of. I only know about them because my mother told me about them.

For example she told me that one night she was in the living room watching TV and I came calmly walking in. I was walking passed her and she asked what I was doing. I said that someone was hurting my sister and I was getting a k ife to stop them. She said I was awake and looking at her but no one was home. Saod she had to restrain me until I woke up.

Panic attacks I recall but they're all murky. The start with a errie sensory shift where everything suddenly feels wrong and it feels like you just woke up, but there has been no lapse in conciousness and you know there hasn't been a lapse in conciousness. Really unsettling feeling.

Nightmares for me nowadays are dreams where I cheat on my wife and my family falls apart. Lol

That's crazy about the ghosts. Do you think they were actual spirits of hallucinatory figments of your imagination?
DAMN! Sounds like sleep walking but in the worst possible state. Glad you got through those episodes, I think our brains block out traumatic events like that from our childhood. You’re a good dude, plenty of guys would love dreams about smashing women other than their wives lol.

As for the ghosts, I’m not sure. They looked like shadow figures, like silhouettes of people but they moved around my bed when I was very young. I tend to pass them off as hallucinations of the undeveloped brain, but I keep an open mind. My grandmother has told me stories of her supernatural experiences and most of what I saw was in her home. I don’t know her to be a liar and some of them are too creepy for coincidence.
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Trakanon Raider
What are the latest internal polling numbers saying?

If Harris support is anywhere in the ballpark of what the media says then we have a cultural rot that can't be fixed by a second Trump presidency. We need a second Trump presidency. He can use policy to obstruct them but they'll be back at the polls in 2028.

I'm in Cali so my vote is purely symbolic. Maybe after this election the Cali electorate will start questioning how the Dems win everything here while the quality of life continues to decline and people are clearly unhappy.....
Suspicious Futurama GIF

Cali was lost permanently after Reagan signed his mass amnesty bill, tbh. Same with Oregon and Washington. Then they move and spread the problems elsewhere by voting for the same retarded shit they voted in to ruin their home states, with Cali being the worst offender for that.
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Trakanon Raider
DAMN! Sounds like sleep walking but in the worst possible state. Glad you got through those episodes, I think our brains block out traumatic events like that from our childhood. You’re a good dude, plenty of guys would love dreams about smashing women other than their wives lol.

As for the ghosts, I’m not sure. They looked like shadow figures, like silhouettes of people but they moved around my bed when I was very young. I tend to pass them off as hallucinations of the undeveloped brain, but I keep an open mind. My grandmother has told me stories of her supernatural experiences and most of what I saw was in her home. I don’t know her to be a liar and some of them are too creepy for coincidence.

The human mind is incredibly good at deciding to automatically assign things to supernatural experiences just because they are unable to perfectly explain something with logic. Think of all the shit that goes on today thanks to tech alone that would essentially strike people from 100 years ago as basically unexplainable magic until they actually got properly educated on how it works. Then factor in the human nature to feel self-important and think what goes on around themselves is a big deal, and it's super easy to just say supernatural circumstances caused whatever it was rather than dealing with the potential discomfort of simply admitting to yourself that you just don't know what's really up with whatever.

To be clear, none of that is said to be insulting. I'm just throwing out the thoughts of someone who attempts to think like a logician and requires some degree of imperical evidence before I automatically conclude something is supernatural. As a result, I essentially never see things as supernatural.
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Thumbs up has to be = positive
Black power in a funny way = positive
Ward laughing = funny positive
Pathetic = negative
Tiny brain? Inside a skull = dumb negative
Retarded helmet = retarded
SNL caveman = negative calling you primitive?
NPC = negative sheep
Smirking wojack = have no idea
Big brain = sarcastic calling you smart so maybe positive teasing kind of way
Edgelord = pretty sure negative

How do I get more options or what do I type ?
  • 1Jonesing
  • 1Thoughts & Prayers
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Trakanon Raider
Not a true nerd. My recall of math equations is absolutely dogshit. Anything to do with abstraction and visualization sign me up.

Something as concrete as math I find too tedious. I can do it but it feels like pulling teeth.

Math can be a real pain in the ass for people who enjoy/are prone to thinking in the gray/abstract for the reasons you talked about. I'm pretty much the same way. I can do math, but I'm not great at it, and I don't enjoy it. So I was just glad I can make a living without it and can have other people be good at it for me, so to speak
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  • 1Solidarity
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What are the latest internal polling numbers saying?

If Harris support is anywhere in the ballpark of what the media says then we have a cultural rot that can't be fixed by a second Trump presidency. We need a second Trump presidency. He can use policy to obstruct them but they'll be back at the polls in 2028.

I'm in Cali so my vote is purely symbolic. Maybe after this election the Cali electorate will start questioning how the Dems win everything here while the quality of life continues to decline and people are clearly unhappy.....
Suspicious Futurama GIF
I am also in Cali, although NorCal so It's a bit less left leaning up here, but the state in run by Democrats. I keep telling myself at some point the momentum will swing back toward the middle. Going to be a rough couple of years here though. The state is broke and will be broke for a while.
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Trakanon Raider
I am also in Cali, although NorCal so It's a bit less left leaning up here, but the state in run by Democrats. I keep telling myself at some point the momentum will swing back toward the middle. Going to be a rough couple of years here though. The state is broke and will be broke for a while.
I'm in NorCal, too. Just outside Sacramento.

Went up to Apple Hill the other week and felt like I was back in the Midwest. Felt good.

It's pretty sad how disinterested the Cali electorate seems to be.
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I'm in NorCal, too. Just outside Sacramento.

Went up to Apple Hill the other week and felt like I was back in the Midwest. Felt good.

It's pretty sad how disinterested the Cali electorate seems to be.
Damn bruh, just North of Sac here. Apple Hill is nice but it's so damn crowded.

Me and the wife were up at a wedding in Placerville 2 weekends ago and it was nice up there.


Trakanon Raider
I'm in NorCal, too. Just outside Sacramento.

Went up to Apple Hill the other week and felt like I was back in the Midwest. Felt good.

It's pretty sad how disinterested the Cali electorate seems to be

Sucks to be stuck in a deep blue state like CA or NY, but they've pretty much just gone further and further left over the past 30 years. Demographic shifts are only ensuring it will just continue to get worse. Classic commie tactics by getting people addicted to shitloads of government spending in a very difficult to break cycle short of completely scrapping the place and starting over totally fresh