Diablo 4 / IV / IIII / Fore / Cope / Seethe


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Yea the models for the Spirit Born is a lot better than the old ones.

Had lots of luck getting my Uniques that I needed for the build but the Runewords seems harder to find right now.

A picture of the new class in basic leveling armor transmog.

Skärmbild 2024-10-12 170104.png

Edit: If anyone want to do some Dark Citadel on T1 to T3 let me know, not sure if Party Finder is dead or if its just on my end.
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Dental Dammer
<Gold Donor>
Holy fuck, the story. I can't even. I don't know how to process what I just saw. I mean, Blizzard is making
Hearing it's reminiscent of the base game story in terms of conclusion/climax. Not sure how true that is.

Some are calling it anti-climatic and another cliffhanger with minimal plot resolution.
Holy Fuck, the story. I can't believe/am having trouble processing what I just saw; I still haven't finished it (nearing the end) but was told I would hate it and in preparation watched a summary and the cinematics. Did Blizzard really do that? I am not sure how that is not more controversial.

Blizzard creates an analogue of Jesus that looks like it could have been taken off a Sunday School window, makes him a Golden Spirit Lion as the expansion's higher power protagonist, the source of all Light on Sanctuary/Earth, who wouldn't look out of place in Narnia, then kills him via betrayal. Bad Guys steals the undecomposed body of Sanctuary Light bringer (who looks very similar in the game to a real world religious figure) and at the end of the story resurrects him to be the eponymous "Vessel of Hatred" with a Morgoth style crown rising out of pool of black corruption, when real world figure around whom one of the major world religions is based upon his resurrection where they go to his tomb as well. It's just too on the nose for me.

What would lead them to write a story like this for a Billion dollar franchise? It would have been easy enough to make changes so you aren't using the Bible as a direct reference. Forget the fact that they would never do this for or to any other world religion, the story is deeply unsatisfying on a huge number of other fronts. You've now had a Diablo game without Diablo and an xpac without a fight involving a Prime Evil at all. Neyrelle and Eru are terrible characters and the story is a slog, for as short as it is, even without the issues I describe above.
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<Silver Donator>
Neyrelle is a nice drinking game: play the Vessel of Hatred story and every time she falls to her knees and starts sobbing take a shot. Yeah, the story is terrible and even WOWs diversity hires can do better.

Okay, VoH IS a step forward. Lots of great QOL changes, more stuff todo and overall with the S4 changes and now the runes and how you upgrade gear it plays way better than before. However they created some really severe issues with the Spiritborn class. Spiritporn has synergies with barrier creation that infuses your overpower damage to exponentially multiply. The quill volley skill draws multiplier and reoccuring triggers from several sources hitting for billion damage with gear that can be farmed in one hour on normal difficulty without problems. If you invest into some T4 farming runs you hit for trillion damage in 3 hours of farming Duriel. You then walk through Pit 125 like a Barbarian through the story at level 10.

Now I have no problem with the new class of the newest expansion being a little better than rest of the (now: the sub or lesser) classes, but this is plain stupid. Spiritborn do 20-50 times more damage with low investment than the 2nd place.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
I would be fine with them leaving the SB like it is and buffing up the rest of the classes. I have not tried any other class this season so no idea how they perform.

The SB one shots most if not all bosses in 3 seconds on T3 which might be a bit too OP.

I have found 3 mythic uniques this season, all crappy ones. Combined with the 2 sparks you can get I finally lucked out and crafted Tyraels Might for the build.
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Tranny Chaser
Neyrelle is a nice drinking game: play the Vessel of Hatred story and every time she falls to her knees and starts sobbing take a shot.

That would kill a person!!

I especially liked how Akkarat's body was laying in the black pool in the exact crucifix pose seen on most velvet painting versions of Jesus. My non-gamer fiancé walked past right as I was watching the cutscene and then did a 'double take' and said 'You do know that's Jesus right?'
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
More like Rasputin!

The ending should have been the halfway point, then continue towards a Mephisto battle. If they were to add story content between "expansions" it would feel a little better. A hook to make people come back each season.

But I have no idea what their plan is. Now that the game is in decent place loot and mechanics wise they should be able to make some improvment into season/story content.

The jump to T4 is quite a leap. I tried Grigoire on T4 and that took a while to kill. Had to do mechanics even!
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Tranny Chaser
I truly believed that this expansion would resolve the whole Mephisto business and then set up Baal for the next. I mean it's Diablo IV and yet there's no sign of Diablo himself actually showing up.
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A nice asshole.
I truly believed that this expansion would resolve the whole Mephisto business and then set up Baal for the next. I mean it's Diablo IV and yet there's no sign of Diablo himself actually showing up.
5th beta you will see Diablo in the background some where.
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Potato del Grande
I truly believed that this expansion would resolve the whole Mephisto business and then set up Baal for the next. I mean it's Diablo IV and yet there's no sign of Diablo himself actually showing up.
With the content they released this expansion, it'll take 3 minimum to fill out the other continent.

It's not going to last that long, so there'll be a panic 2nd expansion where they have Mephisto and Diablo both. I don't think we will get to Asmodan, Belial or Baal.

Mephisto being Jesus is just another way to make the church the real bad guys again under his leadership.


Tranny Chaser
The 'Flaming Footmen' or whatever the fuck they were in this expansion were a narrative dead end. Let's introduce a supposed new BBEG and then eliminate him half-ish the way through the story. Hell most of their story was told via side quests. If you skipped out on those then I'm sure the guy seemed like a speed bump at best.
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Potato del Grande
The 'Flaming Footmen' or whatever the fuck they were in this expansion were a narrative dead end. Let's introduce a supposed new BBEG and then eliminate him half-ish the way through the story. Hell most of their story was told via side quests. If you skipped out on those then I'm sure the guy seemed like a speed bump at best.
Did anyone else walk away when you had to finish off the guy and he asked if you were any better than him while surrounded by the corpses of the people you killed?

Had to walk back because the game forces you to kill him.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
The Dark Citadel is really fun. Went in blind and the Wing of Strife end boss was an actual raid boss with mechanics, took a good while to figure out and have people do it right.


Dental Dammer
<Gold Donor>
More like Rasputin!

The ending should have been the halfway point, then continue towards a Mephisto battle. If they were to add story content between "expansions" it would feel a little better. A hook to make people come back each season.

But I have no idea what their plan is. Now that the game is in decent place loot and mechanics wise they should be able to make some improvment into season/story content.

The jump to T4 is quite a leap. I tried Grigoire on T4 and that took a while to kill. Had to do mechanics even!

It feels like this is the halfway point. I can see some Gen Z writer talking about their ESB moment if they know what the OT is. I was thinking they were going to play this off as Mephisto's plan the whole time but upon further reflection, and reading more about the story, I don't know if its that deep. From https://www.pcgamesn.com/diablo-4/vessel-of-hatred-urivar-ending:
"I ask Rivera-Colon about this, and whether or not she’s concerned players will feel like everything was a bit of a wasted effort. “It’s funny you say that, because even throughout the campaign, our side quests, and all of the storyline, we were like ‘is there too much hope in this?" There is a lot of hope, and I think that’s why [the ending feels so hopeless]; there are a lot of little wins that we give the characters. That’s the balance.

“We always have more demons, and there’s always going to be bigger things; there’s always going to be something that’s happening in Sanctuary. [The ending] sets that up and gives us a chance to explore what that might be while keeping this dark tone. There is always going to be something.”

That they literally inverted the Resurrection in their game doesn't seem to have registered with anyone. Death Metal in the 1970s seeking to inflame and shock people would have loved this but never dared go this far; now this happens in a AAA video game beat for beat and no one bats an eye. I haven't seen anyone even mention it. The author of the article was concerned that they wasted Urviar as a villain, which they did completely but why worry about continuing to attack the Church/religion analogue when you are going to make the analogue of the real world focus of worship the embodiment of Evil on Sanctuary? This is some next level ideological BS happening at Blizzard.

I don't see/can't find anyone else as upset by it/drawing the same conclusions as I am. I don't know if I am going to keep playing.

This feels worse than Starfield. Starfield was just creative bankruptcy and not thinking through the ramifications of their narrative decision that allowed them to have a cool gameplay feature;

This feels like more something more insidious and deliberate; maybe its just to give the world a more horror feel but there are lots of ways to achieve that effect without going here, or anywhere they have with the some of the narrative/creative decisions for Diablo 4.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
Well if you play these ARPGs for the story then I dont think theres much hope of enjoyment.

After the MSQ is done once I never think about it ever again. Its just a monster killing simulator. Like PoE that is a great game, can most even say wtf its about?

But it would be nice if the story was exciting that first run through.

I'm not religious at all so I cant help you much with the Jesus stuff.
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Potato del Grande
It's funny that people are simultaneously upset about the woke girlboss victory and an inverted resurrection.

Just goes to show that some of you would be all for censorship and cancelling if you were in power.

The writers are clueless.

Anyone holding a soulstone needs to have a grusome death turning into a greater evil, it happens in every game and even Diablo 3 managed it. Really they should have left the soulstone plot behind after the Diablo 3 retconning and just had the evils respawn as normal. Even speaking to a greater evil should fuck you up, look at Rogue Monestary in Diablo 2.

Mephisto being the antichrist is interesting, but they just did a fighting the church storyline and I'm not sure that fantasy should be going that close to real life religious lore - at least mainstream stuff. Whatever this is should have been in this expansion though.
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Dental Dammer
<Gold Donor>
It's funny that people are simultaneously upset about the woke girlboss victory and an inverted resurrection.

Just goes to show that some of you would be all for censorship and cancelling if you were in power.
Who is calling for censorship and cancelling? That's kind of the point: No one is calling for anything. No one noticed.

And I am not just pearl-clutching; One of my favorite guilty-pleasure horror movies back in the day was John Carperter's "Prince of Darkness", the plot of which revolved around the idea that the Catholic Church was hiding a cylinder of fluid that was the corporeal embodiment of Satan, and Jesus was an alien warning that Satan was trying to bring over his "Father" the Anti-God from the Anti-Matter Universe effectively bringing about the End times of Revelation. Better explanation and plot summary from the Wikipedia article if you weren't around in the 80's to watch it on HBO: Prince of Darkness (film) - Wikipedia.

Anyway, it's not just offensive (to me) its lazy and derivative; They seemingly retconned Akarat to be an analogue for the real world religious figure in this expansion in order to achieve the effect for which they were going. What if they made him into an Obama analogue? A Mohamed analogue? A Karl Marx analogue? All of these are just as lazy but would probably provoke a reaction because folks with those ideological leanings don't take affronts lying down.

The writers are clueless.

Anyone holding a soulstone needs to have a grusome death turning into a greater evil, it happens in every game and even Diablo 3 managed it. Really they should have left the soulstone plot behind after the Diablo 3 retconning and just had the evils respawn as normal. Even speaking to a greater evil should fuck you up, look at Rogue Monestary in Diablo 2.

Mephisto being the antichrist is interesting, but they just did a fighting the church storyline and I'm not sure that fantasy should be going that close to real life religious lore - at least mainstream stuff. Whatever this is should have been in this expansion though.
I don't think they are clueless as much as they are just bad writers or writers with an ideological take going for an effect, and Blizzard has forced poor pacing and narrative structure on them. They might be able to tell a better story if it was just one expansion a year, with all of that content in one Xpac but the Seasonal model is more or less doing what the Live Service Model did to Destiny 2; the only difference is D4 is avoiding the power/gear creep that afflicted Destiny 2 over time with the seasonal character resets.

And that is my overall point, about which we seemingly agree, regardless of any extraneous comments regarding cancel/censorship: This is supposed to be Dark Fantasy/horror and we are far too close to the real world with this story. There was and is no need to bring any real world analogues into this. It was fine when Neon Genesis Evangelion did it because the terms "Angels" is exotic to the Japanese; It was fine when Diablo started out because they were clearly talking about Angels and Demons/Devils in a generic sense and clearly wasn't related to Real Life™. This is too much, though, and crosses the line, at least for me. I'm surprised that no one else has said anything or even seemingly noticed.


Molten Core Raider
Personally I don't give a shit about the story anyway, just want a game that allows me to develop my character in multiple ways in a variety of different type of areas.

Doesn't need to be as complex as POE, but they really do have a huge array of different things to do that can all help increase your currency and make your character stronger.

They also need to update their skill tree, unless maybe it has been already and I didn't reas about it?

Edit: But what's the point of leaving an epic Mephisto battle out of the Mephisto DLC? That part is strange.
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Tranny Chaser
I suppose no one really expects Diablo to be anything but profane... While they added a lot of stuff with this expansion (and the incremental changes leading up to it) I still feel like I'm just wandering around button mashing on cooldown surrounded by a ludicrous number of things to kill. That people are worried about the Prime Evils at all given that your main character has slaughtered hundreds of thousands of various cultists / church types is kinda silly.
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Golden Knight of the Realm
I have pretty much no cosmetics, but here's my half-assed attempt at Kratos.

Screenshot 2024-10-13 232126.png
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