Misc Refugee Thread


Golden Knight of the Realm
Commies never really spoke about nonviolence, because they knew bloody revolution was the only way to achieve their political aims. Really no different than the neoliberal capitalists in America. They just send in the US military to take over whatever markets are of value in foreign lands. Just look what the aims are in Ukraine lol.
thats pretty darn close to whta i was talking about they never was gonna be violence to begin with. they were too old,tired sick,poor and hungry anyway.revolution was never in the cards at the still messed up from the hospital. i was talking more like hipster ph@ggot commiw wannabes like wincel. REAL communism was much more complex that what these hipsters think it was. you have ration tickets for one got your some toiletpaper,just enough clothes to last the winter.some bread and preseved meat and some canned food. few other things and thats it. it reminds me exactly wen i was in prison.we would line up single TP,toothbrush,soap think that was about it. if you had moneey though you could order extra. even if you had money that was all you got cause they had to make sure there was enough to go around.pretty sure jail is better than back than. you could probably get sent to the Gulag if the found out you were hoarding sorry and i need coffee or something but im pretty sure thats real communisn. not where everyone gets a mansion,car,PS5 and TVs. i hear some illigals are getting shit like that.
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The spammer is back at MiscReformed with another account. Not gonna post a link, because inside these threads are some vile gore.

View attachment 549085

Edit: More gore, different thread title:

View attachment 549087
It will never stop bc they invited the no life loser trolls, and then decided no nvm people don't actually like you, now this loser will just spend all his free time trying to ruin the forum.
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Trakanon Raider
Porn is one thing. Gore is another.

That shit fucks with your head.

Clicked on a couple threads, and was like nope this not a good idea.

It will never stop bc they invited the no life loser trolls, and then decided no nvm people don't actually like you, now this loser will just spend all his free time trying to ruin the forum.

Yeah whoever this guy is won't stop fucking with them. He's slower than yesterday because he's making new threads, but still no moderation to squash it quickly.


who the fuck is it?

No clue.
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Trakanon Raider
The spammer is back at MiscReformed with another account. Not gonna post a link, because inside these threads are some vile gore.

View attachment 549085

Edit: More gore, different thread title:

View attachment 549087
This is the problem when you attract the wrong crowd.

Running a forum effectively is a job. It doesn't have to be a very hard job but it can become one pretty quick. Developing, maintaining, and protecting an online community/culture might feel spontaneous and organic on the user-end but the admins don't experience that way.

There is only so much you can do with a weed problem. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of treatment as they say.

Hopefully they take the launch of the final form far more seriously. This spot was kinda impromptu so I don't fault the admin debacles too harshly, but the fact they've attracted this sort of user to begin with is the actual problem.

Kinda like how the fact half the country wants to vote for Harris IS the problem. Lol (had to throw that in there).
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who the fuck is it?
No idea.

... And that's the issue with that forum, half of the users are not people you'd recognize because they are just alt accounts.

Not even sure I can blame mods. I sure as shit wouldn't be spending my Sunday effectively working a job to delete and manage a troll on some forums that already suck and are being ruined. I would just stop posting there and come here lol.
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Silver Knight of the Realm
This spot was kinda impromptu so I don't fault the admin debacles too harshly, but the fact they've attracted this sort of user to begin with is the actual problem.
I don't really fault the admins for having these trolls coming to the forum. That was always going to happen with a misc offshoot.

However, if I were to set up the forum, I'd be 100% prepared for these mentally ill freaks to be the first ones to come knocking. And I'd be already standing at the door with a 12 gauge shotgun.
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Golden Knight of the Realm
welp I've had my fill talking about forums for the day - what's everyone else got? Desperately hoping the Guardians don't get swept today by the team they will l likey face next weekend in the playoffs
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Golden Knight of the Realm
Also maxed out DW2 last night and it made the end battle a cakewalk - all attacks didn't need a single heal spell

Starting DW3 today then might look at the FF sequels
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Trakanon Raider
welp I've had my fill talking about forums for the day - what's everyone else got? Desperately hoping the Guardians don't get swept today by the team they will l likey face next weekend in the playoffs
No idea tbh.

What I'd like to do is chill around the house.

Wife likes to go out on Sundays, though. Might end up at some park or something.
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Molten Core Raider

Correction - there's a tendency amongst intellectuals to pretend to be compassionate to virtue signal.
I disagree entirely. That is giving them too much credit, they sincerely believe it. I've worked with thousands of tech workers, they're just smart enough to realize they're privileged but still too dumb to realize they're useful idiots.
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Clicked on a couple threads, and was like nope this not a good idea.

Yeah whoever this guy is won't stop fucking with them. He's slower than yesterday because he's making new threads, but still no moderation to squash it quickly.

View attachment 549108

No clue.
Yeah I clicked on one of the pick 1-4 threads without realizing who the OP was. Ho lee fook… That shit really pissed me off bro. I’m literally sick to my stomach. People like that guy deserve the absolute worst srs. I know doxxing is wrong but it’s to a point where he should be found and be thrown in prison. Can’t imagine what kind of disgusting content is on his computer. How big of a fkin loser waste of oxygen do you have to be to spam a refugee fitness forum with scat, gore, CP, etc.

I think I gotta be done with that forum for a while…
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Trakanon Raider
And now that piece of shit is posting illegal content on miscreformed.

I’d love to choke that motherfucker out srs.
I'm not being callous when I say that this is a necessary evil.

Effective admins never get enough credit because no one can know how many problems like this they have helped the forum avoid by nipping things in the bud.

This guy should have been booted the moment he had arrived with his og username. Instead some miscers rolled out a welcome wagon, dapping him up for his username and letting him know he has allies.

From that moment if MM (no hate) had been paying attention or undersrood what he was looking at he'd of known that his problem just got bigger and the odds of this dude taking any sort of sanctions personally had become greater. From that moment he needed to be managed through the welcome wagon that greeted him.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
welp I've had my fill talking about forums for the day - what's everyone else got? Desperately hoping the Guardians don't get swept today by the team they will l likey face next weekend in the playoffs
Watching redzone all day and drinking nikka than a nap sober up and get food for the Sunday night game
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Molten Core Raider
I'm not being callous when I say that this is a necessary evil.

Effective admins never get enough credit because no one can know how many problems like this they have helped the forum avoid by nipping things in the bud.

This guy should have been booted the moment he had arrived with his og username. Instead some miscers rolled out a welcome wagon, dapping him up for his username and letting him know he has allies.

From that moment if MM (no hate) had been paying attention or undersrood what he was looking at he'd of known that his problem just got bigger and the odds of this dude taking any sort of sanctions personally had become greater. From that moment he needed to be managed through the welcome wagon that greeted him.
I fuckin lol so hard at how this is such a microcosm of the illegal immigration debate
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If MM really wants to stop it, he'll require Admin/Mod verification for new accounts. That's probably the easiest route by far.

He can do a VPN ban too. Ip ban won't work.
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