Misc Refugee Thread


Bronze Knight of the Realm
here's 1 good way to tell if and when new new new forum will fail, if they grandfather in @miscmath as a mod. why? he's worthless and worse, incompetant. why does it matter if he is a mod? b/c him and his ineffective retardedness will take up a slot/position of mod team.

youre not gonna have 20mods on a site, youre gonna have like 5, most likely 3mods right? so if you have a worthless piece of garbage become a mod... and their only "job experience" is b/c they hit "create new forum" on a free website and gets the position of mod as a "reward", it's going to lead to failure. why? again he's worthless, and if you have him take up a slot on a 3mod team, that means the team is already 33% ass.

i think it's going to bomb because it's made by miscers for miscers, which means they will give leniency when there shouldn't be any. if the giga-trolls posting gore/surprise porn and the pedos / mentally deranged aren't driven off the face of the forum, then it's invitation for problems.

keep in mind too, some of the 'regulars' might actually be the trolls themselves. i know for a fact that there are guys on there who are considered 'miscers' who have had numerous alts, ranging from a handful to hundreds and they have also posted gore / surprise porn, but they're still invited.

basically, you fill your house with trash and feces, it becomes a shit hole.
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Bronze Knight of the Realm
i know bro.i just got out of the hospital yesterday.i was there for 3 days hooked up to an IV.problem was i was going all out.when i get manic i just want oblivion.its complicated but your dopmanine receptors are so shot i literally cant feel not gonna keep bitching just gonna chill you with boys.i lost a few days of whats going on though. i take it MM site got taken over by trolls and alts i gather then?
You made the right decision, srs. I don't know a single person who quit alcohol and regretted it. It's literally poison and is doing its damage slowly over time before something decides to quit on you internally and then you suffer for it. Think long term, when we're younger our bodies can repair / heal themselves, but long term abuse, your body will eventually give you the middle finger and shut an organ down, or something will stop working and then it's health problems and/or agony. Just stick to your decision no matter what and replace it with something productive / healthy that will keep you away from that shit. You will have lost nothing of value and you will gain better health / higher quality of life srs/10

No damage on my land in Florida srs had some high gusts but when I put my camera in I went 6 feet down with the pole and concrete . Camera was strapped to pole with some stainless straps ain’t going nowhere

Landscaper is coming to clean up some sill fence though

Nice brah, 6 feet down is solid, I have cam poles at about 2-4 feet down and those hold up absolutely solid, so 6ft is golden.

Good to see you too! Nope, I don't think anyone knows how to get in touch with Kimm, sadly.

He's on a couple miscords, he said that he's retired from forums. I'll see if he'll post here.

You're not in touch with Kimm? I thought you gals were all in touch.

Please do, see if you can get him on here. I think he got sick and tired of the trashy, basically idiocracy state of misc, but how dare he leave us without his steak threads.
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I just joined the new misc that Lockdev created. A bunch of non misc usernames on there. If he doesn't lock it down it's going to end up just like misc with nonstop alts and trolls. There's like 4 pages of "guest" registered users. Jesus. lol. actually like 45 pages of "guest" users
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You made the right decision, srs. I don't know a single person who quit alcohol and regretted it. It's literally poison and is doing its damage slowly over time before something decides to quit on you internally and then you suffer for it. Think long term, when we're younger our bodies can repair / heal themselves, but long term abuse, your body will eventually give you the middle finger and shut an organ down, or something will stop working and then it's health problems and/or agony. Just stick to your decision no matter what and replace it with something productive / healthy that will keep you away from that shit. You will have lost nothing of value and you will gain better health / higher quality of life srs/10

Nice brah, 6 feet down is solid, I have cam poles at about 2-4 feet down and those hold up absolutely solid, so 6ft is golden.

You're not in touch with Kimm? I thought you gals were all in touch.

Please do, see if you can get him on here. I think he got sick and tired of the trashy, basically idiocracy state of misc, but how dare he leave us without his steak threads.
Yeah, not in touch with any female miscers off the actual forum or discords. SS had Kimms email and emailed her to try to get her to join her discord but hasn't heard back. I had tried to get Kimm to join the R/P discord server a while ago but she never did.

I let Deadlystryker know he's been summoned.
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Trakanon Raider
No damage on my land in Florida srs had some high gusts but when I put my camera in I went 6 feet down with the pole and concrete . Camera was strapped to pole with some stainless straps ain’t going nowhere

Landscaper is coming to clean up some sill fence though

glad to hear the good news for you, boyo
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Trakanon Raider
I just joined the new misc that Lockdev created. A bunch of non misc usernames on there. If he doesn't lock it down it's going to end up just like misc with nonstop alts and trolls. There's like 4 pages of "guest" registered users. Jesus. lol. actually like 45 pages of "guest" users

It's almost like the misc was meant to die and stay dead
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Trakanon Raider

There are currently 1298 users online. 34 members and 1264 guests.

Like, what the actual fuck? The number just keeps going up and up. Only 322 registered users on miscreformed.
duck GIF
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Trakanon Raider
Freaking crazy.

Hope so but doubt it.
Well if they haven't made it admin approval only to join than they've already made a big mistake.

I get, you want to grow and capture as many people while interest is high, but it won't matter if a handful of gore-trolls peadoughs slip in.
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