Misc Refugee Thread


Trakanon Raider
Any of you mid 30s dudes start realizing you're becoming a fuking grouch at that age? Lmao I swear my tolerance for people acting goofy and doing corny ghey chit is so low now.

Depends. If someone acts goofy/corny in a way where the humor actually hits well, then that can still amuse me. But yes, people acting goofy or weird in a way that isn't legitimately funny gets old very fast to me.

What gets me grummpier and ornery a lot faster than that though, is peoples' general stupidity and/or needless assholeness in basic day-to-day stuff. People driving like inattentive idiots on the road, people acting like bumbling fools with zero spacial awareness whatseover in public, people blatantly cutting in lines in public while ignoring all etiquette about it because they know 99.9% of people will groan in disappiontment without saying anything that could risk making a scene start, people blaring their stupid music in public, etc. Things like that annoy me much more and faster than people trying to have a good time without messing with others.

I avoided all of havoc's trash wildebeest threads back on the misc but sadly can't do that here. It's like every page now there's some unholy pic making me feel to stab my eyes out. Brb figuring out the block feature when I get on my computer srs.

Now you're just sounding like a grinch
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Trakanon Raider
I tweaked the script using ChatGPT and got that thing running like a ferrari. Unfortunately a lot of threads were locked and those posts were unremoveable.

...and now none of the efforts of post deletion that took place there matter because the misc server got the Hillary Clinton bleachbit treatment as it ended lol
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Silver Knight of the Realm
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Silver Squire
costco parking lot is the worse place i been to where bitches will drive around trying to find a free spot, when they can just easily park 5 or 10 spots away, literally extra 30s
Dude I worked at Costco for over a decade. I got stories on stories on stories.

I've seen a dude have a heart attack driving thru the lot and die behind the wheel and his accelerator got stuck and almost launched him into the front of old navy but he hit a tree and it stopped the car, wheels spinning until they were almost on fire, some brave ass lady literally jumped in and turned the car off climbing over his dead body

I have seen them most insane parking lot road rage you could ever dream of. Fights, spitting, arrests, people shitting in parking spaces... Literally everything.

I almost miss the simplicity of working there but retail is soul draining
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<Prior Amod>
Dude I worked at Costco for over a decade. I got stories on stories on stories.

I've seen a dude have a heart attack driving thru the lot and die behind the wheel and his accelerator got stuck and almost launched him into the front of old navy but he hit a tree and it stopped the car, wheels spinning until they were almost on fire, some brave ass lady literally jumped in and turned the car off climbing over his dead body

I have seen them most insane parking lot road rage you could ever dream of. Fights, spitting, arrests, people shitting in parking spaces... Literally everything.

I almost miss the simplicity of working there but retail is soul draining
i just asked my costco when are they gonna get the id scanners? and they said oh yea thats a huge rollout, mines coming in a few weeks

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Trakanon Raider
i just asked my costco when are they gonna get the id scanners? and they said oh yea thats a huge rollout, mines coming in a few weeks

Show your photo ID to shop there unless you want them to take a picture of you themselves to put on your Coscto membership lol. Though to be honest, part of me kind of wonders why something like that hadn't been implemented in places like Costco/Sam's Club sooner, because I've heard countless stories about people gaming ths system by sharing membership cards for as long as I can remember.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Just spent 500 dollars on wheels for my electric skateboard fml I need cheaper hobbies. It's 2 sets of wheels tho not a single 500 dollar set lol

When i was 18 i worked for modells as a department head and part of their startup/super team and we went around to new locations to get them opened and I got to go to any store that won something big to help with merch. I met a bunch of the Phillies when they won the world series in 08 and got to work in the downtown Philly store. I was often gifted sports tickets as a favor too, got to see the devils vs flyers front row a couple times.

Honestly I loved working there and as an 18-19 year old they gave me a ton of opportunity and responsibility.

I will forever have nothing but great things to say about modells sporting goods.

Except the pay sucked lol. I left there to go push carts at Costco and made literally twice as much to jack off in the parking of all day
Now that's what I call a WIN / WIN
costco parking lot is the worse place i been to where bitches will drive around trying to find a free spot, when they can just easily park 5 or 10 spots away, literally extra 30s
When there's no more room in Hell, the dead will walk Costco parking lots. I'll never understand the compulsion to park so close to the building for some people, I park in a light year away and never have to worry about someone denting my car, or parking, or any of that shit.
You can edit posts for a while, unless its the retard rickshaw. Double check and get it right the first time. When someone wants to redact a post you'll usually see it turn to a single '.'
That's actually a great idea.
Remember the sports authority
Hell yeah bro, I still have Sports Authority weights, really miss that place, srs. We had one nearby one of the malls here in the north east part of the state, but it went away many years back...had a movie theater nearby too, but that eventually got shut down recently...too much crime, lmao, the mall got hit with a lot of crime too. 2020
For a very long time, posters on the misc had 48 hours to edit or delete posts. If someone wanted to change a post beyond that time frame, that were out of luck. Then around 2019 or so, the admins there decided to lift all restrictions of time limits to delete or edit posts, meaning users could then go back and delete potentially any post they had ever made, unless it was a post stuck in a locked thread. Pretty sure they did that because they were tired of people begging them to let them delete old posts over the years, so they enabled them to delete individually whenever, even if that was an extremely inefficient way of deleting posts.

Then there was the mass post deletion script that someone made to streamline mass post deletion rather than taking the time to individually delete them by hand, which took an eternity to try doing it that way. Then certain users like monsterpeed0ultra would run the mass deletion script once every month or two to wipe out anywhere from 500-ish to 2k-ish posts at a time
lmfao yeah he posted some fucked up shit about rape, racist stuff, under age girls, etc. He knows it's wrong too, because he would routinely delete all his posts as you mentioned. I'm still entertained that he was disgraced before misc shut down by being perma banned.
Dude I worked at Costco for over a decade. I got stories on stories on stories.

I've seen a dude have a heart attack driving thru the lot and die behind the wheel and his accelerator got stuck and almost launched him into the front of old navy but he hit a tree and it stopped the car, wheels spinning until they were almost on fire, some brave ass lady literally jumped in and turned the car off climbing over his dead body

I have seen them most insane parking lot road rage you could ever dream of. Fights, spitting, arrests, people shitting in parking spaces... Literally everything.

I almost miss the simplicity of working there but retail is soul draining
I stopped going to Costco a while back, just can't deal with the fukking crowds, especially in summer with the heat you've got a sea of humanity going in and out, traffic is a pain in the ass.

There's a BJs right next to the Costco too, sometimes you'd go into Costco and it's as if you teleported to a third world country. I just go to grocers in ritzy towns now during the day.
i just asked my costco when are they gonna get the id scanners? and they said oh yea thats a huge rollout, mines coming in a few weeks

Wasn't there a big outcry about them installing these scanners being racist or some bull shit like that, or am I mixing this up with voting?
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Silver Squire
This guy is actually a poster on this forum.
Wait you're telling me the actor who plays bubbles in trailer park Boys posts here?

I have been obsessed with that show since I was a teenager, I'm in the USA, I used to have to pirate it from showcase or whatever that Canadian channel was. I have seriously watched that show in it's entirety about 50 times over.

I even got a cameo video from randy for my girlfriend on valentines last year day lmao
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Lord Nagafen Raider
always "these" ppl


i think i saw the full vid on youtube about a month back, been watching more and more of these police cam / police chase videos lately and the level of stupid is insane, some people really are dumber than animals, ded srs, I'm at a point now where I can see a fine line that delineates people in two categories, one is evil and the other is sheer and utter stupidity.

What do you think of this one? Evil, Stupid, or both?

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Silver Squire
Has anyone ever taken like an easy part time job just to kill some time? Or for like a hobby interest?

I have a good full time job, mostly work from home, don't need a second job at all, very happy with my career...

But I found a semi local electric skate shop, and went to check it out yesterday. Got into a conversation with the owner/manager. It's a small business they opened up a few years ago.

Basically long story short, I was offered an opportunity to go work there part time a couple nights per week and on Sundays. Like 6-10 or 11 on weekdays, no Saturday, 12-5 Sundays. We spoke for about 40 minutes which essentially I think was us interviewing eachother also.

Pay is low, 16/hr, but I'd get discounts, I'd learn how to fix and build electric skateboards, scooters, one wheels, basically electric toys. I'd also get to play with alot of cool stuff I otherwise would not. I can test products before buying, etc

I am considering it for the winter, I'm usually pretty dormant and ain't doing shit anyways.

It seems like a really chill environment, everyone there is about my age and all are just chill bros who are into electric stuff.

I'm considering it but idk is it really even worth to do purely out of interest in the hobby
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<Silver Donator>
Has anyone ever taken like an easy part time job just to kill some time? Or for like a hobby interest?

I have a good full time job, mostly work from home, don't need a second job at all, very happy with my career...

But I found a semi local electric skate shop, and went to check it out yesterday. Got into a conversation with the owner/manager. It's a small business they opened up a few years ago.

Basically long story short, I was offered an opportunity to go work there part time a couple nights per week and on Sundays. Like 6-10 or 11 on weekdays, no Saturday, 12-5 Sundays. We spoke for about 40 minutes which essentially I think was us interviewing eachother also.

Pay is low, 16/hr, but I'd get discounts, I'd learn how to fix and build electric skateboards, scooters, one wheels, basically electric toys. I'd also get to play with alot of cool stuff I otherwise would not. I can test products before buying, etc

I am considering it for the winter, I'm usually pretty dormant and ain't doing shit anyways.

It seems like a really chill environment, everyone there is about my age and all are just chill bros who are into electric stuff.

I'm considering it but idk is it really even worth to do purely out of interest in the hobby
I used to work at bars just for fun. Well it started for the secondary money but later I didn't need it but enjoyed it

Go for it - you literally have nothing to lose but time but this is time spent on a hobby

I joke with my wife all the time that I am going to get a job at the LEGO store
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Lord Nagafen Raider
Has anyone ever taken like an easy part time job just to kill some time? Or for like a hobby interest?

I have a good full time job, mostly work from home, don't need a second job at all, very happy with my career...

But I found a semi local electric skate shop, and went to check it out yesterday. Got into a conversation with the owner/manager. It's a small business they opened up a few years ago.

Basically long story short, I was offered an opportunity to go work there part time a couple nights per week and on Sundays. Like 6-10 or 11 on weekdays, no Saturday, 12-5 Sundays. We spoke for about 40 minutes which essentially I think was us interviewing eachother also.

Pay is low, 16/hr, but I'd get discounts, I'd learn how to fix and build electric skateboards, scooters, one wheels, basically electric toys. I'd also get to play with alot of cool stuff I otherwise would not. I can test products before buying, etc

I am considering it for the winter, I'm usually pretty dormant and ain't doing shit anyways.

It seems like a really chill environment, everyone there is about my age and all are just chill bros who are into electric stuff.

I'm considering it but idk is it really even worth to do purely out of interest in the hobby
you'd be getting paid + discounts for something you're into and enjoy whereas you'd just be sitting at home doing nothing and not getting paid otherwise, I'd say go for it srs

also you never know what kind of opportunities you might find speaking with like minded people, always good to network

as long as it's not in a ghetto area, seems like a good time
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Bald Brah

Molten Core Raider
Has anyone ever taken like an easy part time job just to kill some time? Or for like a hobby interest?

I have a good full time job, mostly work from home, don't need a second job at all, very happy with my career...

But I found a semi local electric skate shop, and went to check it out yesterday. Got into a conversation with the owner/manager. It's a small business they opened up a few years ago.

Basically long story short, I was offered an opportunity to go work there part time a couple nights per week and on Sundays. Like 6-10 or 11 on weekdays, no Saturday, 12-5 Sundays. We spoke for about 40 minutes which essentially I think was us interviewing eachother also.

Pay is low, 16/hr, but I'd get discounts, I'd learn how to fix and build electric skateboards, scooters, one wheels, basically electric toys. I'd also get to play with alot of cool stuff I otherwise would not. I can test products before buying, etc

I am considering it for the winter, I'm usually pretty dormant and ain't doing shit anyways.

It seems like a really chill environment, everyone there is about my age and all are just chill bros who are into electric stuff.

I'm considering it but idk is it really even worth to do purely out of interest in the hobby

If it's something you enjoy. I worked at best buy for 6 months selling tvs for shitty commissions at night to get the employee discount, 50% off or some shit. Bought thousands of dollars of electronics and quit the next day.
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<Prior Amod>
If it's something you enjoy. I worked at best buy for 6 months selling tvs for shitty commissions at night to get the employee discount, 50% off or some shit. Bought thousands of dollars of electronics and quit the next day.
are you saying it took 6months for the employee discount to come into effect, and then you bought and scoot?
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