Gunnar Durden
- 6,039
- 8,384
Yeah those Pro Life, Anti Gay rights Catholics are regular free love hippies.
And its sounds less like that pastor was saying "Everyone adopt a little brown kid" and more "Maybe you should feel empathy for your fellow man and do something to help."
I listened to a fucking moron at a BBQ this weekend rail on about how we need to turn everyone of those kids back, Not our problem, fuck them he doesnt pay taxes to take care of other peoples problems. He even went as far to say he wouldnt want tax money paying to deport them back to their origin. "Just tell them no at the border and let them wander around mexico. who cares".
Then I see him leave and he has a Jesus Fish on his car.
All I know is if a random starving kid shows up on my doorstep tonight, the victim of gods knows what kind of horrors, sent away by his family to escape even more horrors, I would want to help him. Sure its not my duty or responsibility to feed him, cloth him, or house him for 18 years. But I sure as shit wouldnt slam the door in his face. I would see what kind of help I can give him and try to maybe find the cause of why he was there.
I dont know how some people could have no problem sending more money to Iraq, or bombing Syria, or going after Kony, or fighting russia, or Boko Haram, etc (Libs and Cons) but if you wanted to spend the same money to stem the stream of children fleeing to America its a waste of money and we should just build a fence.
And its sounds less like that pastor was saying "Everyone adopt a little brown kid" and more "Maybe you should feel empathy for your fellow man and do something to help."
I listened to a fucking moron at a BBQ this weekend rail on about how we need to turn everyone of those kids back, Not our problem, fuck them he doesnt pay taxes to take care of other peoples problems. He even went as far to say he wouldnt want tax money paying to deport them back to their origin. "Just tell them no at the border and let them wander around mexico. who cares".
Then I see him leave and he has a Jesus Fish on his car.
All I know is if a random starving kid shows up on my doorstep tonight, the victim of gods knows what kind of horrors, sent away by his family to escape even more horrors, I would want to help him. Sure its not my duty or responsibility to feed him, cloth him, or house him for 18 years. But I sure as shit wouldnt slam the door in his face. I would see what kind of help I can give him and try to maybe find the cause of why he was there.
I dont know how some people could have no problem sending more money to Iraq, or bombing Syria, or going after Kony, or fighting russia, or Boko Haram, etc (Libs and Cons) but if you wanted to spend the same money to stem the stream of children fleeing to America its a waste of money and we should just build a fence.