Misc Refugee Thread


Blackwing Lair Raider
Phillies bullpen is shit, none of the big money dudes showed up Harper turner etc
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Trakanon Raider
Yard work is an important surrogate activity to keep otherwise soft and urbane Americans minimally tethered to their heritage of the yeoman farmer and landed gentry. To abandon all connection to the land invites a creeping madness as you become unmoored by reality. Cut the lawn not your dick off.
The real Ted Talks
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<Gold Donor>
only 10 more latinum until I can get on the politics forum! can't wait
Willy Wonka And The Chocolate Factory Charlie GIF

Willy Wonka GIF
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<Silver Donator>
Yeah my main issue with it is I would be the horrible neighbor

I have a full dolby atmos surround sound setup (not sound bar crap but actual home theater) and it's just insanely loud. If I'm watching action movies I will put my dog outside or in another room so he doesn't go Def lol

My mom lives in a condo in Florida and it's built to withstand hurricanes, you can't hear a Fkn thing in it the walls and floors are sooooooo thick. I would need a building like that.
I'd still have subtitles on
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Buzzfeed Editor
4hrs with a push mower isn't that bad. I think I did closer to 10-12hrs a week as a kid for a few years.

That's not some sort of a humblebrag, either. It fucking sucked.

Every day after school I would mow for an hour or two. When it was wet it would take longer and usually eat my Saturday too. But later in the summer when it got hot, I might be done by late Wednesday or early Thursday night.

We had a lot of acreage, and the 'yard' was fucking ridiculous. Plus my father was a cheap bastard of the highest order. When he did finally 'splurge' on a used riding mower, it was the smallest riding mower you can get. I think he paid $100 or $150 for it? It was a Snapper though, and for as small as it was, that fucking thing was a million times better than a push mower.

But around that time my family also decided to start fixing all of the fencing in the fields and doubling down on the livestock. So all of time the riding mower saved me, was then spent doing a bunch of that fucking shit.

The only thing I hated worse than push-mowing, was doing fencing. When my dad was too cheap to buy fence posts (he relented years later) I would have to go out with a chainsaw and find the straightest hedge-apple limbs/trees and cut posts. That wood never rots. Then I'd have to spend a lot of time digging holes in the clay with one of those clamshell diggers, by hand.

The weird thing about it, was that for all the labor I did as a kid, I was super skinny and never gained weight until I joined the Army. It was fucking bizarre.

Oh, I know, man. Though to me it sounds like your father was being a cheapass to a self-destructive level on some end. I mean, too cheap to use proper fence posts, so make the kid go cut some wood from trees? Too cheap to buy a riding mower with a massive yard, so have the kid spend 8 - 12 hours a week mowing it instead? Sounds stuck in the early 1900's just for the sake of it, even if that went down in the 70's or whatever.

Anyway though, if you read my other posts on the subject, you'll notice that what I was saying there wasn't just a blanket statement or whatever. It was a small olive branch that was intended for the lazy posters itt who were talking about how they lived in condos and hired out professional lawnmowing services strictly because they're too lazy to spend 90 minutes a week tending to their otherwise residential city sized lots.
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Buzzfeed Editor
To be honest, I'm starting to see why some miscers ended up not feeling like making the move here based just on this thread. I'm still not motivated to go look at the other "new forums" that were made to replace it, as those seem riddled with their own issues. However, this thread has quickly devolved into a circle session between about half a dozen former miscers, and the exact same things get talked about all the time. Real exciting stuff to check out on the daily.
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Golden Knight of the Realm
Not sure if you noticed, but there is a whole forum outside of this singular thread that you can participate in.
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