Diablo 3 - Reaper of Souls


Buzzfeed Editor
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
I think what needs to happen is to let you do targeted slot farming. Such as the keep depths have a far greater chance to drop helmets, tower of the damned has a greater chance to drop rings, something like that. Loot would still be random, but you can at least can target specific slots to try to upgrade through farming instead of every drop being a chance of 1 out of 500+ legendaries.
This is what Kadala is supposed to be for. The issue lies in the fact that there isn't really a way to rapidly increase your blood-shard farming rate. Something that they should probably tie to torment difficulty.


Did someone say


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Yeah if only we could go back in time to before the expansion was announced to buy billions of gold we'll never use. That said, use it to reroll that damage higher with a least used element for that extra 5% Elemental Exposure.


Was tying to do my first enchantment session on my boots after saving up 10 forgotten souls. Tried rolling and nothings happening, I figure wtf and keep clicking it thinking I'm doing something wrong.

5 seconds later all 10 of my forgotten souls are gone and it rolls a new worthless affix. I guess I had lag.

fuck this shit. really.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Was tying to do my first enchantment session on my boots after saving up 10 forgotten souls. Tried rolling and nothings happening, I figure wtf and keep clicking it thinking I'm doing something wrong.

5 seconds later all 10 of my forgotten souls are gone and it rolls a new worthless affix. I guess I had lag.

fuck this shit. really.
I feel like this is a mistake my grandmother would make.


I feel like this is a mistake my grandmother would make.
I realized how stupid I was after it happened. But honestly, just got the game 3 days ago, first time enchanting, figured I was doing something wrong. Never thought I could lag and eat all my components like that. Lol.


Trakanon Raider
The entire thing about trading legendarys wouldn't matter if the mystic didn't limit you to one specific property to reroll. Change it to be any current property and slow the scaling by just a little.
If I'm reading this right you want any 6 stat item to be rollable to 100% bis set bonuses not withstanding?


<WoW Guild Officer>
If I'm reading this right you want any 6 stat item to be rollable to 100% bis set bonuses not withstanding?
Actually, I want to reroll the primary attribute (dex/int/str) to any other primary attribute and still be able to reroll another attribute (that wasn't in the quoted text, but in another post earlier in the thread).

I see no reason why we shouldn't be able to reroll multiple affixes. The only difference between what is possible now and what would be possible if you could reroll multiple is that you'd only craft a 6 stat item once and then you'd start rerolling it, instead of having to craft them until they have 5 BIS stats and reroll for the last one. Make the cost to reroll multiple affixes more expensive or scale more absurdly (n for first affix which would scale slower than what it is now, 2n for second affix changed, 3n for third, 4n for fouth, 5n for fifth, 6n for sixth). And aren't 6 stat items still limited to the available options (like you can't get CC on some slots but can from certain legendaries in them)?


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
I'm fairly happy with the loot system as it currently works in the game, though I do think they need to devise some kind of trading system with clan/friends/something.

But I did have an idea for trying to get a specific legendary. There should be an item, lets call it a Morphic Tablet, that drops very rarely and can also be crafted with 50 Forgotten Souls + some other mats. And this Morphic Tablet could be consumed and pop up the old search dropdown from the AH and let you select any Legendary/Set Item in the game and roll 1 of that item. No guarantee that it would be a good one, but you'd at least get the item you need.