Destiny: Rise of Iron 9.20.16


Karazhan Raider
Watched another HM video and it looks like Golden Gun for Hunters heals them as well after he shot all of his rounds, but he may have just done this to speed up the end of the special. So I would guess that in Crota HM each class has one of their specials that will heal them.

So it looks like to heal yourself during Crota phase use the following:

Titans Defender = Ward of Dawn
Hunter Gun Slinger = Golden Gun
Warlock ?????

Can someone confirm which special will heal the Warlocks?
Golden gun doesn't heal. He likely had a third man helm and picked up an orb after super dropped

Hunter and warlock both have a melee that heals when you use it to kill a mob.


WoL, BoL and AoL all heal the titan that cast it when it wxpires. That said, I prefer (so far) using blessing, to give others a shield to absorb dmg


Lord Nagafen Raider
I should be on around 6pm cst, depends how work meetings go today. Passed out on the couch lastnight and haven't leveled up the new weapons. =(


Some easy crota strays out there now. Everyone goes top mid, kills swordbearer. Titan goes and pops bubble in tower to block boomers from shooting while sword bearer gets sword and gets in position. Sword bearer calls it, you have 4 people shoot rockets and sword carrier is there when he goes down. Repeat one to two more times per sword, titan bubble lasts long enough for whole sword. Everyone retreat inside while crota goes right, and people pop supers earns kills thralls or boomers to give orbs to titan. If you get 3 down on first sword, you don't ever have to deal with ogres
I was playing with a PUG using this strategy last night. We were able to reliably get Crota to 30% with two swords -- sometimes even to 50% with just one sword. Sometimes we'd smoke the ogres quickly only to have something go wrong during Crota -- we died 3x with only one sword hit remaining -- or sometimes we'd take too long to kill ogres and hit enrage just short of when we would have been able to DPS Crota again. We probably saw enrage (from time and from hp%) a dozen times before I called it quits for the night.

This strategy effectively removes the wizards from the encounter. Boomers are not killed (except during ogre phase) so everyone is available and it is much easier to bring Crota down for sword DPS. Really the main risk to the raid is getting killed by boomers when escaping back to the summoning crystal area -- the main challenge is dealing with the ogres.

I played as both a Titan (throwing the bubble @ Crota) and as a Hunter (carrying sword).


Also, should add -- self healing is definitely a priority.

1) use weapons that can heal, switch to/from them as needed (e.g., SUROS Regime)
2) equip armor which provides the perk to heal when picking up and orb. On my Hunter I had to swap out armor to regen health this way, which made me temporarily 31. I would just swap back once healed so I could do lvl 32 sword DPS.

Warlocks should be popping radiance to spawn orbs between DPS rounds, spamming grenades to kill Thralls. A Titan can put up BoL bubble in one of the doorways to 2 spawn orbs + more orbs from taking boomer damage. That usually generates enough orbs to get everyone back to full HP as well as charging up a super or two.


Trump's Staff
I am going to start trying to solo the crota abyss in normal mode... Just to confirm, you can get armor drops at the end but not weapons, right?


Finished it last night about an hour after I left veneers group. So around 11 pm my time
first run was super quick, 2nd pug took about 2 hours because our sworbearers controller broke. 3rd pug I gave up on after about 4 hours of trying to get people to not mess up.

got a couple scout rifles, shaders, the new ship and speeder

ill be on tonight. I know this fight very well now even if you have to make it to the ogre phase there's any easy way to kill them


Also for my 2nd Crota kill I used edylon ally for the whole fight to test if the crux would drop. It did not, and all the kills I've been in I haven't seen it yet. So either its an insanely low drop, or its not on Crotas loot table yet


Trump's Staff
Also for my 2nd Crota kill I used edylon ally for the whole fight to test if the crux would drop. It did not, and all the kills I've been in I haven't seen it yet. So either its an insanely low drop, or its not on Crotas loot table yet
Next try using it for the entire raid. For science.
The strat we used we killed Crota in two swords every time. I posted a link to similar setup on previous page. Try it its easy. Just make sure the titan is setup with the bubble that gives people over shield when passing though it so the sword bearer has overshield.

Noble Savage

Kang of Kangz
<Bronze Donator>
Golden gun doesn't heal. He likely had a third man helm and picked up an orb after super dropped

Hunter and warlock both have a melee that heals when you use it to kill a mob.
I watched the video again and this was the case. He switch his helm to mask of the 3rd man and ran to some orbs. Good catch.


FPS noob
you were right fourth, someone did figure out a good strat to make crota HM easy. Titan confirmed master race for crota HM! Although still I consider this strat cheesing, since it lets you essentially ignore boomers and never spawn wizards, which imo are the hardest parts of the fight. all 6 people attacking swordbearer (instead of 2 or 3) and 4 people rocketing crota with a guaranteed no wizard makes it a bit silly, i wonder if they will try to hotfix it by removing the ledge by the window. i doubt it.

anyways i'll be on tonight too if anyone needs, can go on my 32 titan he has the helm that gives +5 secs to bubble and gallahorn. a 4-6 titan crota HM run would be crazy, bubbles everywhere lol