Micro center was interesting, but a hive of scum and villany. So many fucking degenerates with cat ears, pokemon belt balls etc. One tranny with mid riff shirt, skirt, padded bra or worse, but full deep voice and chic glossy combat boots with some pink haired creature you couldnt see face, but had hairy as fuck legs and also male voice. Like dont think pretending to be chicks, would be one of those straight up made up things. Also lol denver plastic bag fee.
But hey, $300 12700k and other stuff at a good price. Sadly didnt carry the cooler I wanted, case, and power supplies I forget which ones explode so I didnt want to risk buying the wrong $750.
Still unsure about my choice to grab a 980 pro NVME gen 4 that was on sale, Like $130 vs $90 for the SK linked earlier. But I was "but muh future proofing" if the direct memory access or whatever matters down the road. Maybe grab a 2 tb SK when it drops more.