Desktop Computers


<Prior Amod>
You'll have your single core Pentium and like it!
lulz p4 ht's were stupid hot, i remember telling a few guildmates to take off their case and just point a fucking at it, can't have faggots disconnecting during a raid
  • 1Worf
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<Silver Donator>
lulz p4 ht's were stupid hot, i remember telling a few guildmates to take off their case and just point a fucking at it, can't have faggots disconnecting during a raid

Tell me more? Bunch of guildmates standing around with a boner pointed at their PC?
  • 2Worf
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<WoW Guild Officer>
Anyone have eyes on a reliable graphics card for a decent price? Would like to keep it around the 500 range but will go to 600 for the right one. I have a 3060ti but its going bad and need to replace it.


<Prior Amod>
Anyone have eyes on a reliable graphics card for a decent price? Would like to keep it around the 500 range but will go to 600 for the right one. I have a 3060ti but its going bad and need to replace it.
going bad like it's old and you have to replace the thermal paste?


<WoW Guild Officer>
going bad like it's old and you have to replace the thermal paste?

Its been acting up, and I think the heat fused the display port cable...I can't remove it lol. But worst of all is the fans going bad. They're rattling every time I play something. They sound like someone raking a sippy cup across iron bars really fast.


<Prior Amod>
Its been acting up, and I think the heat fused the display port cable...I can't remove it lol. But worst of all is the fans going bad. They're rattling every time I play something. They sound like someone raking a sippy cup across iron bars really fast.
you can get oem fan replacements at gpufanreplacement dot com if you need a quick fix


Golden Baronet of the Realm
I mean, are you playing anything that needs more graphics power? Cause you could just replace with that same gen and save half the money - but, if you want an upgrade - the 4070 super is in that range, easy enough.

I personally would start looking into why your PC is getting so fucking hot though. I've got components in mine that make my electricity bill scream and its around 27-35 C constantly at the hot spots.


<Bronze Donator>
That's impressive if your cpu and gpu hot spots aren't topping 35C under prolonged load. Also, potentially overkill wrt to cooling. Aren't components designed to operate at much higher temperatures?


Golden Baronet of the Realm
That's impressive if your cpu and gpu hot spots aren't topping 35C under prolonged load. Also, potentially overkill wrt to cooling. Aren't components designed to operate at much higher temperatures?
Oh no sweet prince - its a 14900k. Itll meltdown like hiroshima if I put it through a benchmark. But sitting here with First Descendant or w/e up in the background with RT on and all that crap under that "type" of load? 43-44 degrees Celsius. 10 Fans, and water cooling.

I was just using mine for example because it costs more than a small car, and none of my ports are melting.


<Prior Amod>
Oh no sweet prince - its a 14900k. Itll meltdown like hiroshima if I put it through a benchmark. But sitting here with First Descendant or w/e up in the background with RT on and all that crap under that "type" of load? 43-44 degrees Celsius. 10 Fans, and water cooling.

I was just using mine for example because it costs more than a small car, and none of my ports are melting.
don't i remember you getting an aio and it's still well done?


Noctua NH-D15 Gen2 is out. Standard Base (general purpose), HBC (Intel focused), and LBC (AMD focused). I just ordered one since I am a Noctua whore and collect them, but even knowing what to expect with regards to performance, I'm not sure where I stand on it. It will sell - hell, Noctua's Home line of overpriced fan mounts has sold out so it's clear people will pay, but Noctua is banking on their reputation for quality and support along with their acoustic tuning over pure performance - which for many just doesn't matter. Gen 2 gains seem to mainly come from the offset mount (~1C on AMD for G2 w vs w/o), new fans (~2C for G2 fans vs G1), and tuning the 3 coldplate base types as opposed to the cooler's fins and heatpipes (~0.5C for LBC on AMD, didn't see a HBC (best for Intel) vs Standard/LBC 1:1 in the GN review).

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<Bronze Donator>
I'd like there to be someway to preview fan noise. I know that sounds vague but I'd like to know, before purchasing, if this NH-D15 G2 would make an acoustic difference over my Peerless Assassin. They seem to cool almost identically when noise normalized, but I would definitely pay more if the fans spinning up was less noticeable. I can definitely notice when my Peerless Assassin spins up unless the game/media is relatively loud itself.


I'd like there to be someway to preview fan noise. I know that sounds vague but I'd like to know, before purchasing, if this NH-D15 G2 would make an acoustic difference over my Peerless Assassin. They seem to cool almost identically when noise normalized, but I would definitely pay more if the fans spinning up was less noticeable. I can definitely notice when my Peerless Assassin spins up unless the game/media is relatively loud itself.

The delay for the Noctua G15 G2 was largely due to fan tuning. It's safe to assume that Noctua spends more time and money on fan tuning that probably any other PC cooling company. For example, here is an interview with Noctua talking about tuning the fan, which is less about pure DBA and more about the type of noise they make. The G2 even has specific fans for the rear and middle fan that spin slightly differently to minimize beat frequency/resonance.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
I'd like there to be someway to preview fan noise. I know that sounds vague but I'd like to know, before purchasing, if this NH-D15 G2 would make an acoustic difference over my Peerless Assassin. They seem to cool almost identically when noise normalized, but I would definitely pay more if the fans spinning up was less noticeable. I can definitely notice when my Peerless Assassin spins up unless the game/media is relatively loud itself.
Im with you in this boat. The infinity fans I have, Ive had zero problems with. But the base fans that come with that AIO I linked above - at around 800 RPM, they had a little whir emitting from them. As soon as it got up past 940rpms, it was gone. So I had to customize the ramp up pattern just so it skips this part. Then, late one night when everything was dead quiet. Under usage, the fans were around 1700rpm iirc, and I could hear that same noise. That very moment I went online, ordered three more infinity fans and swapped out the ones that came with that Deepcool.

I usually have music or something going, but in the winter time - it gets super quiet out where I live because these are mostly summer homes around me. So when the music stops for whatever reason, I can hear everything.


Vyemm Raider
My T-30s run at 35% all day and its dead silent - I have 3 Noctua 140s as bottom intake and also dead quiet. Unless something makes my cpu crank up you can never hear the rig.

Someone mentioned going from a 3060ti - id say get a 7900XT as it should easily win in perf if you can find one used.


<Bronze Donator>
I think what annoys me is those unexpected cpu cranks. Playing a game, loading a map, sure, I expect a brief spin up. Watching something and some background task decides it needs to munch your cpu for a bit, that's annoying.
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