And very predictably, the boomer circle fest I spoke of earlier just continues on itt. Instead of taking differening thoughts/opinions from your own and considering it potential food for thought, they take it as something to circle up together over and shut out. And you guys wonder why it was only about half a dozen very like minded boomers who actually became regulars here. Of course most miscers just decided to move on when their first impression of this forum was this thread being heavily dominated by a very select select group of boomer miscers with boomer mentalities about most things in life. Most of them probably assumed that was how most of the forum was going to be, or they wanted to interact with different types of miscers than just that very select crowd, so they just moved on or tried one of those forums other miscers made instead.
I'm not saying any of this to badmouth this forum. I'm just saying that it's no surprise to me that a lot of miscers didn't see the appeal of this forum in general after glancing through this thread, as most probably wouldn't have bothered with other parts of the site if they weren't able to get their miscer fixes from this thread. This also doesn't apply to everyone itt, just a few posters. But a few posters like that is all it takes to make a thread like this one feel pointless real fast.