Elden Ring - From Software + George RR Martin


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
First impressions from yall? Probably wont play it until tomorrow night at the earliest.

Not out till tomorrow I thought.

Which is a good thing as it's my anniversary today and it really would be problematic if my loyalties were put to the test.
  • 1Thoughts & Prayers
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I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Just unlocked it and used cheatengine to trigger the endigne. 8/10 game, too easy.
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
How did moonveil get nerfed? the patch notes dont mention it other than katanas losing some poise damage in pvp
who gives a shit lol

It isn't out yet for a few hours still.
It is on Xbox (NZ). So far it's pretty much just more of the same kind of stuff you see in the base game, which is fine in a "If it ain't broke..." kind of way. Unfortunately I didn't get anything done during the past few days of heatwave here, so a few hours in the morning are all I'm going to get until pretty much the actual launch time.


Regimen Morum
I reinstalled earlier today. I was looking up my steam BS, and it really has been almost 2 years if not over since I was playing it, but when I did it was for a good number of months just combing through the game, trying to be as thorough as possible.

I probably won't even remember what buttons do what. I guess we know what that will mean, and that's why I thought about just starting the game back over, so I can relearn everything, but I think I'm 150 Plus with a bunch of good weapons.
Same situation. I logged in today after almost 2 years and have forgotten why I have a dagger that I cut myself with before I cast some ancient dragon lightning spell.Controls feel weird too after playing Lords of the Fallen like a madman, trying to finish it before the ER DLC.
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I'm still feeling the shame of having to look up how the hell to two-hand my weapon.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
View attachment 533649

It is on Xbox (NZ). So far it's pretty much just more of the same kind of stuff you see in the base game, which is fine in a "If it ain't broke..." kind of way. Unfortunately I didn't get anything done during the past few days of heatwave here, so a few hours in the morning are all I'm going to get until pretty much the actual launch time.

I forgot about the region trick on Xbox!
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<Silver Donator>
Same situation. I logged in today after almost 2 years and have forgotten why I have a dagger that I cut myself with before I cast some ancient dragon lightning spell.Controls feel weird too after playing Lords of the Fallen like a madman, trying to finish it before the ER DLC.
Amen. I'm honestly thinking about just rolling a samurai and playing through everything again, and when I get to the point I can somewhat compare to my old character, I can then choose which one I want to push forward.

That's not us that the game isn't fun, and I'm in no massive hurry to get to the DLC. I just don't really remember much other than bits and pieces of certain fights or maybe tidbits of certain areas here and there.

It'll probably be as close to getting a brand new experience with the game is I can hope for, and there's nothing wrong with that. Probably better overall just getting my skill back up, because if I just dive right back into the end game stuff that I was working on, I'm sure I'll get my ass handed to me.
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F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Amen. I'm honestly thinking about just rolling a samurai and playing through everything again, and when I get to the point I can somewhat compare to my old character, I can then choose which one I want to push forward.

That's not us that the game isn't fun, and I'm in no massive hurry to get to the DLC. I just don't really remember much other than bits and pieces of certain fights or maybe tidbits of certain areas here and there.

It'll probably be as close to getting a brand new experience with the game is I can hope for, and there's nothing wrong with that. Probably better overall just getting my skill back up, because if I just dive right back into the end game stuff that I was working on, I'm sure I'll get my ass handed to me.

I got lucky (Kinda) in that somehow I killed Varre or he wasn't spawning so I had to run through 50% of the game again to get to Mohg. (And just started NG4 and then quit playing) 5 hours and I was back to normal :) I had to kill about 5-6 bosses on the way to Mogh, got the medallion to get to consecrated to get to the portal - and also did a small part of the ranni quest to pop the general festival to kill him.

Funny thing is, while doing that I ran into 6 things I have never even seen before (Some NPC based and a couple POI's) and I have over 150 hours played :p

Things I forgot how to do:

1) Mount my horse (lol)
2) Use my sword Art
3) How to equip Talismans (another lol)

After about an hour kicked in Muscle memory came back. I also went to go get the +2 fire protection Talisman because I saw I didn't have that - then cleaned out duplicates in my inventory.
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<Silver Donator>
I got lucky (Kinda) in that somehow I killed Varre or he wasn't spawning so I had to run through 50% of the game again to get to Mohg. (And just started NG4 and then quit playing) 5 hours and I was back to normal :) I had to kill about 5-6 bosses on the way to Mogh, got the medallion to get to consecrated to get to the portal - and also did a small part of the ranni quest to pop the general festival to kill him.

Funny thing is, while doing that I ran into 6 things I have never even seen before (Some NPC based and a couple POI's) and I have over 150 hours played :p
I know a lot of you guys have played it multiple times, then I only played it for that. For a few months after it had come out. I was pretty hardcore on it, and as stated before was trying to be as through as possible, looking in the every nook and cranny, but there's probably a ton I just do not remember, and I'm sure there's lots of stuff I'm sure I probably missed. Plus there's the whole back half of the game that I never did.

I was working my way up to volcano Manor, and never went to where the other tree deal is with Malenia, nothing in the snow fields, and that dragon Sky place. I was also saving the sewers in the capital, because I was pretty excited about going into there, because I read it supposed to be a pretty cool place. I think there were quite a few just dungeons and things like that also didn't complete because I just wasn't good enough for didn't have the right gear at the time.

The goddamn game is just huge. The one thing I wished was implemented is that there was some sort of tracking system, and I think I bitched about it in the past that you don't have almost a log just to confirm that hey you've gone and cleared out a cave, don't bother going there again. That's probably the biggest reason I'm leaning towards a new playthrough because I have no clue what I had worked on, and what's been cleared out already, just a vague recollection of I didn't do these big areas.
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F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
I know a lot of you guys have played it multiple times, then I only played it for that. For a few months after it had come out. I was pretty hardcore on it, and as stated before was trying to be as through as possible, looking in the every nook and cranny, but there's probably a ton I just do not remember, and I'm sure there's lots of stuff I'm sure I probably missed. Plus there's the whole back half of the game that I never did.

I was working my way up to volcano Manor, and never went to where the other tree deal is with Malenia, nothing in the snow fields, and that dragon Sky place. I was also saving the sewers in the capital, because I was pretty excited about going into there, because I read it supposed to be a pretty cool place. I think there were quite a few just dungeons and things like that also didn't complete because I just wasn't good enough for didn't have the right gear at the time.

The goddamn game is just huge. The one thing I wished was implemented is that there was some sort of tracking system, and I think I bitched about it in the past that you don't have almost a log just to confirm that hey you've gone and cleared out a cave, don't bother going there again. That's probably the biggest reason I'm leaning towards a new playthrough because I have no clue what I had worked on, and what's been cleared out already, just a vague recollection of I didn't do these big areas.

So one thing I found that I didn't know existed before yesterday. Gideon Ofnir in the Roundtable hold in his conversation tree (The NPC in the large office with the fireplace going on the right) - when you talk to him you can see how many Demi God's are left alive you have to kill. He gives you rewards for killing them and then the replies change based on the rewards you haven't gotten yet. Thought that was cool and had no idea it existed ha! But yeah other than that it's basically going back (As long as you are on your first play through) and checking your achievement count against google :p
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<Silver Donator>
So one thing I found that I didn't know existed before yesterday. Gideon Ofnir in the Roundtable hold in his conversation tree (The NPC in the large office with the fireplace going on the right) - when you talk to him you can see how many Demi God's are left alive you have to kill. He gives you rewards for killing them and then the replies change based on the rewards you haven't gotten yet. Thought that was cool and had no idea it existed ha! But yeah other than that it's basically going back (As long as you are on your first play through) and checking your achievement count against google :p
Wonder if there's a website or app or something that you can flag a dungeon or cave you've completed, for a boss you killed, that's maybe interactive.

I thought about just making a damn spreadsheet this go around. Probably be easier. I'll just be nice to have a list of stuff that I know I already did.

Could just take a PDF of the map and use Ms paint and cross stuff off, or add little notations.
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Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
The one thing I wished was implemented is that there was some sort of tracking system, and I think I bitched about it in the past that you don't have almost a log just to confirm that hey you've gone and cleared out a cave, don't bother going there again. That's probably the biggest reason I'm leaning towards a new playthrough because I have no clue what I had worked on, and what's been cleared out already, just a vague recollection of I didn't do these big areas.
The great thing about Elden Ring and part of its brilliance is that SO much shit is completely optional. Not sure if you've been in a cave before? If you don't have the site of grace, probably not. If you do, chances are you've already killed the boss(es). And if not? Who gives a fuck. Most drop shitty ashes or spells you'll never use anyways. The "main" path to the game honestly isn't as large as it seems. It's just all the side bullshit that gives it its depth/breath, but as I said...optional.
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<Silver Donator>
The great thing about Elden Ring and part of its brilliance is that SO much shit is completely optional. Not sure if you've been in a cave before? If you don't have the site of grace, probably not. If you do, chances are you've already killed the boss(es). And if not? Who gives a fuck. Most drop shitty ashes or spells you'll never use anyways. The "main" path to the game honestly isn't as large as it seems. It's just all the side bullshit that gives it its depth/breath, but as I said...optional.
Yeah I agree, problem is I have a hard time passing up all of that optional stuff. I think that's why despite maybe thinking two or three months into the game I still didn't finish it. I did the same thing with the newer fallout games and Skyrim and stuff. I might have a goal of going to complete a quest or go into a specific dungeon, but then you just run across something that looks interesting, and suddenly you think a couple of hours into exploring something unexpected. I tend to want to see everything when I'm investing time into a game like this.

That's why it's so much fun, but I still wish there was just something that would track your progress in game. I can't remember if there's a marker system, I think there is but it was pretty lackluster. Maybe with a fresh start I can figure out a good system from the get-go.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I really wanted to continue the cheese with moonveil for my 100% run, it's there a way I can defer the patch or should I just switch to another cheese build.

Honestly just going bonk mode on an Unga build is probably easier.


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
I really wanted to continue the cheese with moonveil for my 100% run, it's there a way I can defer the patch or should I just switch to another cheese build.

Honestly just going bonk mode on an Unga build is probably easier.
I doubt the nerf was super severe. Try it out then decide.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
I mean, the game has been beaten with a wooden club. I doubt any "nerf" is going to be so massive that the weapon is just trash. The biggest thing for me in Souls games has always been sticking with movesets I find the most comfortable. Trying to force myself into a "meta" weapon has rarely worked, unless it just so happens to also have a moveset I enjoy.
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Shit I wasn't even using the moonveil as my main, was going to try that glintblade phalanx shit out. Oh well, I found just running and poking with R2 in the Katana moveset is already pretty busted for bossing. If there was damage per recovery time that'd probably be near the top (right under jump attacks)
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