Bitcoins/Litecoins/Virtual Currencies

Sanrith Descartes

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I would expect a retest of the recent lows coming for BTC sooner rather than later. IF, and I repeat IF, you are bullish then I would expect a bounce on support at around 32k and that might be a good entry point. 32k is an estimate. It could be 31k and it could be 33k. With numbers in the tens of thousands the spread for variance gets rather large.
ALSO: if the retest fails and the support at 32k doesnt hold, you could potentially see a steep drop down to the 24k level.

disclaimer: This is not to be construed as investing advice as I wear Harley Davidson t-shirts and do not wear a tie unless I am shilling my newsletter on CNBC.


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Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Still feels like a strange cycle. Even before paying attention to the thread I at least was aware of the pricing of coins and their craziness. Now it just seems like this stagnant period of wavering. May pick up a few more Eth and it seems like a couple of others are still low enough to continue to pick up with less risk that they’ll crater. As in thinking they don’t have 30% to give up. But float between that 10%-15% range of +/-


Blackwing Lair Raider
Still feels like a strange cycle. Even before paying attention to the thread I at least was aware of the pricing of coins and their craziness. Now it just seems like this stagnant period of wavering. May pick up a few more Eth and it seems like a couple of others are still low enough to continue to pick up with less risk that they’ll crater. As in thinking they don’t have 30% to give up. But float between that 10%-15% range of +/-

Doesn't feel that strange to me tbh. A huge correction needed to happen. ETH is still up 900+% in the last 12 months (BTC is up 200+%). Crypto fundamentals are stronger than they have ever been and acceptance is higher than ever. Dozens of big name investors and financial institutions, many of whom had publicly denounced crypto in the not so distant past, have admitted it is here to stay. Crypto pretty clearly isn't going anywhere- the only question is how low it goes during the accumulation phase. I wish I knew.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Strange in the same way a battered housewife feels after being beaten because it rains but suddenly finding things calm in stable relationship. Not strange in a bad way.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
Strange in the same way a battered housewife feels after being beaten because it rains but suddenly finding things calm in stable relationship. Not strange in a bad way.

Wait, who is the battered housewife in your scenario? You or crypto?


Vyemm Raider
I would expect a retest of the recent lows coming for BTC sooner rather than later. IF, and I repeat IF, you are bullish then I would expect a bounce on support at around 32k and that might be a good entry point. 32k is an estimate. It could be 31k and it could be 33k. With numbers in the tens of thousands the spread for variance gets rather large.
ALSO: if the retest fails and the support at 32k doesnt hold, you could potentially see a steep drop down to the 24k level.

disclaimer: This is not to be construed as investing advice as I wear Harley Davidson t-shirts and do not wear a tie unless I am shilling my newsletter on CNBC.

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View attachment 355864

i enjoy your post like this.
Thank you.

Can you do the same for eth? Do you see support sub 2k (when I plan to enter again)


Potato del Grande
I'm sure this isn't the bottom for ETH but it's damn attractive at this price too. If only I had the balls to sell and rebuy the lows.
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<Gold Donor>
disclaimer: This is not to be construed as investing advice as I wear Harley Davidson t-shirts and do not wear a tie unless I am shilling my newsletter on CNBC.

That's one helluva disclaimer. However, I trust your advice more than the squeeky clean pos's on Squawk Box.
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<Silver Donator>
I've seen blurbs from multiple of the various TA, fundamental, and "market psychology" analysts all seeming to point at a bad time through the rest of this holiday weekend. Just did a pre-emptory move heavy into stablecoins.

Maybe I'm wrong and I miss some spike sweet profits, but if I'm right I miss some potentially cratering dips. As some are saying BTC is about to test the a price in the 20's again and probably drag most of the market with it.

Hopefully some time late next week I'll be buying back in at a sweet bottom....


<Gold Donor>
I'm sure this isn't the bottom for ETH but it's damn attractive at this price too. If only I had the balls to sell and rebuy the lows.

If you're long don't sell and get taxed. Defer the tax event and just keep buying.
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Sanrith Descartes

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i enjoy your post like this.
Thank you.

Can you do the same for eth? Do you see support sub 2k (when I plan to enter again)
Arden Arden Nester Nester
I am a big fan of give a man a fish, feed him for a day, teach a man to fish, feed him for life. So here is your chart for ETH and how to set it up for yourself going forward. This is from (feel free to use whatever service you prefer).

After hitting Marketwatch, hit Crypto, then Ethereum then advanced charting..


Choose your time frame (with the insane 12 month movement of crypto I would opt for a YTD view. Click on "edit" on the "Simple moving average". It defaults to 50, "add period" and add 100, 200 and 20 and then hit close. It will them look like this...


Mousing over anywhere on the chart will give you this nice flyover with all the numbers on whatever day you are mousing over...


So looking at this chart it sells us the current price now is just a hair below the 100-DMA ($2300.5) and well above the 200-DMA of $1642.98).

Right now ETH is in range between the 100-DMA and the 200-DMA. If you are bullish you might feel its going to break the overhead resistance of the 100-DMA and make a run up to the 50-DMA (at $2842.37). If you are bearish you might think its going to cruise down and test the 200-DMA (at $1642). It could do both or it could bounce around sideways in this big $700 dollar trough for a while. BTC has a lot of weakness now so if I were a betting man on crypto I would take a wait and see approach in the short run. As the 20-DMA keeps dropping it is going to create more overhead resistance. Same with the 50-DMA. The long it takes to decide what it is going to do, the more pressure it will have on it to break lower.

Or I could be totally wrong. Its crypto and it likes to do its own thing. Also, never take financial advice from a guy who wears Harley Davidson t-shirts.

Use what I showed you above to teach you how to setup your own charts and read them.
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Sanrith Descartes

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<Gold Donor>
I would expect a retest of the recent lows coming for BTC sooner rather than later. IF, and I repeat IF, you are bullish then I would expect a bounce on support at around 32k and that might be a good entry point. 32k is an estimate. It could be 31k and it could be 33k. With numbers in the tens of thousands the spread for variance gets rather large.
ALSO: if the retest fails and the support at 32k doesnt hold, you could potentially see a steep drop down to the 24k level.

disclaimer: This is not to be construed as investing advice as I wear Harley Davidson t-shirts and do not wear a tie unless I am shilling my newsletter on CNBC.

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View attachment 355864

The only negative news to come out against BTC in recent weeks is Elon suggesting it's not energy effecient. Compared to what? Digging gold mines? Everything else is, "VISA is going to use BTC", "PAYPAL accepts BTC", "Banks going to start using BTC", etc., etc., etc.

Either way it seems like an interesting reset, especially considering the slow bleed occurring today. Why? Is it coordination trying to get people to let go of their coinage and create an even deeper buy event? Or is it simply a function of the market cooling off after a hot-as-hell run up?

The SMA's make it look like it's going to rebound off $32k, while I would expect to see a very hard aggressive drop if it wanted to get to $24k. I spent months looking at an SMA BTC chart and I'm still not sure. Volatility is your friend. Volatility is your enemy.

I'm in BTC so long I don't care though. The bets I'm making are based on being able to buy a hamburger with crypto in the next decade.