Yes the one with adam sandler and the remote control, let me explian.
I hate adam sandler, his movies are shit, cuz i had a great time with waterboy and happy gilmore and even 50st dates with drew barrymore, probably one of the best rom/coms i've seen. Hey i'm a husband who watches movies with his wife and she likes to watch the rom/coms, out of the the 100 rom/coms (forced to watch) 50st dates is easily top 3, and since i can't even think of the other 2 it's number one.
But Click... dumb remote control rewind movie, couple of laughs, blah blah, then (Spoiler) at the end when he realizes he's "fast fowarded" his life way, his son is mess, his daughter, his wife, his own life... then all this realization and he has a heart attack...
and i'm like whoa... stupid adam sandler movie... and i feel sad, again i watched this with my wife, and we both turned together and we're like "wtf 1hr 20minutes of stupid comedy and now we feel kind sad"
mind blown a stupid adam sandler movie could do this.