Best mind blowing movie.


Vyemm Raider
Burn after reading
Brad pitt getting shot in the face
The other guys
aim for the bushes
When you find out why the gods hand killer is confessing


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
Primal Fear is a pretty good one. I like it because the twist isn't really unexpected, but it kept me guessing as to what was true and what was a lie throughout the movie.


Musty Nester
Oh, I just remembered one. The Ninth Configuration. It's a movie starring Stacy Keach and I think directed by the dude who did the exorcist.

It's not a plot twist sort of movie, but it is kinda mindfucky. It's about an asylum of veterans -- some legit crazy and some that klingered it out of vietnam and sorta got stuck in the place. It was made in 1980 and there are some VERY 1980 scenes in the movie. But overall the movie is justfucking bizzare. I remember the first time I saw it a friend just plugged it in -- didn't tell me shit about it, and I spent 3/4 of the movie going "what in the holy fuck IS this?" God it's strange, it really vascillates between honest and powerful insight, pure fucking 80's cheese, and straight schlock. And sometimes you'll get all 3 in a single scene.

Edit: Which actually works really, really well in a movie about some random crazy fuckers and I'm confident was deliberate and constructed even though it seems to be almost incomprehensible, random tonal shifts on the first viewing.


Molten Core Raider
Requiem for a dream - was more depressing to me than anything - ill never watch it again, it, to me, was that good. So friggin depressing I just wanted to stop.

to contribute, I enjoyed a 2010 movie called yellowbrickroad. Bout some peeps who follow the trail an entire town follows and disappeared in. The ending wasn't wtf, but there were some moments were the loss of humanity makes you go wtf!! One scene in particular really stuck with me.


Got something right about marriage
Pretty much everyone I know, myself included, who has seen Requiem for a Dream agrees it was an incredible experience and that they could never watch it again. It's just too intense.


Golden Knight of the Realm
I enjoyed the ending to Pan's Labyrinth - I wouldn't say my mind was blown, but I didn't see it coming quite the way it worked out.


Molten Core Raider
Shawshank Redemption probably doesn't count, though it did great job of building at the end to thinking that Andy might have committed suicide at the end, and then seeing how he actually escaped.


<Prior Amod>

Yes the one with adam sandler and the remote control, let me explian.

I hate adam sandler, his movies are shit, cuz i had a great time with waterboy and happy gilmore and even 50st dates with drew barrymore, probably one of the best rom/coms i've seen. Hey i'm a husband who watches movies with his wife and she likes to watch the rom/coms, out of the the 100 rom/coms (forced to watch) 50st dates is easily top 3, and since i can't even think of the other 2 it's number one.

But Click... dumb remote control rewind movie, couple of laughs, blah blah, then (Spoiler) at the end when he realizes he's "fast fowarded" his life way, his son is mess, his daughter, his wife, his own life... then all this realization and he has a heart attack...

and i'm like whoa... stupid adam sandler movie... and i feel sad, again i watched this with my wife, and we both turned together and we're like "wtf 1hr 20minutes of stupid comedy and now we feel kind sad"

mind blown a stupid adam sandler movie could do this.


Life's a Dream
I agree that it was unexpectedly sad. It was out of left field. Since becoming a father myself, I've become a bitch of any sort of sad family movie shit.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Click is a typical "comedy" movie the beginning,it's all laughs but towards the end, it becomes a drama movie,with some moral bullshit.
fuck that movie and all the movies alike.


Trakanon Raider
so true, if you can make it through the movie the ending is somewhat mindblowing
i agree with the mist. the movie itself was pretty horrible, but the ending is fucking fantastic.
also, gotta go with the usual suspects (one of my all time favorite movies), the sixth sense (did not see that one coming, even a little bit. although this was the ONLY good movie m night ever made), one flew over the cuckoo's nest (great older movie if you've never seen it, watch it), the sting, snatch (great ending just when you think they're all fucked). i'm sure there's more, but i'm too tired to go on.

Gamma Rays

Large sized member
Mind blowing? Yes, but just as an ending.

But really this is one of the most "Chills up the spine" moments of my movie watching life.



Life's a Dream
snatch (great ending just when you think they're all fucked). i'm sure there's more, but i'm too tired to go on.
Snatch was great, but I really liked Layer Cake. Staring James Bond. He's a good actor and this movie wasn't any different.