Misc Refugee Thread


Bronze Squire
Heidi Klum Wow GIF by Lifetime


And just add in some Leni Klum giant milkers and hot damn!


The pedo word gets misused too much when it’s truly

Ephebophilia is a sexual interest in mid-to-late adolescents, usually between the ages of 15 and 19.

Its tricky but my example didn’t magically become hot at 18 at least 15 and worked her way up

Plus put such a chick up against what is very well into adulthood but they have little boy bodies

- Hermione bitch
- Miley Cyrus
- twilight girl
- even Natalie Portman

I’d say anybody into a chick with zero tits, hips, ass, or curves of any kind to speak of wants clean wiener in their mouth
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Golden Knight of the Realm
There's never been anything special about them.

They used to be reserved for prison inmates and gang bangers. Then the military jumped on the band wagon. Now every normie wants a full sleeve.

It's all zyzz fault!
the military have had tattoos since at least the ww2 days.then it was bikers in the 50s.prisoers had tattoos in the old days for inmate got it mixed up
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Golden Knight of the Realm
How much raw butter should I apply to my face, how often, and for how long? I've been thinking about trying the 1/8th stick of raw butter nightly about 5 days a week. Will that work?
mario was obviously a retard troll.he was funny as fuck though.use coconut oil.cheaper and better.also eat a tablespoon for maximum gains. ded fkn srs
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Golden Knight of the Realm
I don't mean to stir this up again, this is why you guys aren't coming to the 2 new forums? I recently saw a post by lockdev (newmisc admin) alluding to this: "Even if we had 1000 people saying they would come back if we were to ban 1 member that was following our rules, I would tell those 1000 people to go elsewhere."

So this is all over wincel? I was always under the assumption he was getting banned for exactly what you've described here. Him and the guy who claimed to be dating NBA cheerleaders, I can never remember his username, both always would graphically tell people to kill themselves. Hezus Christi?

It's a shame both admins are sympathetic to this apparently, I had glazed over that post not really realizing what was going on, or am I wrong?
so you are defending wincel?just be glad you panzies dont know me in real life. you couldnt handle the dose of reality i would bring upon you.threaten my family in real life. i fucking dare you.hope you dont have kids cause ill make orphans out of them.and thats if im feeling like a nice guy
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so you are defending wincel?just be glad you panzies dont know me in real life. you couldnt handle the dose of reality i would bring upon you.threaten my family in real life. i fucking dare you.hope you dont have kids cause ill make orphans out of them.and thats if im feeling like a nice guy
Good to see the unhinged retard is still unhinged and retarded
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Golden Knight of the Realm
Good to see the unhinged retard is still unhinged and retarded
fuck you you piece of shit pussy.mind your own fucking better than you in every way.your just just a sissy pussy behind a keyboard.go run to the mods again you little bitch.yeah im so retarded.i make games and you play them. i said it once and ill say it again.leave me alone you little pussy. bet the mods will actually do something here about it.fucking phaggot ass pussy. retard.thats a good one. the fuck have you done with your life ? jack shit thats what. i can actually post pics on this site if you wanna have a pissing match
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Golden Knight of the Realm
the fuck is your problem?you dont even know what we are talking about.You guys wanna see my accolades? gaurantee ive done more than 99% of the people here. Freeburn is just a jealous pussy cause he sucks at games and i actually make them. think a gaming forum like this would appreciate.
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Golden Knight of the Realm
so tell me Freeburn? what the fuck have you done done that gives you the right to talk down on me? before digital i broadcasted an analog broadcast all over DuPage and Cook county in NBC5 Chicago at the age of 12. Yeah i bet any old retard could do that do. You wanna see the motherfucking pic motherfucker? go back to smoiking your swag weed and and poverty life and stay the fuck away from me. im fucking serious.your a loser.stay the fuck in your own lane
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fuck you you piece of shit pussy.mind your own fucking better than you in every way.your just just a sissy pussy behind a keyboard.go run to the mods again you little bitch.yeah im so retarded.i make games and you play them. i said it once and ill say it again.leave me alone you little pussy. bet the mods will actually do something here about it.fucking phaggot ass pussy. retard.thats a good one. the fuck have you done with your life ? jack shit thats what. i can actually post pics on this site if you wanna have a pissing match
Idk how you guys can stand reading this morons posts on a daily basis

Lol God bless all you bros in here "oh akd were so glad you're OK thank goodness you're back from the hospital"

Just fuckin lol, this dolt abuses drugs and alcohol to the point of near death, because he's an absolute LOSER with no responsibilities in his life. Yall are all nice people, or maybe just being fake nice, cause I'll just tell this moron what a waste of life he is straight up. I give these type of people 0 respect online or offline. What kind of grown man goes on benders like that? Fkn LOL.

Don't worry I've seen you try to post pics, you're too fucking dumb to even do that. 2024 posting pics at Motorola flip phone resolution.

Just so stupid all around, I'm absolutely shocked the people here try to converse with you. I think they are just being nice because really, no human being respects someone like you.

Now go on and tell me about how successful your family is while you down another bottle.
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<Gold Donor>
I don't mind tards, some tards live badass lives. Angry tards are usually a problem though.
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I don't mind tards, some tards live badass lives. Angry tards are usually a problem though.
This one is an alcoholic tard who will tell you all about the success of his other family members because he has none himself.

This is the guy who told me he could have my whole family killed as we argued about video games LMAO

Mentally unhinged lunatic.

Lol look at him talk about how he makes video games, yet he can't even punctuate a sentence.

Does a single one of you believe this is a person who "makes video games" and has an ounce of success in his life?

Or do you believe this person is a mentally unstable drug addict who can't function in society and doesn't work?

Which impression have you guys gotten here so far? lmao
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