I think you mentioned that earlier, my apologies.Thanks, I'm on XSX though.
I think you mentioned that earlier, my apologies.Thanks, I'm on XSX though.
Yeah, right now I'm using 1 Serpent God's (just beat Magma Wyrm Makar) and 1 Scimtar, with plans to transition over to Eleonora's Twinblade. I really fucking hate the whole "jump" meta, so I don't plan on going with Beastman's at all. I only ever use jump attack on shieldy boiz. I'll probably transition over to Rivers of Blood after Eleonora's, but still undecided on that as I really like the moveset of Twinblades.If you want the best bleed build, go str/arc with dual beastman's blood curved swords and a jumping attack+consecutive hit armor/talisman setup. They're really lategame though, means pushing all the way to Azula before you enter the DLC if you want to be as strong as possible for it.
Yeah, right now I'm using 1 Serpent God's (just beat Magma Wyrm Makar) and 1 Scimtar, with plans to transition over to Eleonora's Twinblade. I really fucking hate the whole "jump" meta, so I don't plan on going with Beastman's at all. I only ever use jump attack on shieldy boiz. I'll probably transition over to Rivers of Blood after Eleonora's, but still undecided on that as I really like the moveset of Twinblades.
They're just too short-range for me. I do often start with running powerattack though. Hell, I'm even considering just going back to my Nagakiba with double slash, just because I like the longer range weapons. That's why I'm so stoked for the light greatswords. I like a lot of greatswords, but the shorter slashing range on a lot of them sucks. I like "lunging" style weapons, shit that keeps you "safe" with a backdash like Bloodhound Fang, or even shit with good poke damage. Bolt of Gransax is another weapon that interests me for that reason.Curved swords do a running powerstance quad attack if you'd prefer that over jump attack
That's my dilemma still. My int/dex character is sitting at roundtable with literally everything done and ready to move on to the next journey. I've got all the spells, +10 DMGS, Wing of Astel, Death's Poker, Jellyfish Shield, Carian Regal and Lusat staves, etc. so it's pretty tempting to check out the DLC using that instead of one where I still have to do most of the base game still. Not sure how much it would trivialize the DLC though, plus it still bugs me that I fucked up that character and missed the magic scorpion charm.
I got sidetracked by RL just as I was about to get to the base of the big Erdtree when this game came out. Think i'm like lvl 111 with over 100 hours played, scoured every inch of the game up until that point. I've avoided all spoilers somehow. What's a realistic amount of hours it would take to complete the game if I stream line it? I'm not a total shitter and don't use ashes. Getting fomo....
OK so as expected , my new toon will not be ready for tomorrow. My old toon , which I checked and is level 294 , has an achievement for killing 'shardbearer Mohg' , is that who needed to die to play the DLC? I cannot seem to find a straight answer anywhere.
No idea about Linux, I had stutters on my old PC (AMD3950X w/ 3080ti) but not this one (AMD7800X3D w/ 7900 XTX) not sure if it's a PC fix or if it's the 3D memory on the CPU or the alignment of the planets.Hearing that this game still stutters and hitches on the PC. Has anyone ever tried running this under Linux? Is this possible? Curious if it exhibits the same issue under that OS.
You can in fact run this game on Linux. I've heard good things for performance but I never looked into why that is.Hearing that this game still stutters and hitches on the PC. Has anyone ever tried running this under Linux? Is this possible? Curious if it exhibits the same issue under that OS.
You can in fact run this game on Linux. I've heard good things for performance but I never looked into why that is.
Took me 3 times also. For 3rd try, I realized I had my farming spec going. Switched to regular god killing goodies and flattened him pretty quickly. Muscle memory is back and feel like old psychotic self.Two years of rust is no joke. I forgot what a pain in the ass Mohg's second phase is. Anyway, got him on the third try, then sprinted through Caelid and beat down the good general in like 15 seconds. All set for a few weeks of late nights spent yelling at the TV and struggling my way through crippling exhaustion at work.
OK so as expected , my new toon will not be ready for tomorrow. My old toon , which I checked and is level 294 , has an achievement for killing 'shardbearer Mohg' , is that who needed to die to play the DLC? I cannot seem to find a straight answer anywhere.