[*]Under Obama, 660,000 Americans dropped off the job rolls.just last month. 90 million working-age, able-bodied Americans are no longer in the workforce. 90 million.
Citation? U-6 would cover all non workers, and it's at 12.1% (
U6 Unemployment Rate | Portal Seven) - that's around 35-40 million. And BLS quotes 288k jobs CREATED in June 2014 -
[*]The workforce participation rate is the lowest since 1979. For men it's the lowest since 1948 (when record keeping began).
False see the first link above, it's 5% better than 2009 alone much less searching back further. And shocker, Recessions suck for jobs. And one of the worst Recessions of all time is amongst the worst - WOWSERS.
[*]Almost 50 million Americans are on food stamps (20% of all eligible adults).
From the SNAP website itself: Program Growth
(Rumor they're responding to): Generous eligibility rules and program fraud and abuse have caused participation in SNAP to balloon, sharply driving up the cost of the program when the nation can least afford it.
The dramatic increase in SNAP participation and costs is a result of the recession, not categorical eligibility. Our nation has seen the highest unemployment rates in nearly 30 years.
SNAP participation historically follows unemployment with a slight lag. SNAP participation grew during the recession, responding quickly and effectively to increased need. As the number of unemployed people increased by 94% from 2007 to 2011, SNAP responded with a 70% increase in participation over the same period.
As the economy recovers and people go back to work, SNAP participation and program costs, too, can be expected to decline. Unemployment has begun to slowly fall, and SNAP participation growth has flattened out. The Congressional Budget Office projects SNAP participation to begin declining in 2015, with both unemployment and SNAP participation returning to near pre-recession levels by 2022
[*]Fourteen million are on disability.
And speaking as someone on disability, it's a hard process to get disability even when your disability is blatant. If you think people are just "Oh, I'm bored and tired of work - I'll get disability for that fat $711 check every month", you're dreaming. (And that was the max payout last time I checked if you don't have full credits for Social Security - might be $720ish now - it's big money - mine's a bit higher, but I had substantial work history)
With my OBVIOUS problems I had it took me five years and getting a lawyer involved before I got approved and another six months or so before my first check.
[*]Millions more are on welfare, unemployment, housing allowances, aid to dependent children, or 100 other free government programs.
See food stamps above.
[*]Now, add in free healthcare plus 22 million government employees.
Free healthcare didn't change it's the same as it's always been. Subsidized healthcare will never get down to "free" but it is new.
On 22m government employees -
http://economix.blogs.nytimes.com/20...t-47-year-low/- that's the number as it's COMING DOWN. Obama's been overseeing us having fewer government employees - so what's the complaint?
[*]Student loan debt is a national disaster- with defaults up 36% from a year ago.
Unemployment amongst the newly out of college up around 40%, college defaults up around 36% - hmm.... wonder how those might interact.
[*]Obama promised to cut the deficit in half; instead he gave us five consecutive trillion dollar deficits
Within his term - and oops?
U.S. Deficit Cut by Almost One-Third to $492 Billion: CBO - Bloomberg
[*]He promised to spend responsibly; instead now owns the title of biggest spender in world history.
Almost entirely because of past expenses he's due for - he's added very little on and removed/trimmed a bunch more.
[*]He swore to be on the side of small business, but he added 6,118 new rules, regulations and mandates in just the last 90 days.
Citation. I usually see at least brief comments on such in my mags, and not seen any blurbs about such. I bet if this is remotely true it's tweaks to existing things that are just things like changing a phrasing or other stuff that doesn't actually matter to anyone in reality but procedurally technically are. (But I do put good odds on it being complete horseshit)
[*]He claimed taxes are low, yet he just raised taxes to the same level as bankrupt EU countries like Greece, Spain, Italy and France. Our federal income taxes are now far higher than former Soviet Republics.[/LIST]
Sure, if you ignore tax deductions which are plentiful here and rare in the rest of the world. (Not to mention capital gains)
Income tax in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Not finding it on basic searches so I could be somewhat off, but I seem to recall average deduction in the EU ends up are 3-4% of your tax burden - here it's in the 15-20% range generally.