Misc Refugee Thread


Molten Core Raider
it's like a goddamn forum soapopera is what it is

They Pull Me Back In Al Pacino GIF by The Godfather
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Golden Knight of the Realm
Yeah hopefully they get more traffic, because right now it feels like a really small community.

MiscReformed is at 334 members and that took maybe 2 weeks or so to build, plus had the upside of having gone live when that last misc megathread was still going, so people could have just jumped from misc straight to misc reformed.

New Misc is currently at almost 250 members. So hopefully more people find them in the coming weeks.

Tell me about, bro. I didn't think I was asking too much by requesting no underage shit on a damn forum full of grown men. Like you really want to provide a platform for grown men to sit there and post pics and sexualize underage girls? Fucking really? Like what could possibly go wrong? Talk about taking on some liability by giving certain nefarious characters some leeway with that nonsense. And insidemane loved pushing that envelope. He knew the rules of misc, but he just couldn't help himself and would constantly post that shit and get banned then create new alts. Whole thing kinda blows my mind.

And yes, they are open to new registrations. If you are trying at work, it may be blocked by system admin, has already been the case with some people. Try when you get home if you want to join.

Yeah, making fun of Bodhy was 10/10 good times. Loved trolling him and then watching him squeal and sperg out. He is a good 30-40 points lower IQ than he thinks he is, while sitting there fancying himself as some deep intellectual.

Edit: Omg, I missed Bodhy's head in that gif, and didn't see it until Mulloway pointed it out. Lmao. 10/10 as always, bro.
Everything about that is fucked up, and frankly why would anyone want to allow those kinds of deranged people into their community, online or otherwise? I was also thinking the same thing about it being a huge liability just to say "free speech" when it's for the sort who don't deserve a platform in the first place.

The odd thing about the registration is that it gave me that message at home across Brave, Firefox, and Vivaldi browsers, plus no messages of anything blocked by my AV.

tards not being put in a box is what actually caused the decline of the misc (alongside the broken back end software) and they're trying to recreate something that can't be recreated (it's not the 2000s / 2010s anymore and things change) and that hopeful endeavor involves allowing people like that free reign to post 'within the law' but a lot of people don't want to be associated with predators like that

after looking at the forum there is nothing interesting, informative, helpful, or positive on there
Tards not being put in a box is what has caused the decline of Western civilization, and now we're overdue to for a purge.

If Bodhy were here, you know he'd be arguing something in favor of lower ages of consent.
If the misc were still around, someone would probably post one of his many demented comments saying exactly that.
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Trakanon Raider
Is anyone else starting to feel ready to stop discussing misc drama? Yeah it's the misc refugee thread, but I'd say whoever was ever going to come here and actually post for more than a few random posts has already done so. Who the fuck even cares what's going on with the other forum? If you want to go there, or not, whatever, go for it. But we're kind of beating a horse that died on 9/19/24 and was already half dead since around 2020. Who fucking cares about this shit anymore?
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Golden Knight of the Realm
Is anyone else starting to feel ready to stop discussing misc drama? Yeah it's the misc refugee thread, but I'd say whoever was ever going to come here and actually post for more than a few random posts has already done so. Who the fuck even cares what's going on with the other forum? If you want to go there, or not, whatever, go for it. But we're kind of beating a horse that died on 9/19/24 and was already half dead since around 2020. Who fucking cares about this shit anymore?
we did stop and then someone asked a question and it got started again, the last few pages were illuminating and disappointing at the same time

if I never read about the other forums again and they never get brought up here again I wouldn't be sad
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<Prior Amod>
Everything about that is fucked up, and frankly why would anyone want to allow those kinds of deranged people into their community, online or otherwise? I was also thinking the same thing about it being a huge liability just to say "free speech" when it's for the sort who don't deserve a platform in the first place.
i will tell you why

and it all 100%


they want those faggots like wincell and bodhy on there b/c they create chaos, and chaos = traffic

it's the same reason they allow the pedo stuff, b/c the pedo stuff will attract/retain traffic

and also ego

like a simple question will be, "hey M miscmath , why don't you delete your forum now?" this will "force" everyone to goto the new faggot site and you can have more faggots combine their powers. and finally be close to the faggotness that you lost, nope

and he'll never do it, b/c he's hiding behind the bullshit answer of "i'm keeping my forum alive b/c just in case the new forum dies", thats bullshit and he knows it, he's only keeping it around to say

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Trakanon Raider
Everything about that is fucked up, and frankly why would anyone want to allow those kinds of deranged people into their community, online or otherwise? I was also thinking the same thing about it being a huge liability just to say "free speech" when it's for the sort who don't deserve a platform in the first place.

The odd thing about the registration is that it gave me that message at home across Brave, Firefox, and Vivaldi browsers, plus no messages of anything blocked by my AV.

I agree with you bro. As Sirfaps has posted, he had one of his alts named "14AndUpCuh" with the pedobear as his AVI. I didn't even know the pedobear was a thing, had to google and read the wiki page. Just fucked up shit that I can't wrap my head around.

That's weird you can't get registered.
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Trakanon Raider
we did stop and then someone asked a question and it got started again, the last few pages were illuminating and disappointing at the same time

if I never read about the other forums again and they never get brought up here again I wouldn't be sad
It's only been a week or so.

People are going to want to talk about it.

Fox Tv Popcorn GIF by The Four

I see where North is coming from. The dust has settled yet, though.
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Lord Nagafen Raider
i will tell you why

and it all 100%


they want those faggots like wincell and bodhy on there b/c they create chaos, and chaos = traffic

it's the same reason they allow the pedo stuff, b/c the pedo stuff will attract/retain traffic

and also ego

like a simple question will be, "hey M miscmath , why don't you delete your forum now?" this will "force" everyone to goto the new faggot site and you can have more faggots combine their powers. and finally be close to the faggotness that you lost, nope

and he'll never do it, b/c he's hiding behind the bullshit answer of "i'm keeping my forum alive b/c just in case the new forum dies", thats bullshit and he knows it, he's only keeping it around to say


Immense levels of combined faggotry.
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It Didn't Happen, It Should've, and It Will.
<Gold Donor>
Is anyone else starting to feel ready to stop discussing misc drama? Yeah it's the misc refugee thread, but I'd say whoever was ever going to come here and actually post for more than a few random posts has already done so. Who the fuck even cares what's going on with the other forum? If you want to go there, or not, whatever, go for it. But we're kind of beating a horse that died on 9/19/24 and was already half dead since around 2020. Who fucking cares about this shit anymore?
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Trakanon Raider
It's only been a week or so.

People are going to want to talk about it.

Fox Tv Popcorn GIF by The Four

I see where North is coming from. The dust has settled yet, though.

idk man, maybe I was just more fed up with some of the various stupid bullshit of the misc than I realized before it went down. When it went down, it broke my addiction to the point where it hasn't taken me too long to get tired of talking about it. Like taking crack away from a junkie long enough to make them realize they're over it now.
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Trakanon Raider
idk man, maybe I was just more fed up with some of the various stupid bullshit of the misc than I realized before it went down. When it went down, it broke my addiction to the point where it hasn't taken me too long to get tired of talking about it. Like taking crack away from a junkie long enough to make them realize they're over it now.
I think you and I had similar feelings. I finished my misc experience with an average daily post rate of less than 3.

It would have taken me over 2 months to amass the number of posts I have made here in the past week.

I said many pages back-a few days ago-that while I got to say my peace (and I may have more to say given the right topic/detail) others will be trickling over that haven't, and others already here may have a lot more to say.

It was a forum with over 20 years of history and at the end you couldn't talk freely about it like this without getting negged my sensitive users and generally just being told to shut up.

I think the dialogue here is actually producing good posts worth reading.
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Molten Core Raider
I think you and I had similar feelings. I finished my misc experience with an average daily post rate of less than 3.

It would have taken me over 2 months to amass the number of posts I have made here in the past week.

I said many pages back-a few days ago-that while I got to say my peace (and I may have more to say given the right topic/detail) others will be trickling over that haven't, and others already here may have a lot more to say.

It was a forum with over 20 years of history and at the end you couldn't talk freely about it like this without getting negged my sensitive users and generally just being told to shut up.

I think the dialogue here is actually producing good posts worth reading.
Homer Simpson Nerd GIF

Sorry - I had to
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Trakanon Raider
NGL I think rick & Morty is pretty good srs

I agree,

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick and Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existencial catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them. 😂 And yes by the way, I DO have a Rick and Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.
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Molten Core Raider
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Fires of Heaven. The themes are extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of intricate world-building and character arcs, most of the nuances will go over a typical reader's head. There’s also the complex interplay of fate and free will, which is deftly woven into the narrative—its philosophical depth draws heavily from classical literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the layers of meaning, to realize that it’s not just an epic fantasy—it says something profound about HUMANITY. As a consequence, people who dislike Fires of Heaven truly ARE missing out—of course, they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the tragic weight of characters’ choices, which itself serves as a cryptic reflection on the human condition. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those bewildered simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Robert Jordan's genius unfolds itself on the pages before them. What fools... how I pity them. 😂 And yes, by the way, I DO have a Fires of Heaven tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the discerning few only—and even they have to prove they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.
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