Was about to ask if this was worth logging into again, but I guess not.Should have just copied the roguelike mini-game from Immortal. Huge missed opportunity the expac is almost out and there is no sign of it.
Seems this "event" in season 5 has elements borrowed from it, except used here for no real reason.
I thought Season 4 was really good, actually. Season 5 just looks like theyre like "here, this'll tide you over till the expansion" and.. I cant blame them for that from a business standpoint, but as a player.. no. Just, no.Was about to ask if this was worth logging into again, but I guess not.
I swear you have magic dice.
Lol at the low roll on the unique power.
looks bliz is flying all the streamers in to play spritborn on the 12th, but vids won't come out till the 18th.
This'll massively boost the speed of the low levels, wont it? Feel like I remember killing/grinding level 60 shit at lvl 20 before they nerfed it.Experience bonus per monster level difference is now uncapped, used to be capped at 15%.
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Exclusive Diablo 4 Season 5 Changes Preview from Rob2628
On his most recent stream, Rob2628 gave first-look notes on changes coming to Diablo 4 in Season 5 - take a look at the video, and read the summarized notes here!www.wowhead.com
Adjusted main stat scaling to make up for the additional item slots that Barbarians and Rogue have.
Necromancers and Sorcerers now receive 1% damage per 8 Intelligence, used to be 1% damage per 10 Intelligence.
Druids now receive 1% damage per 8 Willpower, used to be 1% damage per 10 Willpower.
Rogues now receive 1% damage per 9 Dexterity, used to be 1% damage per 10 Dexterity.
Experience bonus per monster level difference is now uncapped, used to be capped at 15%.
Profane Mindcage Has been added to the game permanently. (not in rob's preview wudijo says it will stack 3x, L130)
Enchanting no longer costs Angelbreath
tons of class changes