Yet you're on this forum...Won't be me. I don't associate with transsexuals.
Whoever is gay enough to play this. I patiently await you to report back.
We need Fedor back to do Gods work, people have it too easy on this forum these days.Yet you're on this forum...
I think you mean hydrocephalus, but it's still funny.Honestly, I'm seeing Orlando Bloom with elephantitis of the forehead. Remarkable that they managed to take a design as strong as the DA2 Qunari and turn it into that.
The Qunari companion is some sort of non-binary abomination too. Which I suppose is to be expected when you've got a degenerate tranny as the game's director.Remarkable that they managed to take a design as strong as the DA2 Qunari and turn it into that.
Origins was the only good Dragon Age game and this one certainly wont be changing that fact.
It disappoints me because I loved the lore and read the books.