Misc Refugee Thread


Golden Knight of the Realm
It will never not bother me that it became an essentially banned word in common society because woke retards decided it was always nothing but a slur against gays when that was seldom how it was actually used
back in this the 90s phags were calling other phags phaggots a lot like nikkas call other blacks nikkas.its lost all meaning except that its just a fun word. i would never call a sraight guy a phaggot unless i knew it would piss them off.nowadays if you call a phag a phaggot and makes them mad its cause deep down they hate themselves.they hate who they are.same with trans people.they hate themselves and by "changing their gender" they think they might become to accept themselves but it usually backfires and they end up killing themselves or become addicts.its actually fact these people hate themselves so much,they DEMAND that we love and accept them because they cantthe ones that like being called queer and phags actually think its a compliment. i was in jail with this little black flamer and he called himself a queer little bitch all the time.he was annoying but at least he was honest with himself. this little phaggot could fight would be surprised how mant can

of the biggest words that might make me throw down is stupid or dumb since im far from it.might throw down if someone called mea phaggot or bitch too.being locked up the worst thing you can call someone is a bitch.99.9% theres gonna be a fight.sorry for the rambling.just did my last line and was gonna walk to the liquor store but im too tired.fuck
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Golden Knight of the Realm
everyone liked me there.

im scared after posting here

but srs, lets get together and stop the bs
wtf are you on about?you want everone to hold hands and suck each others dicks? be a fucking man. words only hurt if you let them.dont be a pussy.its mostly jokes anyway unless i missed something
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Golden Knight of the Realm
i love humor. i believe it is a fundamental part of happiness. but i dont understand being called a 'faggot' over and over again, there's an (in my opinion) undeserved and underlying reason for that from the second party
And yet you defend wincel when he tells people to kill themselves over and over again.

Do you not think that there is an "undeserved and underlying reason for that"?
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<Gold Donor>
back in this the 90s phags were calling other phags phaggots a lot like nikkas call other blacks nikkas.its lost all meaning except that its just a fun word. i would never call a sraight guy a phaggot unless i knew it would piss them off.nowadays if you call a phag a phaggot and makes them mad its cause deep down they hate themselves.they hate who they are.same with trans people.they hate themselves and by "changing their gender" they think they might become to accept themselves but it usually backfires and they end up killing themselves or become addicts.its actually fact these people hate themselves so much,they DEMAND that we love and accept them because they cantthe ones that like being called queer and phags actually think its a compliment. i was in jail with this little black flamer and he called himself a queer little bitch all the time.he was annoying but at least he was honest with himself. this little phaggot could fight would be surprised how mant can

of the biggest words that might make me throw down is stupid or dumb since im far from it.might throw down if someone called mea phaggot or bitch too.being locked up the worst thing you can call someone is a bitch.99.9% theres gonna be a fight.sorry for the rambling.just did my last line and was gonna walk to the liquor store but im too tired.fuck
This is a natural born pantheon player if I've ever seen one.
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Golden Knight of the Realm
And yet you defend wincel when he tells people to kill themselves over and over again.

Do you not think that there is an "undeserved and underlying reason for that"?
WAIT JUST A FUCKING MINUTE!? that guy defends wincel? anyone who defends wincel is a POS phaggot too.AND this guy is scared to get his little fee fee hurt?fuck this little bitch phaggot.anyone whe defends wincel is an enemy of mine. plus anyone who defends him is low iq by default.fuck him. wish i could neg
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Golden Knight of the Realm
WAIT JUST A FUCKING MINUTE!? that guy defends wincel? anyone who defends wincel is a POS phaggot too.AND this guy is scared to get his little fee fee hurt?fuck this little bitch phaggot.anyone whe defends wincel is an enemy of mine. plus anyone who defends him is low iq by default.fuck him. wish i could neg
Apparently wincel just lashes out at people who undeservedly hate him or something along those lines...

Otherwise he's a "nice guy".
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Golden Knight of the Realm
Apparently wincel just lashes out at people who undeservedly hate him or something along those lines...

Otherwise he's a "nice guy".

Apparently wincel just lashes out at people who undeservedly hate him or something along those lines...

Otherwise he's a "nice guy".
nice guy.yeah right. can anyone actually think of one nice thing that bitch ever said? think the nicest thing he said to a guy was "dont worry.when the revolution comes maybe your family will be spared" or something along those lines. there was nothing nice about him. he needs to be locked up and throw away the key.coincidently my beef with started here on this website when misc shut down a couple weeks.i never even talked to him before but i was like damn so your wincel huh.i knew it was him cause he was spouting commie shit or something
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Golden Knight of the Realm
and its always commies we preach equality and nonviolence but they are willing to mass murder the people the dont like or who get in their way.thats what communism is. its a cover up so the select few can have their cake and eat it too while common man suffers ang gets a small pittance.back in the day spam was like the best shit they got
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and its always commies we preach equality and nonviolence but they are willing to mass murder the people the dont like or who get in their way.thats what communism is. its a cover up so the select few can have their cake and eat it too while common man suffers.

Commies never really spoke about nonviolence, because they knew bloody revolution was the only way to achieve their political aims. Really no different than the neoliberal capitalists in America. They just send in the US military to take over whatever markets are of value in foreign lands. Just look what the aims are in Ukraine lol.

Lenin and Marx's analysis of capitalism was accurate to a tee.
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Molten Core Raider
There's a tendency amongst intellectuals to be compassionate to the point of naïveté. MM fits that profile pretty well. That's why so much of the tech industry votes against their own self interests while handing their jobs over to automation. They think they're doing something for the greater good by suffering, when really they're just making life worse for the rest of us. MM you're not helping, you're being taken advantage of.
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Molten Core Raider
Commies never really spoke about nonviolence, because they knew bloody revolution was the only way to achieve their political aims. Really no different than the neoliberal capitalists in America. They just send in the US military to take over whatever markets are of value in foreign lands. Just look what the aims are in Ukraine lol.

Lenin and Marx's analysis of capitalism was accurate to a tee.
Yes it was accurate and I'll take it a step farther.

Capitalism cannot work in a low trust society, so trust is intentionally being destroyed. Marxism is not for the people, its to divide people so they can be ruled.
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Golden Knight of the Realm
Commies never really spoke about nonviolence, because they knew bloody revolution was the only way to achieve their political aims. Really no different than the neoliberal capitalists in America. They just send in the US military to take over whatever markets are of value in foreign lands. Just look what the aims are in Ukraine lol.
thats pretty darn close to whta i was talking about they never was gonna be violence to begin with. they were too old,tired sick,poor and hungry anyway.revolution was never in the cards at the still messed up from the hospital. i was talking more like hipster ph@ggot commiw wannabes like wincel. REAL communism was much more complex that what these hipsters think it was. you have ration tickets for one got your some toiletpaper,just enough clothes to last the winter.some bread and preseved meat and some canned food. few other things and thats it. it reminds me exactly wen i was in prison.we would line up single TP,toothbrush,soap think that was about it. if you had moneey though you could order extra. even if you had money that was all you got cause they had to make sure there was enough to go around back then.pretty sure jail is better than back then. you could probably get sent to the Gulag if the found out you were hoarding sorry and i need coffee or something but im pretty sure thats real communisn. not where everyone gets a mansion,car,PS5 and TVs. i hear some illigals are getting shit like that though. these POS would rather take care of violent criminals than their own vets.its mind boggling

in actuality we do have the means for everyone to live comfortably and live easy good clean lives but then nothing would get done and quite frankly i dont wanna see some low iq zoomer kid or thug driving in a nice car they dont even know how to drive. i just had a pretty good thought right now. maybe the smarter you are the better the stuff you got.the dumber you are the smaller and crappier stuff you could get. but then you would still get jealous people robbing you. it just simply does not work. i dont think we will ever have a system that acually works.people could ya know, but works for suckers right?these phaggot soyboys dont even have any skills. we arent gonna have a choice but for robots an universal will happen.FFS they consider making coffee skill.rant over.drugs wearing off.gotta make coffe for the walk to the liquor store. but for the most part im right
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