PoE has ~6 breadcrum quests per act which are the basic "go here", "kill that", "loot this" type to get you through the main zones. Same as Diablo 2.
You should think of all the league content as quests, when you do a Vaal ruin or the Labyrinth or a mine Delve or the Blight tower defence etc etc
Diablo 4 has hundreds of those breadcrumb quests but they forgot the purpose was to be a breadcrum so they go nowhere and are fucking tedious.
I have not played D4 since launch but I remember the combat being shit. All or most of the classes were tied up in build up and release type combat which got really old really fast. As to the skipping the story? To do what exactly? Farm the same FOTM dungeon over and over again, or some random event over and over to level? Whats the fucking difference?Why can't we get PoE gameplay and depth with Diablo IV combat and graphics?
I have not played D4 since launch but I remember the combat being shit. All or most of the classes were tied up in build up and release type combat which got really old really fast. As to the skipping the story? To do what exactly? Farm the same FOTM dungeon over and over again, or some random event over and over to level? Whats the fucking difference?
I was referring to Mizake post above mine, but didnt quote it. As to the combat, I mean you do you bro, you have your D4, lol. But as I remember it after playing a Barb and a Druid to damn near 100, it was shit. Like do you mean the animations or some shit? Or the overall combat? Because the build up, build up, with a shit skill to then finally use a cool skill kinda sucked. That is, speaking on D4 release combat, not sure if they changed it or not, but I doubt it.
They just fixed that this league, and there's always +melee range stuff.Getting close enough to hit stuff in PoE feels super clunky. To the point that all I can do it take ranged attacks to the face and get nuked by mages.
I think it might actually be more to do with “movement” than actual combat. But as a level 5 movement is basically my main combat experience.
Pick an arbitrary level as your level cap, get to that level, then do the hard content. Exp loss only matters when you have a realistic chance of reaching that next level.While I like the changes they made for the loot stuff theres one thing I dont understand, why make the yellow drops so bad? They always have one less stat so it will never be an upgrade over a Legendary. Unless I am missing something.
Also leveling seems pointless now, hardly killed any mobs and allready 28.
Diablo will always be my guilty pleasure that I return to but damn they made it so bland. Probably feel like this due having no-lifed PoE for a week. PoE's exp is too much on the other hand and exp loss fucking sucks and makes me rage quit.
I have not played D4 since launch but I remember the combat being shit. All or most of the classes were tied up in build up and release type combat which got really old really fast. As to the skipping the story? To do what exactly? Farm the same FOTM dungeon over and over again, or some random event over and over to level? Whats the fucking difference?
I agree as someone who isn't experienced enough to finish the campaign of POE in sub 5 hours, it isnt a deal-breaker, but it would be nice if you could opt out of the campaign.What's with the strawman argument? I'm not talking about combat systems.
Chris made a post that implied that quests were better implemented in PoE than D4.
My point was that in these types of seasonal ARPG games, quests are superfluous. No one plays them for the quests. Don't tell me it's fun going through all the Acts in PoE, no matter how great the gameplay might be.
So what is "the fucking difference"? In one game you can skip all the quests you've grown tired of, and in the other, I'm guessing you still can't. As for which game has the better combat system, that of course is subjective. I actually really liked PoE, but the systems were way too byzantine for me to enjoy. I want to log in and kill and loot stuff, I don't want to spend time offline reading about builds just so I can play the game. In D4, you can be suboptimal and still get pretty far, in PoE if you just blindly implemented skills you would hit a wall early.
Gave the new season a go, I really like the new activity they added. The one last season didn't feel very good or very rewarding, this one is like a personal Season of Blood instance with some roguelike elements. Very nice.