Misc Refugee Thread


Golden Knight of the Realm
Idk how you guys can stand reading this morons posts on a daily basis

Lol God bless all you bros in here "oh akd were so glad you're OK thank goodness you're back from the hospital"

Just fuckin lol, this dolt abuses drugs and alcohol to the point of near death, because he's an absolute LOSER with no responsibilities in his life. Yall are all nice people, or maybe just being fake nice, cause I'll just tell this moron what a waste of life he is straight up. I give these type of people 0 respect online or offline. What kind of grown man goes on benders like that? Fkn LOL.

Don't worry I've seen you try to post pics, you're too fucking dumb to even do that. 2024 posting pics at Motorola flip phone resolution.

Just so stupid all around, I'm absolutely shocked the people here try to converse with you. I think they are just being nice because really, no human being respects someone like you.

Now go on and tell me about how successful your family is while you down another bottle.
like i said mind your own fucking business.telling me to down a bottle while you got bottles of whiskey just to show your weeb friends.just being nice huh? you attacked me first. lets do a poll. whos the bigger dick here? me,who ive been ignoring you, or the jealous loser who just insulted me for no reason? your the obvious dick here so why dont you just fuck off already?you have zero actual valuable input to add. go smoke your swag.i actually grow good shit and make moonshine. like i said you provide zero input. you say you cant stand me but you clearly went out of your way to insult me.i was ignoring you. your just a dumb kid. stay in your lane kid. why the the fuck you harassing and stalking me? i havent said one god damn word to you since i got here. your just a whiney little baby. acting like you know me.normally i dont do this kinda thing but if you harrass me again im reporting you.i dont need your little kid drama
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Silver Squire
like i said mind your own fucking business.telling me to down a bottle while you got bottles of whiskey just to show your weeb friends.just being nice huh? you attacked me first. lets do a poll. whos the bigger dick here? me,who ive been ignoring you, or the jealous loser who just insulted me for no reason? your the obvious dick here so why dont you just fuck off already?you have zero actual valuable input to add. go smoke your swag.i actually grow good shit and make moonshine. like i said you provide zero input. you say you cant stand me but you clearly went out of your way to insult me.i was ignoring you. your just a dumb kid. stay in your lane kid
Correct, I am so successful in my life that I have a nice whiskey collection that I don't even open. It's literally just to show my friends and for me to look at. And on a special occasion I may open a bottle.

That's our difference. I collect special bottles of whiskey and make old Fashions, then wake up for work the next day. You drink popov vodka for 3 dollars then end up in a hospital for a week.
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<Gold Donor>
This one is an alcoholic tard who will tell you all about the success of his other family members because he has none himself.

This is the guy who told me he could have my whole family killed as we argued about video games LMAO

Mentally unhinged lunatic.

Lol look at him talk about how he makes video games, yet he can't even punctuate a sentence.
Plenty of retarded addicts have successful Hollywood careers. Who knows, maybe he has the suck start power to do what he says. The one thing that concerns me is how angry all the posts seem to be. That's a bigger red flag than being an addict, retard, or alcoholic. That said, I'm irish, so I'm experienced at telling the types of alcoholics apart.
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Golden Knight of the Realm
This one is an alcoholic tard who will tell you all about the success of his other family members because he has none himself.

This is the guy who told me he could have my whole family killed as we argued about video games LMAO

Mentally unhinged lunatic.

Lol look at him talk about how he makes video games, yet he can't even punctuate a sentence.

Does a single one of you believe this is a person who "makes video games" and has an ounce of success in his life?

Or do you believe this person is a mentally unstable drug addict who can't function in society and doesn't work?

Which impression have you guys gotten here so far? lmao
Correct, I am so successful in my life that I have a nice whiskey collection that I don't even open. It's literally just to show my friends and for me to look at. And on a special occasion I may open a bottle.

That's our difference. I collect special bottles of whiskey and make old Fashions, then wake up for work the next day. You drink popov vodka for 3 dollars then end up in a hospital for a week.
wrong again.i drink high end whiskey every week. i know a guy that has thousands of bottles in a high tech lock and key room worth more than your cars. i also have a grow room that cost me 20k in lights and carbon filters.just stop.leave me asking you nicely.or im just gonna be a snitch bitch like you and tell lord lighting your harassing me.give you a taste of your own medicine. lol at your shitty whiskey.all i remember was your hibiki. i drink that a few times a year. your collection is poverty. lol i dont even drink vodka. just single malt scotch,good rum and suntory must be bored if you wanna pick random fights with me

i must of really hit a nerve.if your so mad why dont you step behind the keyboard and do something about it like a real man? coarse not cause your a soyboy.go hit the gym phaggot
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Silver Squire

wrong again.i drink high end whiskey every week. i know a guy that has thousands of bottles in a high tech lock and key room worth more than your cars. i also have a grow room that cost me 20k in lights and carbon filters.just stop.leave me asking you nicely.or im just gonna be a snitch bitch like you and tell lord lighting your harassing me.give you a taste of your own medicine. lol at your shitty whiskey.all i remember was your hibiki. i drink that a few times a year. your collection is poverty
Go ahead and get a mod to get me banned lmao

I'm sure everyone can't wait to read more of your brilliant fuckin rhetoric when I'm gone

God you're such a loser. You can't even help but mention other people's accolades. Imagine bragging about knowing someone with something after someone calls you out for being a loser.

You are so stupid it's comical to me. And sending you into these rages is as simple as just calling you a retard. Because you have no self control, as is typical of alcoholics.
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Golden Knight of the Realm
Go ahead and get a mod to get me banned lmao

I'm sure everyone can't wait to read more of your brilliant fuckin rhetoric when I'm gone

God you're such a loser. You can't even help but mention other people's accolades. Imagine bragging about knowing someone with something after someone calls you out for being a loser.

You are so stupid it's comical to me. And sending you into these rages is as simple as just calling you a retard. Because you have no self control, as is typical of alcoholics.
i dont want you banned cause im not a bitch boy phaggot like you.i just want you to stay the fuck away from me.ive raised llamas,horses,bees,built houses,made a broadcast at nbc5 chicago when i was 12. thats just tip of the iceberg. get you banned!? no,im not a phaggot like you.your thread even back fired. like i said you are nothing without your computer little man. now,you gonna keep going or you wanna leave me the fuck alone? im trying to play a game here.something you dont seem to know anything about
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Fuck this is where the drama is.
Jon Stewart Popcorn GIF
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Bald Brah

Molten Core Raider
i dont want you banned cause im not a bitch boy phaggot like you.i just want you to stay the fuck away from me.ive raised llamas,horses,bees,built houses,made a broadcast at nbc5 chicago when i was 12. thats just tip of the iceberg. get you banned!? no,im not a phaggot like you.your thread even back fired. like i said you are nothing without your computer little man. now,you gonna keep going or you wanna leave me the fuck alone? im trying to play a game here.something you dont seem to know anything about
Are you that weird llama commie?
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Golden Knight of the Realm
Are you that weird llama commie?
no but i know who your talking about.think he was sauve2000 or something.think hw was a pedo too. my uncle just decided to raise llamas 35 years ago for some reason and i helped raise them. that sauve or whoever the fuck he is was a POS
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Silver Squire
Bill Hader Popcorn GIF by Saturday Night Live

this is way better than talking about forums

edit: fucking wizarded by eiregunner

This one goes back the gaming section where akd talked about how he's so involved in the gaming industry because his aunt worked for EA in the 1990s, you know, because somehow that reflects on his success as an alcoholic with no career
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Golden Knight of the Realm
This one goes back the gaming section where akd talked about how he's so involved in the gaming industry because his aunt worked for EA in the 1990s, you know, because somehow that reflects on his success as an alcoholic with no career
again,she had expensive software she brought home from EA and we made our own games.and this was just make up lies as you have zero lie just to try to win an argument.

the fuck is your problem dude? you mad i actually made games with my aunt? your a fucking hater. plain and probably hate your self cause you couldnt do it. i coulf of worked for EA but i was having too much fun growing stuff and making lots of money with my dad. not that its any of your fucking business. you hate your life so bad you got to hate on others? i could of done anything i wanted. just so happens i love to grow and im well known in certain growing communities. but tell us again how you are so successful again?

you talk baseless shit about me,but dont say nothing about how your so much better than me. im better than you in almost everyway. why the fuck would i work at NBC5 or EA when i can get drunk growing plants and making lots of money? those plants that YOU FUCKING SMOKE YOU HYPOCRITE! cause your your too much of an idiot and pussy to grow got no balls kid.maybe they will drop one day but i doubt it
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Silver Squire
again,she had expensive software she brought home from EA and we made our own games.and this was just make up lies as you have zero lie just to try to win an argument.

the fuck is your problem dude? you mad i actually made games with my aunt? your a fucking hater. plain and probably hate your self cause you couldnt do it. i coulf of worked for EA but i was having too much fun growing stuff and making lots of money with my dad. not that its any of your fucking business. you hate your life so bad you got to hate on others? i could of done anything i wanted. just so happens i love to grow and im well known in certain growing communities. but tell us again how you are so successful again?

you talk baseless shit about me,but dont say nothing about how your so much better than me. im better than you in almost everyway. why the fuck would i work at NBC5 or EA when i can get drunk growing plants and making lots of money? those plants that YOU FUCKING SMOKE YOU HYPOCRITE! cause your your too much of an idiot and pussy to grow got no balls kid.maybe they will drop one day but i doubt it
It's really a shame she didn't bring home a copy of Mavis beacon
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Golden Knight of the Realm
It's really a shame she didn't bring home a copy of Mavis beacon
fuck you and mavis trying to play a dont deserve anymore than what your getting.also what a shitty attempt at your do yo do that makes you better than me? Yeah im such a loser. Phaggot
  • 1Seriously?
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Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Reporter. Stock Pals CEO. Head of AI.
<Gold Donor>
fuck you and mavis trying to play a dont deserve anymore than what your getting.also what a shitty attempt at your do yo do that makes you better than me? Yeah im such a loser. PhaggotView attachment 550387

A AKD123 why do you wear a rolex watch, but drive a 1990s honda accord? or possibly a jeep grand cherokee?
  • 1Double Worf
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Silver Squire
fuck you and mavis trying to play a dont deserve anymore than what your getting.also what a shitty attempt at your do yo do that makes you better than me? Yeah im such a loser. PhaggotView attachment 550387
Lol at your fake rolex sitting passenger in a 1999 Ford Explorer.

Lemme guess, too drunk to drive or you probably just lost your license to dui years ago?