Misc Refugee Thread


Molten Core Raider
i like that movie.

other things you don't know are:

- everyone on the misc were stuck in one thread wanted a new forum (mostly the forum to be fixed, but..)
- people said it would be a lot of work and have a cost
- i set one up in a few minutes just to show it could be done easily and for free
- it became popular

i cared and decided to actually maintain and moderate it during my free time
you ok brah? you sound a little down in the dumps
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Golden Knight of the Realm
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Lord Nagafen Raider
ty brahs. just weird. 5 years ago, he was soldering the pipes in my house, demntia took him, and a few years later he cant recognize anyone and gives up. i appreciate the supportive words
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Trakanon Raider
yeah still getting over my dads death a month ago

Damn man, I wasn't aware of that. I'm legit sorry for your loss. Losing a quality parent is always really hard on a person, and I don't think it's something you ever fully 100% "get over" the way you do from a breakup or a pet dying or something along those lines. I guess it's one of those things where you just need to remember that that's the natural order of things in life, and how it would be about 100x harder for a parent to lose a child before they went than the other way around. Keep your spirits up boyo, your misc bretheren love you.
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The post you quoted regards monster0. He's from Baltimore if I remember correctly.

The other dick head is from England. He's in his mid 30s and has shown himself to be into 14 year old girls, well under the age of consent over there.

I don't know how familiar you are with their postings on misc, but they're both pieces of shit. You can give credence to them all you want, they're both very far from benevolent.

Looks like a lot of these places have stipulations too.

Rabbitjb was from the UK as well and she said that if someone who was his age was going after 16 year olds, even if that was age of consent, that it would be frowned upon or worse. Pretty sure those age of consent ages are more about an 18 or 19 year old with the 16 year old. Most have a couple year age difference stipuation in there.
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