Activision's aim is to go for a "Battlefield" franchise style production cycle where some of the games suck ass, but they all make money on the back of the Blizzard brand.
They replaced the Blizzard CFO and a few other key financial and executive positions to make sure they run on more of a EA balance sheet as of this year forward. 2020 is going to be an entirely different management of resources for Blizzard and its going to be a culture shock. See relevant articles on Blizzard shake-ups for details.
You are already seeing the fruit of some of these changes with Diablo mobile, which was made up out of literally nowhere without any conceptual planning stage at all. Just slap a game together using an out-sourced Chinese development studio, get the Blizzard brand on it, sell it.
No more "Its done when its done". No more bloated 200m write-offs (Titan).
No more failed games (HoTS) and then back to the drawing board for 10 years or leaving the genre alone.
They want bounce-back, they want the next BF spin-off out next year.
They want Starcraft: Ghost to go gold.