Black Desert


Blackwing Lair Raider
I haven't gotten into Elvia stuff yet, but from what I've heard its the best by far, but I'd guess there's also heavy competition for the good spots.

I'm tired of succ lahn, looking for a new main that can both farm well and isn't trash in 1v1. Right now I'm most interested in awak war, succ valk and awak guard. Any thoughts on these choices from people who play them currently or recently? I heard succ valk got nerfed recently, but not finding too much info on how bad it was. I'll also be waiting to see the new pirate class before I make my decision, I'm hoping they add a new class with quick movement again like the early classes but we'll see.


Trakanon Raider
Guardian is the only class on the list that meets all the criteria you've listed.

Mem frags and Caphras have been sold out on the SEA server for months.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
Guardian is the only class on the list that meets all the criteria you've listed.

Mem frags and Caphras have been sold out on the SEA server for months.
Depends on what you mean by "good grinder". Guardian is solid in most 1v1s and a solid grinder, but really falls off at the high end compared to Lahn, Striker, Hash, etc. Their pack to pack movement is fucking balls.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Corsair is the new class, I wonder if its going to be a specialized class like Shai, but focused on Ocean content (I doubt it).


<Gold Donor>
That would be pretty great to have an ocean specialized class. Possibly give her specialized abilities for seafaring content. I’m not sure what they could do besides increased sailing exp or speed? It would cost a lot to try to train her up to what most ocean players have now.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
I wanna see that new shooter this company is working on.
Pearl Abyss does a lot of things wrong with BDO, no question.

The big thing for me though, is that I can never play another MMO without similar combat to BDO. I lasted all of about 2 hours in WoW classic. I just can't do the whole tab-targettimg thing anymore. Unless it is taken to an extreme level like EQ, where you can watch TV and still pull top DPS.
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<Gold Donor>
Well I’m sold Yet another class to level up I hope they don’t get rid of the oasis stuff anytime soon


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Lots of other info given out, but not sure about anything other than the PEN accessory. We'll get to pick a special version of a Crescent Ring, Tungrad Earring or Narc Earring. Then work on upgrading it over time (up to 6 months) so it can become a PEN version (will cost 10bln in materials).

There was some unclear information about how this new Season will allow you to Link your Season character with a non-Season and share XP/SP. Some sort of PvP Season.

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Blackwing Lair Raider
I stayed up late watching this, and overall was really impressed. I like that they flat out said no to a lot of requests during the Q&A to stuff like making treasure grinds easier and other things that devalue accomplishments or adding social RP stuff like marriage systems into the game, instead they're focusing on improving and expanding pvp & pve content. There also seems to be a big focus on lowering the barrier to entry for new players into pvp, which we'll see how it goes with the pvp season coming in august. The trade lifeskill revamp sounds pretty interesting too, I'm interested in getting into that if it has depth. And the reboot/rework of 17 classes coming in October should be a good thing, just going by the awakened ranger footage they showed already. I'm guessing more SA/FG added onto skills, some skills trimmed/reworked/new ones added, and probably some damage buffs where needed.

Can't wait to roll a corsair in a week and a half for the new season.

Edit - treasure distribution by region:

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<Gold Donor>
I’m really liking the info so far. The rewards with those codes are nutty good! Pretty nice for just logging in. The PEN accessory sounds cool. 10bn is steep for casuals but totally doable in 6mo for a pretty sweet reward


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
PA has a tendency of announcing their ideas on what they want to add to the game while those idea's are just that. Also, they announce these ideas way too soon even if they are actively developing them.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
PA has a tendency of announcing their ideas on what they want to add to the game while those idea's are just that. Also, they announce these ideas way too soon even if they are actively developing them.
Yeah, this. Expect about 2 things they announced at this ball to actually make it to live servers within a year.

There was some good info from this Ball, but a lot of really, "WTF?" stuff too. PEN accessory is one example: 3-6 months of fucking dailies + 10bil for a PEN Crescent? No, thanks. I'd rather just grind the extra 20-30bil for it in 1-2 months instead of doing your unfun, daily bullshit that you apparently want to gate EVERYTHING behind.

Group dungeon is another great example: That content will be DOA unless it just happens to be omega fun. Essentially, they are creating the exact same loot as solo grind spots, just calling it by a different name. The example they gave was literally the same stats as a Distortion Earring. All because they don't want it to feel "forced". It's the same reason we aren't getting family inventory treasure items (map, infinite potion, etc.). Because then it feels "forced". You know, because being able to swap my item that I had to grind literally hundreds of hours for a little bit faster between characters would break it and make it feel forced... :rolleyes: .

It's insane to me how so many things in this event came down to, "Well, we don't want to make it feel forced". The fuck? Why add ANYTHING to the game with that mentality? Are Elvia spots "forced" because they make the best money per hour, thus everyone feels the need to grind them? They actually said they intentionally made a fucking T10 horse's skills underwhelming, because they don't want it to feel "forced". A fucking horse that can take literal YEARS of dailies to get, they just flat out don't want it to be able to walk on water for long because it'd be "forced". Just mind bottling design.

17 class "rework" seems cool, until you realize they plan to release 4 new classes a year. There's no possible fucking way they can keep "old" classes relevant with a "new" class release schedule that frequent. Look at how "outdated" and mostly irrelevant many classes feel already - Kuno, Maewha, Tamer, Shai, etc.

There was some cool info that dropped, but when it sunk in that only about 20% of it will ever see the light of day? I don't know, it just added a lot of "meh" to it and just makes me that much more excited for Lost Ark given PA some real competition.

New class just seems like warrior and mystic had a baby. It doesn't really excite me all that much.

P.S. - I'm sure it's purely by coincidence that a TON of this stuff (ESPCIALLY the 17 class revamp) is dropping right at the same time as Lost Ark...


<Silver Donator>
Every korean mmo does their big announcements during the summer, not a coincidence but not something specific to black desert. DFO announced their new shiny class a few days ago too, and you can tell it's way better designed than a lot of the more recent shit they did, but it got pretty poor reception cause the game's in a meh state where a lot of classes are too weak and need reworks plus the last raid they added is both buggy and annoying. But they kinda "had" to announce the new class to compete with the news from Aion, Black Desert, Maplestory, Lost Ark and so on.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
Every korean mmo does their big announcements during the summer, not a coincidence but not something specific to black desert. DFO announced their new shiny class a few days ago too, and you can tell it's way better designed than a lot of the more recent shit they did, but it got pretty poor reception cause the game's in a meh state where a lot of classes are too weak and need reworks plus the last raid they added is both buggy and annoying. But they kinda "had" to announce the new class to compete with the news from Aion, Black Desert, Maplestory, Lost Ark and so on.
PA does them twice. Once at Heidal Ball in the summer and again at Calpheon Ball in the winter.

Looking back on Calpheon Ball, of the 7-8 major things they announced that they were working on or actively had in development, only 1 of them actually made it to live (winter season) so far. I guess a 2nd one will make it soon with the dungeon release here in another month or so. But, that's what I mean about not taking any of the shit they say as these events seriously, or as anything they are going to actually follow through on.
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<Silver Donator>
PA does them twice. Once at Heidal Ball in the summer and again at Calpheon Ball in the winter.

Looking back on Calpheon Ball, of the 7-8 major things they announced that they were working on or actively had in development, only 1 of them actually made it to live (winter season) so far. I guess a 2nd one will make it soon with the dungeon release here in another month or so. But, that's what I mean about not taking any of the shit they say as these events seriously, or as anything they are going to actually follow through on.
Oh yeah definitely I was just explaining the whole announcement while other companies announce stuff, it's super frequent in korean mmos. I did hear before they didn't patch most of the shit they said they would last time though, so yeah it's just random announcements so far, other than the season/new class which is happening soon, anything else is basically "maybe".


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
They have been working on everything they mentioned at Calpheon Ball, and I believe most of the big features will be out this year. The Winter area was scheduled for to be out in 2021, the Land of Dawn (Margoria) is scheduled for 2022. The "endless" dungeon they mentioned is "Terror of the Deep" which will be out this year. The two biggest features they've announeced in the past year or so which haven't yet made it to Live have been Thornwood Castle (but that will be out by Sept) and the total Node War / Server War system (work in progress). Its just that they mention too much stuff far too soon.

This Heidel Ball should have only about stuff like Winter zone, Terror of the Deep, Manions, Season revamp, Atoraxxion and PvP. All stuff which will be out this year. Then at the Calpheon Ball start talking about the Trading revamp, Land of Dawn, all the stuff that will most likely be out in 2022 and showcased in the Summer.

I'll be surprised if they manage to get all sections of Atoraxxion out by the end of 2021 though, and I also think the Class revamp will be very very anemic, with it mostly just being fluff passives, and a normalization of hidden stats. Nothing that will change how any class plays, imo. The T10 Dine announcement was pretty pathetic though, lol. That should be a worthwhile goal for people to work towards, if they want too.

Not a huge fan of PA concentrating on getting a new class out every 3 months, that seems like overkill. Yet, I wouldn't mind them taking some time and developing a new sub class, but doing something like that is probably a lot harder than simply making a new shiny something.


<Silver Donator>
A new class every 3months also seems counter productive with how slow they are to make costumes and them being mostly class specific costumes. The new classes will end up getting like 2-3 costumes plus the ones that aren't class specific, and then probably nothing for a year as they have to work on the next class' 2-3 costumes and adding new costumes every now and then to the growing older roster.

I guess it's a good way to get people back into the game regularly though, especially along season servers and such.