Destiny: Rise of Iron 9.20.16


Karazhan Raider
Seems like (and others have noticed as well), once you cap vanguard marks for the week, you also stop getting shards/energy from PEs.
I'm sure that's it. Why the fuck wouldn't they say that somewhere? And why would they do that to begin with?


Vyemm Raider
A change will take effect next week which fixes a bug with Atheon's target selection. When using its Timestream ability, Atheon will select 3 players at random, instead of choosing the three players furthest from it.

^-- I quit with that change. I will come back in Dec for DLC but that is the stupidest decision ever. This isn't a bug this was a design decision that either they didn't think we would figure out because we are stupid or that they didn't know how to code around.

You can have full control out of every role in the raid but the last boss?

Now you need to ensure the following is prepared for:

1.) Everyone needs to have their oracle disruptor weapon equipped just in case
2.) Everyone needs to practice the oracle spawn rotation.
3.) Everyone needs to practice the relic controlling.
4.) If you bring a single Titan for his Weapons of Light bubble and he is relic he needs to drop it and someone else pick it up. Potential wipe.

All these on normal would be annoying but on HM they could easily be a wipe. Very stupid decision.


Toilet of the Mod Elect
Seems like (and others have noticed as well), once you cap vanguard marks for the week, you also stop getting shards/energy from PEs.
I've been getting shards for EVERY public event I've done since the "server reset" last Tuesday. Ten PE's, ten shards, unlimited shards if I went to every possible one. I stopped after 10 shards in two hours for the events.

I wish I could give them away!

It's such a shame Alpha/Beta was just a PR event, I would love to talk to someone who knows what the fuck they are doing.

I'm still up for a few hours tonight so if anyone wants some free raid gear/shards from the gorgon maze chests, gimme a holla on psn. Two chests takes 5 minutes tops. Easy freebies!

H.A. Monkey

Golden Knight of the Realm
I've now done 13 PEs today with not a single shard or energy.
Seems like (and others have noticed as well), once you cap vanguard marks for the week, you also stop getting shards/energy from PEs.
I'm sure that's it. Why the fuck wouldn't they say that somewhere? And why would they do that to begin with?
Awards off of public events are rewarded based on participation. Warsat and you're doing only 3-4 waves, ain't gonna see jack. Roll 10 waves where it starts to get crazy, guaranteed rewards. I don't recommend just going out and soloing the PE's, get a group and roll them.

I've been getting shards for EVERY public event I've done since the "server reset" last Tuesday. Ten PE's, ten shards, unlimited shards if I went to every possible one. I stopped after 10 shards in two hours for the events.
Some people think anecdotal evidence is factual evidence. Don't let people confuse you.


Trakanon Raider
So when I solo a spider tank or eliminate the target and get nothing even though it's complete, it's still based off participation?


So when I solo a spider tank or eliminate the target and get nothing even though it's complete, it's still based off participation?
This game likes fucking with people, enough said.

Just got a coin, 2 blue engrams, and 10 spinmental off a chest... just to hook me into going for chests I'm sure.

Lost Virtue

Trakanon Raider
Even if you do a VOG run and kill all the bosses and looted the chests, can you go back in on someone else's save and loot the chests and get loot? I know you don't get boss loot


Useless lazy bastard.
A change will take effect next week which fixes a bug with Atheon's target selection. When using its Timestream ability, Atheon will select 3 players at random, instead of choosing the three players furthest from it.

^-- I quit with that change. I will come back in Dec for DLC but that is the stupidest decision ever. This isn't a bug this was a design decision that either they didn't think we would figure out because we are stupid or that they didn't know how to code around.

You can have full control out of every role in the raid but the last boss?

Now you need to ensure the following is prepared for:

1.) Everyone needs to have their oracle disruptor weapon equipped just in case
2.) Everyone needs to practice the oracle spawn rotation.
3.) Everyone needs to practice the relic controlling.
4.) If you bring a single Titan for his Weapons of Light bubble and he is relic he needs to drop it and someone else pick it up. Potential wipe.

All these on normal would be annoying but on HM they could easily be a wipe. Very stupid decision.
Jesus, are they activly trying to make the game worse? Having that random shit in there will fuck things up totaly. How about facing the fact that your "way of playing the game" is alien to your playerbase bungie? How about putting in an option to turn off music? How about owning up to the fact that your game is nowhere near complete and get cracking on new content that you might actually test before releasing in the current broken-ass state and take it from there?

Its a good foundation, gameplay is excellent, but currently your sole reason to log in during the week is to get the raid done on your 3 chars, pray for getting that missing part you need, then go back to doing something else. Its like WoW was before I quit and its been just over a month :p

*Exotic bounties are timesinks without any point due to only being able to use one at the time (not to mention it takes ages to level an exotic to usefull levels), also you are handed exotics for the weekly raids+ so why bother?
*PvP is a joke, the balance is in alpha state.
*The number of strikes are so small that you constantly get the same one over and over in the vanguard rotation.
*Weekly raid and VoG both need matchmakers ASAP. Despite Bungie thinking its "too hard for a a random group" players are using forums to put together PUGs and *gasp* manage it. Face it, the raid (normal mode) is easy enough for PUGs to do.
*By now most active "raiders" are putting the game on the shelf since in your wisdom you enabled us to trade saves, meaning people have been milking that hardmode endfight enough to be bored of it. The fix you are introducing is just fucking over the casuals. The raiders are more or less done, so NOW you decide to fuck with the setup and exploits?

I am annoyed, there is a good game beneath all the Bungie bullshit that wants to deliver an epic experience, but they wont let it and focus on shit that are problems noone but them manage to see.


Karazhan Raider
Not to mention strikes are worse than useless. They actually are a negative since you can't get ascendant shit from PEs when maxed on vanguard marks.

It actually hurts my progression to do strikes


Vyemm Raider
Im surprised no one has mentioned the fact that in all these nerfs and tweaks, that they still havent fixed portals on the Aetheon encounter. Portals not letting people through and people repeatedly being stuck on the other side or going through and still being kept on the other side is beyond frustrating.


Log Wizard
Not to mention strikes are worse than useless. They actually are a negative since you can't get ascendant shit from PEs when maxed on vanguard marks.

It actually hurts my progression to do strikes
Except that you get guaranteed engrams which you then use to level your cryptarch which gives you a decent shot at legendaries to use or shard. I did 5 strikes in about ~1.5 hours and got something like 17 blue engrams. That's a whole lotta crypt exp.


FPS noob
5 strikes won't get you 17 guaranteed engrams, only like... 5. the rest are drops, which you would get just from killing any PVE mobs. In those 90 minutes you could have instead farmed patrols/PEs solo and gotten

- 100 of any mats you want (relic iron, spiritbloom, etc) plus 40+ greens and a few engrams
- at least 6 public events netting you 1-6 (min 1 guaranteed) ass shard/energy/coin/mote
- at least 20 patrol missions which would get you 400-600 rep for a faction plus a ton of engram drops
- 3-4 bounties completed netting you another 200-400 vanguard rep and shot at exotic bounties (some bounties do work inside strikes too of course)

i actually think most of the destiny system is fine, i like strikes and they are fine imo the way they are. but patrols are far superior in terms of loot/hour since you can multitask things far better in them.

just the story is abysmally bad in destiny, and at this point you are just grinding for the sake of grinding really. once you clear VoG once or twice there really is no point doing it any more, its not that interesting or good a raid (jumping is fun though), the bosses are dumb/loreless, and all the gear is pointless since i'm sure the first DLC will let you do level 28 strikes and get level 31-32 gear. gear makes no real difference in PVP, the only weapons you'd really want are suros, a good shotgun, ice breaker, gjallahorn, and a good fusion rifle and none of those come from raiding.

sure they could make it so you need light 30 to do the xpac content, but everything in the game so far points to the exact opposite design philosophy of gear progression.

i don't have a real problem with that, being able to jump in and out of the game anytime is great. playing everything solo is great. but it does mean there isn't any real pride in getting anything done in the game, just another checkmark on shit done.