Misc Refugee Thread


Golden Knight of the Realm
There's a tendency amongst intellectuals to be compassionate to the point of naïveté. MM fits that profile pretty well. That's why so much of the tech industry votes against their own self interests while handing their jobs over to automation. They think they're doing something for the greater good by suffering, when really they're just making life worse for the rest of us. MM you're not helping, you're being taken advantage of.
Correction - there's a tendency amongst intellectuals to pretend to be compassionate to virtue signal.
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Breakfast really be the toughest choice of meal for the day srs

went with country style eggs Benedict and 2 hot cakes
Damn I should have took a Pic but I just got back from my breakfast spot and had lobster Benedict and half of my gfs loaded up French toast

So Fkn rich so Fkn good but I feel comatose

Might literally do nothing the rest of the day

Benedict crew. Legit best breakfast
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Breakfast really be the toughest choice of meal for the day srs

went with country style eggs Benedict and 2 hot cakes

Damn I should have took a Pic but I just got back from my breakfast spot and had lobster Benedict and half of my gfs loaded up French toast

So Fkn rich so Fkn good but I feel comatose

Might literally do nothing the rest of the day

Benedict crew. Legit best breakfast
Those breakfasts sound delicious! I had a donut and a cinnamon roll this morning and feel like crap now. Too much sugar with no protein.
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Trakanon Raider
everyone liked me there.

im scared after posting here

but srs, lets get together and stop the bs

Based on what everyone has said about you and your forum, it seems like you're legitimately the real MiscMathematician. That being said, I'm not gonna lie, you seem different to me here than you did on the misc.

You're obviously welcome here yourself. I and several others have expressed that multiple times now. As far as your other forum miscreformed goes, I think it has become obvious now that most people who have become regulars here simply aren't interested in the place. Your effort was commendable, but some former miscers just never want to deal with the wincel type crap ever again.

It's nothing personal against you, man. Just enjoy whatever you can with your time here, but imo it would be best to stop talking about miscreformed as if they have a connection to us here. They really don't. Misc is dead, it's time to accept that. New outlets are fine, but we have to accept that what we used to have is gone. There is no sense on dwelling at this point.


Uh......hopefully never?

The Politics thread is currently at 933,000 posts, or thereabouts. So 2025 may be the year of 1 million.
Lol I am just messing. Back on misc anytime a thread got over 10K posts the mods would lock it because their poverty servers couldn't handle a thread with that many posts. We would have to start a new thread.
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Trakanon Raider
The spammer is back at MiscReformed with another account. Not gonna post a link, because inside these threads are some vile gore.


Edit: More gore, different thread title:

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Trakanon Raider
@Sinistkir13 glad to be here m8, always liked your posts.

And yeah anyone who wasn't biased saw me criticize a bunch of shit Sony did. I wish I was a fanboy, at least I'd be in blissful ignorance lol.

But yeah, consoles where I live is here to stay, it's just the dominant platform by far where all my friends play. I am definitely considering a portable in the near future tho. Not a PS portal, a real one like Deck 2

Hey broseph, good to see you
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Coal Man

Kind of ironic you talk down to "gaymers" when you spent all of your time on the misc in the game section shilling for Sony and the Playstation.

Your userame was based off another miscer. You thought that was cool and funny.

Mgftp whimpering as he gets bent over by Neil Cuckmann while they recreate the trans assfuk scene from TLOU 2 is somehow LESS gay than your choice of username.

You had a fresh start coming here, a chance to be someone new..... But you chose to be ClivesTriceps ClivesTriceps lmao


Trakanon Raider
Your userame was based off another miscer. You thought that was cool and funny.

Mgftp whimpering as he gets bent over by Neil Cuckmann while they recreate the trans assfuk scene from TLOU 2 is somehow LESS gay than your choice of username.

You had a fresh start coming here, a chance to be someone new..... But you chose to be ClivesTriceps ClivesTriceps lmao

Catfight Millie GIF by pawsr
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