Unelected Mod
How many more pages are we going to have to go until you admit that you just want to ensure a woman can cry "rape" regardless of evidence and get someone lynched?How many more pages
How many more pages are we going to have to go until you admit that you just want to ensure a woman can cry "rape" regardless of evidence and get someone lynched?How many more pages
In fact it is the opposite.But as far as your average middle class+ girls go, there's no place they're more likely to be raped than on campus.
This is the global warming problem all over again. Do you accurately state the dangers of global warming, knowing that people are ignorant and the dangerous will be ignored until it's too late and humanity is doomed? Or do you report the dangers in an alarmist manner and give humanity some change of survival?I simply will not buy into your premise now that accurately reporting statistics might make the problem worse.
While you may find the "acceptable levels of rape" statement silly, the fact is that we as a society have decided that it is better to make the justice system as neutral as possible. This leads to many criminals getting away with their crimes. This means that yes, as a society, we have decided that there are acceptable levels of murder, assault, robbery, etc. This is counterbalanced by making people feel like they won't be arrested and convicted unfairly.
Complete reading comprehension failure.
I feel like you don't take the problem of false rape accusations seriously because they don't affect you.These are not supposed to be easy questions to answer, but I feel like you guys don't give a shit because you feel they don't affect you.
Or because it happenswayless than actual rapes.I feel like you don't take the problem of false rape accusations seriously because they don't affect you.
Oh, so now it's ANY rapes? I thought it was.Rapes happen. Whether it's 1 in 5 or 1 in 25, how ridiculous does 'an acceptable amount of rape' sound? Neither of those figures are acceptable to me. And then add to that the fact that victim has a very strong chance of not even having a CHANCE at justice and it makes the statistic look even worse.
Finally found a fucking stat for number of times per year for sex in that age range. The stat wasn't broken down by age and country, just age, but the peak of sex frequency is actually in that age range so we can assume that at its lowest the rate of sex for that age range will be at least the overall average of 132 times per year."Use the feels Denaut."
Then your claim is so weak as to be of no value. There's always going to be a "most" location/area. You know you are most likely to get into an accident within a 15 mile radius of your house? Yeah, turns out you spend most of your time in a 15 mile radius of your house.Complete reading comprehension failure.
What's an acceptable risk to be afraid of? Are you trying to say 4% chance and a 20% chance really makes an order of magnitude difference in whether you should be afraid or not?Oh, so now it's ANY rapes? I thought it was.
A significant number of women stillfeel, despite the fact that rape incidents are down, that the system itself is stacked against themif the do get raped.A significant number of parentsthinktheir children are being sent into unsafe environments on college campuses.
This is the problem arguing with you Mist, you're not half as subtle as you think you are--but you keep trying. You asked us what to do about what women were fearing, not the women who were raped. And then you try and scurry up to the moral high ground and say WARBAGABLE how ridiculous it is to say acceptable rape!
what's funny about that sentence is rape against men is literally a kosher joke everywhere in america even in childrens movies and television (don't drop the soap!) even when men get raped more than woman in america nobody cares AT ALL about innocent men though so who gives a fuck.And even greater than the fear of rape is the fear that your rape won't be treated seriously.
How many more pages of aplogism for deluded narcissists are we going to see before you admit you are a deluded cunt with anger issues looking to make others as scared and miserable as you are, or are so afraid of the taking advantage of life that you're willing to try and make other people feel bad about doing so.How many more pages of apologism for rapists do we need to go through before you all admit you're fucking scumbags, or so afraid of being falsely labeled a scumbag that you're willing to provide cover for them?
Can't really do anything about women who fear stupid and ridiculous things.And even greater than the fear of rape is the fear that your rape won't be treated seriously.
I'm not comfortable with this either. Our prison system is completely and totally inhumane. Our level of incarceration is a disgrace to the country.what's funny about that sentence is rape against men is literally a kosher joke everywhere in america (don't drop the soap!) even when men get raped more than woman in america
These things involve trade-offs. It is a hard problem. Right now the system on college campuses, is if anything, biased towards the accusers of rape.Or because it happenswayless than actual rapes.
If you're saying there's an acceptable level of RAPE, then what is the acceptable level of false accusation of rape?
Complete reading comprehension failure.
Rape is a very serious crime, and it's treated seriously. In fact it's the most serious crime except murder. Entire police task forces are dedicated to JUST rape. We have millions of dollars in programs teaching people who bad sexual aggressiveness is. How do we get more serious without giving power to potential irrational people who are suffering from emotional trauma, Mist?What's an acceptable risk to be afraid of? Are you trying to say 4% chance and a 20% chance really makes an order of magnitude difference in whether you should be afraid or not?
And even greater than the fear of rape is the fear that your rape won't be treated seriously.
So you admit that your standpoint is based on an irrational fear of something that isstatistically even less likelyto happen than a girl getting raped? Because rapes still outnumber false rape accusations by a HUGE margin.These things involve trade-offs. It is a hard problem. Right now the system on college campuses, is if anything, biased towards the accusers of rape.
For my own "selfish" interest, I want a system where if I am accused of rape or assault, that there better damn well be evidence or I should get off scott free. This isn't because I want to "get away with rape" or "defend rapists", it is because I never plan on raping anyone. On the other hand, I interact quite often with female students, often in my office with no one else present. Sometimes these meetings are quite bad for the student, as she is informed that I caught her cheating or that she is about to fail. I don't want my whole life to be destroyed based on a student being pissed that they failed my class and carrying out a grudge through a judicial system that believes the accuser by default.
Obtain a concealed carry permit (if required in your state), get some training, and if someone tries to stick something of theirs inside something of yours without your blessing shoot them until they reconsider.Can't really do anything about women who fear stupid and ridiculous things.