Diablo 4 / IV / IIII / Fore / Cope / Seethe


Trakanon Raider
So... 150m+? That is incredibly depressing, for the quality of work in d4.

I'm going to look at the positive side, which is that 15% means it's not a huge driver of revenue. If MTX sales made up 50% or more of their profits then I would be worried about even more proliferation of microtransactions. Since box sales seems to have made up most of the revenue, then hopefully they will focus more on content vs. microtransactions.

But who am I kidding, this is Blizzard we are talking about. Probably at this very moment someone at corporate is like "those are rookie numbers, we need to pump those numbers up!"


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
Well they DEI’d themselves in the asshole with fat nasty tranbo designs. Just like Sony lost $100 million of fat nasty tranbo design.

Set the very shallow piss poor design of this trash ass game and just focus on the visuals for a moment.

Had they sold badass looking artwork and big tittie skank dress in the Barbie Doll Fairy Princess Dess Up Fantasy shop they could have made like $2 billion dollars. I don’t know why every tech company doesn’t take these disgusting losers out to the parking lot and Brad McQuiad their asses today.
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Trakanon Raider
I have a hard believing that cheaper cosmetics wouldn't sell better. The prices are just to steep for many to justify purchasing on top of the box price. At least in PoE the game was free so I felt like I should buy something to support the devs. Here, I have no incentive. Hopefully this changes their view on the push for microstransactions + a box price but who are we kidding here. It's the new modern Blizzard. Also, not everything has to be overly sexualized to sell just don't be grotesque and ugly.


Potato del Grande
Bellular covered this and said it was equivalent to about about 2 banners in Genshin Impact, which would be 1 month of revenue I think?

Apparently a bunch of Warcraft Rumble staff were let go too, they shouldn't be making mobile games and microtransactions if it takes them so long to make them with hardly any content added and not utilising the characters in the IP.

The game could just get $150 million more box/expansion sales if all these skins were earnable via in game systems. As it is they can advertise nothing about how gear looks for the expansion because that's not how you get it.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Theres very few cosmetics that I find interesting. Barbarian has the best ones by far and Necro has a few cool ones. But with fucking ugly charcter models most of the stuff looks like utter shit and way to expensive.

Even the "sexy" skins they have look god awful on their Sorceress/Rogue.

I spent way too much on PoE and they are pretty aged by comparison, but supporting GGG actually feels good.
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