Deadpool & Wolverine


Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
I figured since it's celebrating whiteness and the patriarchy

Do you have any actual evidence of this apart from them not re-casting *checks notes* a) the white actor who plays the main character and pushed for that character to be given his own movies and b) the white actor who played the most popular character in the X-men movies AND the only one popular enough to have multiple spin-offs

What exactly do you mean by "celebrating whiteness and the patriarchy", or is that just something you've convinced yourself of in order to save face for funding Disney?
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I think he's secretly looking for dudes, seems oddly obsessed with straight white men. Maybe he can "fix" them.
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Bald Brah

Lord Nagafen Raider
i think the word you're looking for is homoeroticism.

Celebrating non-diversity in a movie is homo-erotic?

I can't just be happy I don't have to suffer through yet another strong black lesbian love affair?
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
As a straight white male, I will stay away, because this is what I picture:
Silence Of The Lambs Skin GIF by Death Wish Coffee


Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
Celebrating non-diversity in a movie is homo-erotic?

Why are you now downgrading "celebrating whiteness and the patriarchy" to "celebrating non -diversity"

I actually think Bodhy was a better poster than you
  • 2Picard
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Bald Brah

Lord Nagafen Raider
Why are you now downgrading "celebrating whiteness and the patriarchy" to "celebrating non -diversity"

I actually think Bodhy was a better poster than you

Just about everyone here thinks you're a retard.

What the hell would a non diverse movie be besides white and patriarcle?
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Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
Just about everyone here thinks you're a retard.

says the guy who scored the nickname (not from me) of Bad Take Bald Brah before you hit 600 posts.

Note how you still can't answer the question(s) - how exactly does this movie celebrate "whiteness"?


Golden Baronet of the Realm
I'm surprised the critic reviews have this 80% fresh.

I figured since it's celebrating whiteness and the patriarchy it would be like 20% critics.
A movie could have 100% positive but they all agree it's 7/10. Majority of the negatives are in 4-6 and the positives are 7-8 so it's not a grand slam but slightly above average.


Millie's Staff Member
Celebrating non-diversity in a movie is homo-erotic?

I can't just be happy I don't have to suffer through yet another strong black lesbian love affair?
I don't mind a diverse movie as long as it's organic. It can't be set in ancient Rome where a bunch of nogs are running the city or race swapping white historical figures. That's bullshit. Sausage fest films are not for me. Even Predator, the most bro movie ever made had at least one girl in it.

Bald Brah

Lord Nagafen Raider
I don't mind a diverse movie as long as it's organic. It can't be set in ancient Rome where a bunch of nogs are running the city or race swapping white historical figures. That's bullshit. Sausage fest films are not for me. Even Predator, the most bro movie ever made had at least one girl in it.

Back in the day it was accepted to have a token useless woman who just shows her tits and a token black guy that gets killed off early, while all the white guys do the heavy lifting.
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It Didn't Happen, It Should've, and It Will.
<Gold Donor>
It's called verisimilitude.
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Stock Pals Participant
<Gold Donor>
Do you have any actual evidence of this apart from them not re-casting *checks notes* a) the white actor who plays the main character and pushed for that character to be given his own movies and b) the white actor who played the most popular character in the X-men movies AND the only one popular enough to have multiple spin-offs

What exactly do you mean by "celebrating whiteness and the patriarchy", or is that just something you've convinced yourself of in order to save face for funding Disney?
I gotta say usually I am on the bash Assoi train but you are doing the lord's work in this thread for busting chops

Air Force Thank You GIF by Animanias
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En Sabah Nur

Potato del Grande
If you a grown man still watching Disney movies in 2024 you really should just keep your mouth shut about DEI. You know what you’re getting at this point and you know you are part of the problem.
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<Silver Donator>
As a public service announcement, from what I have read, there is a single post credit scene to hang for.....


<Gold Donor>
not to sound like Chuk or anything but they definitely ramped up the marketing on this one and yeah, it does kinda reek of desperation, like if this movie doesn't do bil+ then they are going to cancel the MCU or something, lol, maybe feige will finally get fired.

The, idk, grassroots? marketing done by Ryan with 0 budget for a 58mil production budget Deadpool 1 film, using basically just his social media presence was amazing but also you could tell it was totally authentic, hyping up a true labor of love project for him. The 2nd film, while not as noble, the marketing was just a continuation of that.

The early stuff by Ryan with the twitter posts and the wolverine popcorn bucket lids and shit was was to be expected from his style of marketing. but as this movie is getting closer to release it's clear there's a 2nd round of $200m+ marketing spending from corporate douchebags that will lose their job if this film doesn't break some records at the box office and its starting to get cringey af.
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Millie's Staff Member
not to sound like Chuk or anything but they definitely ramped up the marketing on this one and yeah, it does kinda reek of desperation, like if this movie doesn't do bil+ then they are going to cancel the MCU or something, lol, maybe feige will finally get fired.

The, idk, grassroots? marketing done by Ryan with 0 budget for a 58mil production budget Deadpool 1 film, using basically just his social media presence was amazing but also you could tell it was totally authentic, hyping up a true labor of love project for him. The 2nd film, while not as noble, the marketing was just a continuation of that.

The early stuff by Ryan with the twitter posts and the wolverine popcorn bucket lids and shit was was to be expected from his style of marketing. but as this movie is getting closer to release it's clear there's a 2nd round of $200m+ marketing spending from corporate douchebags that will lose their job if this film doesn't break some records at the box office and its starting to get cringey af.
you're not sounding like me, its blatantly obvious to everyone but some people are overlooking it because they want to believe all this marketing is somehow genuine. i said this months ago. it feels like they are putting all their hopes and dreams behind this movie because the MCU is in a bad place right now. but this isnt one of those MCU megablockbusters. it's a Deadpool movie. it does 800 million because it has a niche Deadpool audience. it's not to everyone's tastes. it's not necessarily an MCU audience.,