Diablo 3 - Reaper of Souls


Trakanon Raider
I haven't played this game since season 2. I been mainly playing Marvel Heroes and Path of Exile. Just gave PTR a try and I loved the new changes. It was raining legendaries. I'm guessing thats a PTR only buff or will that be like that on live? I'm really liking the "Kanye cube". It gives you the option to create more builds. Granted its nothing like PoE skill system but it's a step in the right direction. Think I'm going to play my WD this season. I was thinking about a WW barb but there will be so many of them. I'll probably do that as a secondary character.


Trakanon Raider
It also has serious power creep problems, the power curve surges when you obtain legendary weapon/ancient legendary weapon/whole set are crazy and infuriating when you can't get the right item to drop and it's the only thing holding you from bumping up the difficulty. PoE is much better deeper.


<Bronze Donator>
I haven't played this game since season 2. I been mainly playing Marvel Heroes and Path of Exile. Just gave PTR a try and I loved the new changes. It was raining legendaries. I'm guessing thats a PTR only buff or will that be like that on live? I'm really liking the "Kanye cube". It gives you the option to create more builds. Granted its nothing like PoE skill system but it's a step in the right direction. Think I'm going to play my WD this season. I was thinking about a WW barb but there will be so many of them. I'll probably do that as a secondary character.
Game would be pretty boring if the PTR drop rate went live. Also, this is the wrong game to play if you want to be "unique". Play a WW barb if you find it fun.

PoE doesn't allow skill rerolls, right? Major step backwards for the genre imo.


<Silver Donator>
It also has serious power creep problems, the power curve surges when you obtain legendary weapon/ancient legendary weapon/whole set are crazy and infuriating when you can't get the right item to drop and it's the only thing holding you from bumping up the difficulty. PoE is much better deeper.
The cube helps a ton with targetting specific drops though, much more than say, targetting specific high profile uniques in poe which involves a stupid amount of grinding and currency trading, or complete randomness(though there's cards now, but the droprates of cards seems to be only very slightly better than the actual items, so fairly unrealistic in general, not accounting for the fact a lot of them are shitty areas to farm for a long period of time too). You can easily complete sets by just spamming the set recipe and you can target specific slots a lot better than the shitty gambling system with the rare > legendary recipe for other stuff(for example voodoo masks or one handed fists or whatever, rather than just helm or 1H weapon).

But I agree, gear progression is kinda weird and in massive increments where you go from full rare leveling garbage having trouble doing torment 1 to instantly jumping to torment 3 fast clears with most 2pc sets or an ancient legendary weap, but then it evens out a decent bit, and there's stuff like guaranteed progression on legendary gem leveling and paragon levels which might bump you a torment until you get the right item and shit.

I'm looking forward to this season at least, the cube is really great to target specific gear and actually not get stuck too long, I agree the previous season I played(S2) I ended up getting stuck at some point and just stopping cause it was too annoying to mindlessly farm and then hope I could gamble a fucking starmetal kukri(especially with weapon bloodshard prices) or tasker and theo to see real progression and I also had trouble finding my 6pc set shit cause I kept getting the fucking boots or whatever. I won't play very long, but I'm sure I'll have fun for a week or two, and that's perfectly fine.

Edit: Deathwing it does allow respecs, but full respecs are extremely expensive and not worth it. That said, it doesn't take too long to reroll so don't think it's much of an issue. You can hit like 80 in a couple of days if you use twinked gear and stuff, so it's not so bad.


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
I just got back recently after an extended break from this.

My wizard gear kinda sucked, and I was doing about 10M crit only. I was reaching about level 20 or so GR. Torment 5 was fine, but 6 was very tough.

I had awesome luck this weekend, completed my first green set Delsere's Magnum Opus. So I made a frozen orb build.

Got lucky with a few more drops, Triumvirate. I am still missing a few pieces to make a really optimized set. Also the set piece are far from perfectly rolled.

Thing is, I went from about 10M crit, to suddenly doing 700M crits. It was a ridiculous just in power.

I did level 33 GR, DPS wise, it went easy, except survivability is a bit low as I pretty much explode if any abilities hit me.

It was just an insane gain in power for just completing 1 set.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
PoE has some good aspects and Diablo 3 has some good aspects. I think for a grown person with a 9-5 and obligations on the weekends D3 is a better ARPG itch. PoE is just really, really grindy and really time-sinky. Which is great for some and not-so-great for others. And once you install a loot filter in PoE you realize just how little loot actually drops. At least in D3 you are getting a steady stream of orange light pillars which adds a certain amount of excitement.


<Bronze Donator>
Edit: Deathwing it does allow respecs, but full respecs are extremely expensive and not worth it. That said, it doesn't take too long to reroll so don't think it's much of an issue. You can hit like 80 in a couple of days if you use twinked gear and stuff, so it's not so bad.
Pointless and arbitrary is still just that, even if it is within the realm of only somewhat inconvenient.

How's the engine? That was only other thing that prevented me from getting into PoE. I've heard they have fixed the netcode and rubber banding, but the fluidity of the gameplay itself felt pretty terrible compared to D3.


<Silver Donator>
Oh the numbers and shit are all fucked for sure, but really you went from 20 to 33 in GR and the top tier is like 65 currently, so all in all, it's not a HUGE jump in terms of the game's progression. It's just the scaling is so weird, you hit for literally billions of damage on top end, when you're still hitting for like a few millions when you hit 70, shit's pretty crazy. And before RoS and shit you could still tell someone's relative power based on their damage number in the paperdoll(though it was inflated with certain passives and shit), while now the number is basically completely fucking worthless since 90% of your power comes from your set bonuses and temporary buff/elemental bonuses that reinforces the set.

On PoE's engine, it's good, once you get gear. It starts clunky as shit, but as you get cast/attack speed stats, it gets smoother and a lot better imo. It just plays like D2 in that regard where you start feeling like some robotic slow ass shit but as you upgrade, you become a quick motherfucker. Game plays fairly similar to D3 once you're nearing endgame in terms of movement/damage and shit, though the animations still look stiff and kinda weird at times, unlike D3. D3 is still the game that feels the best to play by far in the genre imo, but PoE's strengths are elsewhere so it's not a huge deal.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
How's the engine? That was only other thing that prevented me from getting into PoE. I've heard they have fixed the netcode and rubber banding, but the fluidity of the gameplay itself felt pretty terrible compared to D3.
Its better. They added Lockstep netcode which helped with some rubber banding. It still feels way, way slower than D3, though. It is also far less satisfying because the death animations lack any substance. It is basically "Monster died, play the standard-issue death animation." Everything still feels less responsive than D3. But D3 probably has the best ARPG engine to date so comparing "The Best" to "Good enough" is a bit off.


Its better. They added Lockstep netcode which helped with some rubber banding. It still feels way, way slower than D3, though. It is also far less satisfying because the death animations lack any substance. It is basically "Monster died, play the standard-issue death animation." Everything still feels less responsive than D3. But D3 probably has the best ARPG engine to date so comparing "The Best" to "Good enough" is a bit off.
That's PoE's biggest problem, while it has a deep system it's totally unsatisfying to actually kill stuff endlessly. Diablo 3 nails that part.


Trakanon Raider
I do agree with Diablo 3 engine being so much smoother than PoW engine. I have a PoE cyclone marauder and I have a D3 whirlwind barb. Playing a Spin2win character in D3 feels so much smoother and fluid than it does in PoE. They really have that packed down.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
If they basically whole sale rip off PoE for the D3 expansion I'd be one giddy school girl


I guess musing about it they are in a smaller capacity. Sets are almost like sockets/gems. The problem is using a PoE example the set basically is like a 6L but it corners you into using a certain skill. If they made it so that pretty much each skill had a 6L equivalent (a set, basically) it would be amazing. Then simply make it so rifts can roll properties like PoE maps. The ability to in essence socket legendary properties is also a good step in the right direction.


Trakanon Raider
If they basically whole sale rip off PoE for the D3 expansion I'd be one giddy school girl
Like what features you talking about? I doubt they will ever copy their skill system or currency system. I would like to see simpler PoE style currency/economy system in D3 and maybe even maps. Their skill tree and currency is not noob friendly at all and I can see the shitstorm on the official forums.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Like what features you talking about? I doubt they will ever copy their skill system or currency system. I would like to see simpler PoE style currency/economy system in D3 and maybe even maps. Their skill tree and currency is not noob friendly at all and I can see the shitstorm on the official forums.
I don't want the currency system. I don't want the passives tree. I would like the ability to socket support skills to an individual skill somehow. Basically take their runes system and expand it 10 fold. Then also add more diversity to rifts instead of "Next level guess what ... these monsters will have more HP! And more damage! Holy fuck you're having fun now!"


Trakanon Raider
I can see them taking the map system and maybe the leagues/races, but that's about it. Have they actually said whether there is another expansion coming ? I know their old roadmaps said that D3 was supposed to have 2 expansions, but they seem to be introducing some rather big changes with the patches already.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Considering there's downtime tomorrow and they'd be stupid not to have the flagship changes that delayed season 4 so much in at the start of season 4, yea it hits tomorrow :p