Destiny: Rise of Iron 9.20.16

Maxed all the new raid weapons, hand cannon by far my favorite. Killed Crota again right after I sent you an invite 4th, you logged time. Our group somehow managed to get crota down to under 25% with one sword, Got a screen shot and video, ill try and post it later when I turn ps4 on.
interesting, a bungie dev posted on neogaf that they have learned their mistakes from TDB and HOW won't be a gear reset and exotics won't be fully reset either. They don't like the shard system either (radiant vs ass) so reworking that.

full post
NeoGAF - View Single Post - Destiny |OT16| Enrage is here, there, everywhere...

this is also insane... two man crota HM
Destiny: Two Man Crotas End Hard Mode | Crota - YouTube
Impressive and very solid strat. I knew those stairs, rooms and crota pads had a purpose.

Noble Savage

Kang of Kangz
<Bronze Donator>
Found this in the description while watchingThisCrota kill on Youtube. Watching the video there does seem to be a shitload of heavy ammo, but who knows.

Crota Infinite Heavy Ammo Glitch:
1. Equip Ice Breaker.
2. Deplete all primary and heavy ammo
3. Watch every enemy you and your team kill drop heavy ammo
Tip: No Land Beyond is a good weapon for depleting your primary ammo. Not even a troll. Equipping the Corrective Measure LMG from VoG gave me 4 Gjallahorn rockets per heavy ammo drop.

Interesting video as well these guys were able to down him with 2 swords with no triple dipping.


Trakanon Raider
That NEOGAF post is pretty promising and that's the kind of thing I want to hear. It makes me, cautiously, optimistic towards House of Wolves.


Useless lazy bastard.
Anything that do not reset our gear every 3 months is a step in the right direction. Rework the shard/energy system is also a must because right now I have so many lower tier shards/energy its rediculous
I think a major issues for the raid development team is the lack of Healing and dedicated tanks who can take a bit more of a beating. Having these gives them the ability to be a bit more creative in encounter design. The Chalice in easy mode was an attempt at healing, but I wouldn't be surprised if we eventually see a healing subclass added to warlocks, and a tank subclass added to Titans. Maybe a few new classes all together? Medic and Engineer? Possibly new burns, or mybe just a healing stat/lifesteal of some sort so you can spec to regain health reliably in high damage situations. Strength is pretty useless for Titans, maybe they modify that stat to add more health pool or boost to health regain. So much they can do, just wish they would not be so afraid to tinker a bit. Seems like they are afraid to try anything.


They backed themselves into a corner by trying to gate vender gear with reputation commendations. What were they going to do add a new type of commendation or even more types of currency? Game is already too full of worthless items.

I could see them revamping the entire currency and vender system just to get rid of the massive stock piles of commendations, strange coins, motes of light people must have by now.


Tranny Chaser
I was pretty shocked when they did not add a new subclass with the DLC. Perhaps they are saving that for the Comet release? Just seems kinda crazy to include that functionality and then not take advantage of it. It is an easy solution to the desire to not reset people's gear. Instead reset give them a new subclass and add in items that are particularly attractive to that subclass. Make the subclasses more specialized to Role functions as suggested above and you have added progression without directly pissing people off.

Warlock subclass that adds in a healing effect to the "punch" and a Super that creates a fountain of healing. Hunter that adds maybe a snare grenade or a "forces reload" grenade or something equally vicious but not direct damaging and a Titan that generates a semi circular wall of force to act as a lane-blocker and a punch that boosts shields a ton or something equally beefy and you can change around SOME (not all) aspects of the game.
I was pretty shocked when they did not add a new subclass with the DLC. Perhaps they are saving that for the Comet release? Just seems kinda crazy to include that functionality and then not take advantage of it. It is an easy solution to the desire to not reset people's gear. Instead reset give them a new subclass and add in items that are particularly attractive to that subclass. Make the subclasses more specialized to Role functions as suggested above and you have added progression without directly pissing people off.

Warlock subclass that adds in a healing effect to the "punch" and a Super that creates a fountain of healing. Hunter that adds maybe a snare grenade or a "forces reload" grenade or something equally vicious but not direct damaging and a Titan that generates a semi circular wall of force to act as a lane-blocker and a punch that boosts shields a ton or something equally beefy and you can change around SOME (not all) aspects of the game.
Glad someone agrees with me, destiny has huge potential and these would be easy solutions to make the game more fun and give them a bit more freedom in encounter design.


<Gold Donor>
They explained the 3rd slot it was something to do with one of their alpha or beta builds and switching between the two or some shit like that. Here I found it...

Bungie_sl said:
"The reason why there's that third subclass slot there, is that some people may recall that we used to have a mechanism for sealing a build and locking your choices in, which would give your build a boost," Green says. "The game would let you make another copy of that build. That's what the slot is there for. When you needed to make a copy of your arc titan build because you just locked the other one, we had to make room for that. So that's why the third slot is there."
The 3rd slot is rumored to be a part of the major "comet" later this year which was a leaked screenshot of the features of this major comet.

Someone on reddit made a better screenshot using this one but cant find it...


Edit: From reddit...
September 2015 - Destiny gets a super-sized expansion pack called Plague of Darkness. It includes 2 new weapon types, 3 new subclasses, a new base level, 12 (!) new story missions, new strikes, new PVP maps, and a new Raid presumably involving Hive, taking place on one of their Hive ships. The Hive Ship also becomes a new patrol area. At the same time, the previously Playstation-exclusive strikes and weapons are released to Xbox. Additionally, to commemorate Destiny's one year anniversary, a "GOTY"-esque version of the game is released (maybe even on PC too?) It includes TDB, HoW, and PoD. All of this has been referred to as "Comet".


I've had a busy weekend... haven't been on and still haven't managed to get a single Crota kill this week.

Anyone else in the same boat and planning on giving it a go this evening? Not sure if my time would be better spent with PUGs on hardmode or just banging out three normal-mode kills so I can at least get a chance at helmets and gjallahorns...


FPS noob
i would not bother pugging HM crota today, its going to be endless scrubs who die in the first room every try. normal is easy enough that even shitty players don't matter much. i also am pretty sure they are going to hardcore nerf HM crota soon and up the crux drop rate, so may as well take a week or two vaca from it and see what happens - even with flawless play its still such a RNGFuckfest of sword bearer posn and bugs that its just not fun at all.

i suspect this week after patch is going to be crushing to pug players as a lot of people who have killed crota HM 2-3x this week will just not bother next week, i got 2 of the weapons from him (and they both kinda suck) so there really isn't anything interesting for me loot wise from him anymore other than crux, i'd rather play something else than spend 1-3 hours for a kill even with an awesome team.

i will be online though playing SR4 tonight so if you get a team i can help get a kill, there are a bunch of tiny things you can do to make it a lot easier like bubbling on skulls for boomer distraction, having everyone go back in at the SAME TIME so nobody dies to boomers, bubble at start for overshield help, etc. while any group can do it the group that is imo easiest is hunter SB, 2 defender titans, 2 warlocks (for 18 orbs at start), 1 more anything, and at least 3 gallahorns. oh, and everyone having a helm that infuses (regen health on orb pickup) is almost as helpful as 3 gallahorns.

Noble Savage

Kang of Kangz
<Bronze Donator>
I've had a busy weekend... haven't been on and still haven't managed to get a single Crota kill this week.

Anyone else in the same boat and planning on giving it a go this evening? Not sure if my time would be better spent with PUGs on hardmode or just banging out three normal-mode kills so I can at least get a chance at helmets and gjallahorns...
I am in the same boat my friend. I should be one tonight so maybe we can find a few other poor souls like us and put Crota down.

Noble Savage

Kang of Kangz
<Bronze Donator>
The R2 button in my ps4 controller is going bad so I am shopping around for a new controller. While researching various ones I happened upon alot of people recommending after market analog stick covers. I have seen alot of folks recommendKontrol Freek. Some of these actually double the height of the analog stick aside from providing a cover. ALot of people say they help with precision aiming, does anyone have any experience with these or recommendations?


Blackwing Lair Raider
I have some of the stick covers, though mine don't add a significant amount of height, and I love them. They grip better for less slipping if you get sweaty hands etc, and definitely give a bit better overall control. Mine were given to me by a friend who noticed that my hands have been eating my controller, specifically the rubber coating on my right thumbstick. I play southpaw (some kind of evil throw back from playing too much N64) so the right thumbstick is what I use to move and I've worn away the bottom half of the rubberized coating on 2 controllers now because of Destiny. The Grip It's covers are a cheap way to cover that up, but they are definitely worth a $5-10 investment. Be forewarned, the ones I have, have gecko hands decal'd on them which causes a little extra rub and has led to redeveloping thumb callus I haven't had since the old school Tony Hawk games.


Molten Core Raider
Got a random invite yesterday from some guy on my friends list from who knows where. I guess it was hard mode vault of glass. never read anything about the zone, spend 2 hours wiping on the piece of shit while trying to figure out the mechanics on the fly, sweaty nerds making awful jokes in my ears, and finally after 2 hours of this shit I don't know why I stuck around for, randomly get booted from the group after a wipe that wasn't my fault. Good game.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I've had a busy weekend... haven't been on and still haven't managed to get a single Crota kill this week.

Anyone else in the same boat and planning on giving it a go this evening? Not sure if my time would be better spent with PUGs on hardmode or just banging out three normal-mode kills so I can at least get a chance at helmets and gjallahorns...
I need to do crota x2 still. I agree nm would make more sense than banging our heads against a wall for hours trying to hm crota. I'll look for you guys tonight and hope we can knock it out before my wife takes over the tv for the evening.

Edit: and the gorgon maze chest if you still have that vog checkpoint sarthis


If you guys have room tonite, id be up for it. Still no kill for me this week. 32 warlock have upg gjall, synths for hours and a self heal. have had so money enrage wipes i just want it dead. Feel free to send me a chat or friend invite ill be on and ill hear it on my phone. Faize4986

edit: will happily do two if people want to