Not disagreeing with that possibility, just saying that comparing it to Prometheus is wild.
It's pretty apt, really good visuals, but missing the substance that it should have.
Which is strange if you lay it against his other work 2049, which just lets you soak in the atmosphere, the world they are living in, sub plots that don't inherently add to the main plot, but build out the world and the characters.
I'll definitively watch part two if it gets made, but it's not at the level that I would expect.
Like where's the scene with all the plants and how much water it takes to keep them alive...instead we get this little tiny bit about a dozen palm trees, a lack of attention to small but important scenes.
And I get a naturalist vibe from Chani, as opposed to Freman Practicality, it comes across more as Museum Freman talk, not people that actually have to live in the desert. Wasn't Chani astounded to hear about the Oceans of Calderon?