It's not surprising at all that the video doesn't impress you as I doubt anything that's been discussed or shown thus far would so I'm not sure what else you can achieve by continuing to bash them. Some of us get it, you don't like Mark Jacobs and you believe this will be a failed venture. Others, like myself, are hopeful that it will go through and be the niche game it's being promised and promoted to be.
They could certainly impress me, if they were actually achieving or even attempting to achieve something valuable. Lots of games impress me one way or another, even games I don't like all that much. I know you are hopeful, but frankly with everything they've shown or written you shouldn't be, that just makes you foolish instead.
They've already been discussing precisely what you're talking about with there being no good out of the box solutions for the network/server technology and the video wasn't to showcase anything more than what they've been able to put together in about 3 weeks time.
You don't even know what they demonstrating. You don't know because I don't know. What does a bunch of NPCs walking around prove? That they have a basic working renderer? I don't know what about that video I am even supposed to care about.
While I think they should have had the engine in place prior to the Kickstarter I think the building of their own engine is rather ambitious and exciting but hardly foolish. It's also been stated a few times that if this engine or technology doesn't come together they will move to something else and at that point I would start to have concerns. I have no idea if Andrew Meggs has the technical chops to pull it off but it's fun to watch and hope that he will.
I don't think you even understand what an engine is or does exactly, it isn't something you develop in weeks or months, but
YEARS. Very expensive years at that. Despite what they are saying I actually doubt they are building an all new engine completely from scratch. That would mean they have to build at least the following:
- Low Level Libraries
- Asset Management systems
- A Rendering Engine
- An Animation System
- Physics Engine
- Sound Engine
- Input and Control Model
- User Interface Framework
- Billing System
- Network Layer
- Server Architexture and Infrastructure
- Database layer
- Database Tools
- Scripting Engine
- Pathfinding system
- AI Engine
- Testing Tools
- World Editor and Level Building Tool
- ...tons more I am forgetting...
So, either... a)they are lying when saying they are building the entire engine from scratch, b)I've grossly misread something or c) they are so supremely crazy and delusional to actually think they can build a competitive engine at a reasonable cost failure is absolutely assured. What they are PROBABLY doing is just building the server tech and buying the rest, that alone is a risky challenge.
There is absolutely 0 reason for a game like the one they are making to not use an existing engine like Unreal or Unity. Those 2 engines for example are excellent and come with most of my list for a damn low cost compared to what it would take you to make it yourself. The cost of the features in a purchased engine is amortized over many companies and many years making it a ridiculously cheap and efficient alternative to doing everything yourself from scratch.
So, if they are actually building their entire engine from scratch it isn't ambitious, it is just foolish with an absolute, iron-clad guarantee that they will utterly fail at anywhere even remotely close to the budget they are operating with.