

then don't watch it,

imo the episodes this season have been better than almost all of the ones in season 6.
not as much PDA interuptus, kate and rick ACTUALLY acting like a couple romantically involved (episodes 1 and 2 this year excluded)

i liked the wedding- fucking ass backdrop -wtf was that shit. essentially they eloped.

whomever ok'd that sunset background as edited, should be shot, drawn and quartered, and hanged until dead, that sucked so bad.

next episode looks like it might be fun.
STFU, dude is entitled to state his opinion. As are you. Even though we all laugh at you...


Maximum Derek
<Bronze Donator>
Another full on Scooby Doo episode last night. Stana was looking quite nice in the black outfit.


Vyemm Raider
Cough,,,dress was better...oh so much Better.

rewatch the end scene- one part -looked like her breasts almost fell out of her top & she had the "skirt" hooked up showing bare thigh, and...
but that black outfit was awesome.

but can we for ONCE get a noncockblock romantic scene...that snake scene could have been so much more romantic and sexy, but they have to have the weekly cockblock...


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
says two people with red haired avatars. You're traitors. Ginger 4evah
This guy gets it.


As for the romance cockblock, how much more of a Nathan Fillion striptease were you expecting on ABC? It's either cockblock like that or fade to black. You're only going to get that sweet sweet full D in V action in the fanfics.

Also 100% agree on the dress, them titties were trying to make their escape, it was great.

Soooo, on the shoot out thing, I could swear Rick showed he's a quick draw badass in some early episode of the show. Am I crazy and just picturing him as Mal or what? Either way, would have been a nice little fanservice touch to see some of that.


Vyemm Raider
season 2 vampire episode he dressed as a "space cowboy".. and showed he could do a quick draw, plus seasons 1, 2 and 5 it has been shown that rick is an expert marksman with a gun- season 1 episode umm 7 where kate was in the shooting range, season 2 when he shot the gun from dunn's hand (claiming he was aiming for his(dunn's) head) and season 5x22? where he shoots the drone down..

and rick ALREADY has a colt revolver - season 3 steampunk episode he bought one...

about the romantic scene, no need for rick taking off shirt or nudity, just how about rick and kate laying back in front of the fire, looking up at the stars, kate says how beautiful the night sky is, rick says something sappy like, not as beautiful as my hot wife on her impromptu honeymoon, kate rolls over/climbs on top of him plants a passionate kiss and they fade to black,,,,fade up with them riding back into town on the wagon, no need for horses running off, snake etc.

but alas we get the weekly cockblock.


<Gold Donor>
about the romantic scene, no need for rick taking off shirt or nudity, just how about rick and kate laying back in front of the fire, looking up at the stars, kate says how beautiful the night sky is, rick says something sappy like, not as beautiful as my hot wife on her impromptu honeymoon, kate rolls over/climbs on top of him plants a passionate kiss and they fade to black,,,,fade up with them riding back into town on the wagon, no need for horses running off, snake etc.
I came.


<Gold Donor>
Fucking BTN being DDoS'd is making me a couple days late on all my shows, so finally watched this one tonight. I knew as soon as I saw Krista Allen that it was probably her, and then when she didn't show up again for 30 minutes I knew it had to be her. I've had a huge thing for her for as long as I've known about her. And when I say thing, I mean erection. And when I say huge, I mean statistically average, but enthusiastic!


Vyemm Raider
Yep... Now to see if they completely screw up the show... So far this season, the "new" showrunner.... Has sucked relationship wise.. Episodes have been OK, but the romance has not really been there.

Last night series low for ratings...1.4


Registered Hutt
Yea, I'm not really happy with the mediocrity lately. I did think the parallel dimension was fun.


Maximum Derek
<Bronze Donator>
I think they might be onto something with this change. Really enjoyed the episode.


<Gold Donor>
I liked the episode as well. Even his interaction with the Captain was better than it usually is. "Baby Castle" was pretty funny too.


Vyemm Raider
liked it they COULD do a lot with to mix up the show to give it a new spark. however i expect them to "forget" the pi bit in a few episodes, though i hope they don't. i think it could be good if they had castle being a pi, getting Actual clients..and the fun that could ensue. i loved how they DIDN'T do this as "inspector clouseau" castle (bumbling idiot castle)

upcoming spoiler for the 2 parter...(episodes 15 and 16)
dr neiman is definately in 15 AND entertainment weekly has said that the actor(moseley) that plays 3xk has been cast in 16