Despite using various substances for about 12 years now, I only recently experienced physical addiction for the first time. I started using Norco to control some of my chemotherapy sideffects (helps a ton with chills and nausea), and then got hospitalized for a week during which they switched my pain management from oral Norco to IV Dilaudid. Did that for a week, then came home and kept on the Norco. And I should have e realized the hole I was getting myself in to, but it was helping my medical issues so much I justified it to myself.
I decided enough of that shit tho and quit it... Was only about two and a half weeks of daily opiate use, but it was definitely enough for withdrawals. And opiate withdrawals while still experiencing chemo sideffects... Fuck, that sucked.
Definitely not done using them, now that I've experienced actual withdrawal for my first time tho, definitely not going to let myself build a tolerance. Hopefully I'm done with chemo now and I can go back to just using them recreationally on occasion (something I had no problem with for the 11 years of drug use before I got sick)
BTW I'm pretty sure my three years of almost daily synthetic cannabis smoking is what caused my cancer =\. Never felt like I had a problem with it because I could quit cold turkey for a week here and there and not have a problem. So I told myself at least I wasn't addicted. But turns out more things than just addiction can bite your ass when it comes to drug use.