I read the articles and tweets and I'm kind of confused. Is this what you guys got out of it?
Stoya - standard partner rape scenario. They were a couple. She says she didn't want sex at the time, he forced the situation, she says no + safe word, he doesn't stop. He denies this happened. He said, she said, no evidence. Real court is unlikely to yield results, so we go to the court of public opinion.
Joanna Angel - I found no specific allegation. She just really hates him. Alright then.
Tori Lux - completely insane scenario. He decides at random while walking through the porn studio that she needs to sniff his balls. He tackles her, hits her in the face repeatedly and shoves her face into his balls. All in front of a crowd of people who allegedly shrug and ignore it. Bullshit level is over 9000. There was probably some awkward encounter between them, but her version is about as believable as a 4-year old saying a ghost raided the cookie jar. Maybe he pranked her with the Roman War Helmet on the set.
Ashley Fires - claims he made a boorish pass at her after a shoot and she doesn't like him. This is tantamount to rape, because click-bait.
So by my count, we have one evidence-free allegation of rape, two women who think he's a pig (he probably is) and one amusing tall tale. OMG SERIAL RAPIST. Call the cyber-police.