Andreas Ferrari
- 84
- 96
Small world. I just restrung my trimmer with that cheap blue line. Five bucks for 250' x 0.065.just restrung my trimmer, super easy w/ this ryobi head
i'm using some ghetto blue string i had from a while ago, the pebble driveway just eats it up
i was gonna just give it away to my neighbor, but he said he has no idea how his dewalt trimmer needs to be refilled (he just bought it), and i'm not about to find out.
i keep telling him he better move his ass, cuz his lawn is 90% weeds, and he wants to nuke it, and i said nuke it now and reseed now cuz it's gonna be cold very soon (he just moved in the summer)
meanwhile the neighbor next me on the left side literally plucked all the weeds out by hand and his lawn is barren as shit (cuz he also had 90% weeds, whatever grass he had, was cuz mine was spreading in)
Another month and there will be a foot of snow and no more lawn care.
But I'll be shoveling snow. :/
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