Buzzfeed Editor
Yeah, two movies actually. HBO offered the show runner a 6 episode short season to wrap up the story and send the show off with a more satisfying conclusion. He refused, because he was preoccupied with that turd John from Cincinnati. Then he countered, after JC sank because it sucked, with the talk of two films, which they waffled over for years but could never get the actors back for it. (The reason the two films thing was annoying was because he said he didn't want to do the 6 hour short season because it wouldn't offer him the time needed; but then he said two 2 hour films would be fine..)Weren't they talking about the possibility of a movie not long after they just let the show peter out before it's time?
Sucks he didn't take the short season to wrap up the story lines. The two films were kind of the next best thing to that. But the sets have been taken down, from what I heard, so I'd be skeptical.