Misc Refugee Thread


Silver Knight of the Realm
Nice and chilly out this morning, can't wait for fall to really settle in. It's been like this for a week now, although warms up a little during the day, but we're supposed to be getting into the 40s soon.
Fuck that. I live in California to not have to deal with that.

How is everyone's day?
Doing some job hunting on company time. We got the talk that we are going to be "supplementing" our software engineering to India. I full expect all US developers will be let go by next year. I'm a manager so I'm "safe", but I ain't dealing with that shit.
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Trakanon Raider
I love it, no annoyances. Also when I used to go it was right around dawn, very early, so not much of a crowd then either. You go later in the day and you've got old dudes doing quarter reps, if ANYTHING, other than being there to socialize and telling you over and over about how many hot girls they bang even today and if you go even later than that you've got the high school kids ego lifting using benches as seats.

The only times I've ever truly found peace at gyms is early morning workouts at the 24 hour outfits, as in about 1am - 6am.

- After 6am, the oldcels working out before they head to work for 8 or 9am flood the gym

- try going in the middle of normal working hours, and it's a bunch of people on their lunch breaks and younger people with shittier hours at their jobs

- try going later on, and it's jammed with oldies getting off work and HS kids bullshitting around in groups of like 4+ that hog good equipment for easily 1hr+ while they laugh and brag about how awesome their bench with shit tier form is
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Trakanon Raider
Fuck that. I live in California to not have to deal with that.

Doing some job hunting on company time. We got the talk that we are going to be "supplementing" our software engineering to India. I full expect all US developers will be let go by next year. I'm a manager so I'm "safe", but I ain't dealing with that shit.
You make it sound like supplementing means doing tedious shit or that developers are training their own replacements?

Brutal if true.
The only times I've ever truly found peace at gyms is early morning workouts at the 24 hour outfits, as in about 1am - 6am.

- After 6am, the oldcels working out before they head to work for 8 or 9am flood the gym

- try going in the middle of normal working hours, and it's a bunch of people on their lunch breaks and younger people with shittier hours at their jobs

- try going later on, and it's jammed with oldies getting off work and HS kids bullshitting around in groups of like 4+ that hog good equipment for easily 1hr+ while they laugh and brag about how awesome their bench with shit tier form is
Home gym crew. Gkne are the days of naked old men having full on conversations in the locker room, putting putting the 80lb dumbells where the 20s should be, and bloated 20 somethings walking around with luggage and chalk trying to make it to snap city.

Happy Feel Good GIF by Bombay Softwares
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Bronze Knight of the Realm
NorCal, but inland. Giany valley baking in the sun.
damn dude, brootal /10
it's 63 here - pretty close to perfect in my book
63 is nice, heating up to 70 as I type this, can't wait for the real chill to creep in and the leaves start changing colors
Getting colder out here. Put a sweater on my dog and put a heater in the dog house so she can stay out in muh yard when I'm away at work during the winter. Shit feels like a legit spare bedroom in there now lmao
sounds like a 5 star doggy house srs
did you ride this morning?

dude I was looking to change jobs as I stopped smoking weed for like 8 weeks and now all the sudden I am dreaming at rates I don't ever remember. Great more REM sleep - bad I keep waking up mid-REM cycle and it makes me feel tired no matter how much sleep I got
No cardio this morning, didn't have time unfortunately, but no big deal, can still make the quota for the week.

Yeah man, pot is no good, I always stayed away from that shit and booze, srs, eventually your body will balance things out, stick with it srs. I can also relate to waking up mid-REM sleep and I'm sluggish as shit during the day when that happens, but that's what I get for drinking a lot of water. Like clock work, 4 hours after bed time, I'm up taking a leak. Take way too long to get back to sleep.

Fuck that. I live in California to not have to deal with that.

Doing some job hunting on company time. We got the talk that we are going to be "supplementing" our software engineering to India. I full expect all US developers will be let go by next year. I'm a manager so I'm "safe", but I ain't dealing with that shit.

Not a fan of the cold?

Also good call job searching now lol, if they're shifting jobs overseas, or anything even close to that, the writing's on the wall.

The only times I've ever truly found peace at gyms is early morning workouts at the 24 hour outfits, as in about 1am - 6am.

- After 6am, the oldcels working out before they head to work for 8 or 9am flood the gym

- try going in the middle of normal working hours, and it's a bunch of people on their lunch breaks and younger people with shittier hours at their jobs

- try going later on, and it's jammed with oldies getting off work and HS kids bullshitting around in groups of like 4+ that hog good equipment for easily 1hr+ while they laugh and brag about how awesome their bench with shit tier form is

it's funny how the crowds are similar everywhere srs

the dead hours are the best hours and you have the whole gym practically to yourself
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Bronze Knight of the Realm
You make it sound like supplementing means doing tedious shit or that developers are training their own replacements?

Brutal if true.

Home gym crew. Gkne are the days of naked old men having full on conversations in the locker room, putting putting the 80lb dumbells where the 20s should be, and bloated 20 somethings walking around with luggage and chalk trying to make it to snap city.

Happy Feel Good GIF by Bombay Softwares
hell yeah, home gym crew checking in

never looked back
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Trakanon Raider
You make it sound like supplementing means doing tedious shit or that developers are training their own replacements?

Brutal if true.

Home gym crew. Gkne are the days of naked old men having full on conversations in the locker room, putting putting the 80lb dumbells where the 20s should be, and bloated 20 somethings walking around with luggage and chalk trying to make it to snap city.

Happy Feel Good GIF by Bombay Softwares

You don't miss the 40 - 60 year old women doing full-on 45+ minute yoga master routines on flat benches and power racks?
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Silver Knight of the Realm
You make it sound like supplementing means doing tedious shit or that developers are training their own replacements?

Brutal if true.
They are already having the India team port our stuff (as we have our own mature software stack) to the company platform (with zero input from our team). They are training them to be a replacement.
Not a fan of the cold?

Also good call job searching now lol, if they're shifting jobs overseas, or anything even close to that, the writing's on the wall.
I grew up in rural Illinois and managed to drive a Ford Ranger down those country roads without ever putting it in the ditch. I remember one time it was so cold in the morning the LCD display on my radio actually took a second to update when a number changed before it got warmed up. I'm done dealing with that.
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Trakanon Raider
They are already having the India team port our stuff (as we have our own mature software stack) to the company platform (with zero input from our team). They are training them to be a replacement.
That's brutal. My brother-in-law works for Intel out of San Francisco. The whole industry seems to be dog-eat-dog. He's on the finance side of things and has had to interview for his own job several times over the years, so to speak.
Breaking news!!!!!!

Iran is currently launching a huge assault on Israel, with Israel promising massive retaliation! Whoa!
Jfc. Here we go.
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Trakanon Raider
That's brutal. My brother-in-law works for Intel out of San Francisco. The whole industry seems to be dog-eat-dog. He's on the finance side of things and has had to interview for his own job several times over the years, so to speak.

Jfc. Here we go.

The Middle East won't be at peace until the entire thing is either a parking lot or humanity ceases to exist
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